sneaking in cameras/mini discs etc



Im looking for suggestions on how to smuggle in a digi camera and mini
disc recorder for the tour
i thought if i place the camera in my crotch area of my jeans is it
likely to be found?
also with a mini disc recorder if i strap it to my chest and have the
mic exposed will they find this out?
> Im looking for suggestions on how to smuggle in a digi camera and mini
> disc recorder for the tour
> i thought if i place the camera in my crotch area of my jeans is it
> likely to be found?
> also with a mini disc recorder if i strap it to my chest and have the
> mic exposed will they find this out?

My advice:
Dat /mini disc in the bra(if you got one) then just cram the mic up your coochie!
> Im looking for suggestions on how to smuggle in a digi camera and mini
> disc recorder for the tour
> i thought if i place the camera in my crotch area of my jeans is it
> likely to be found?
> also with a mini disc recorder if i strap it to my chest and have the
> mic exposed will they find this out?

I shoved a big ol cassette recorder in my crotch last night.
I was wearing huge surfer shorts. They did a pat down and didn't
catch it.

Someone else got a digital recorder with microphone in and got
a recording of both shows so far.
> I shoved a big ol cassette recorder in my crotch last night.
> I was wearing huge surfer shorts. They did a pat down and didn't
> catch it.

> Someone else got a digital recorder with microphone in and got
> a recording of both shows so far.

did you get recordings, can you give them to mrs shanklys site
so she can post them for everyone!
> did you get recordings, can you give them to mrs shanklys site
> so she can post them for everyone!

yes! these reviews of "he sounds differently than he once did" just aren't cutting it for me.
> Im looking for suggestions on how to smuggle in a digi camera and mini
> disc recorder for the tour
> i thought if i place the camera in my crotch area of my jeans is it
> likely to be found?
> also with a mini disc recorder if i strap it to my chest and have the
> mic exposed will they find this out?

my friend was able to sneak in a sony mv mini-camcorder. that camera is so small it fits in your pocket... if you can afford one (1,200.00), i would suggest getting one. phoenix... no one checked for cameras or camcorders, but in tucson, my friend had to put it under his belt (crotch area). security never (or they can't) pat anyone down there. when we got back from tucson last nite, we watched the show over and over and over... we should be able to get the camcorder in at yuma fairly easily. but cameras are the easiest things to get in at shows. i have so many pictures of moz up close during oye esteban. we'll see all of you going to yume tonight!
> did you get recordings, can you give them to mrs shanklys site
> so she can post them for everyone!

I can do this but my recording is mediocre at best and are in analog

I think the high quality digital stuff should surface sooner than
I can get my stuff to her but if people think it will really
help I would be happy to fex-ex a copy to her.

I think the digital recordings could appear as soon as tomorrow.
I can't get anything to Mrs. Shank until Tuesday.

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