No Reply From Jane The Coward...

Re: You're lying memory ain't so good...

> Won't tell me how much, can't remember how much, there wasn't that much.

> I love this. Tell me more lies. The DVD thing is really funny!! HEE HEE!!!
I love it that someone actually admits to having purchased a lottery ticket. Is it the same in England that the only people who buy them are unemployed welfare people as it is in the US? Mozzerian said he won 250,000 US dollars. Taxes takes about half leaving 125k and then he said he bought a house with furnishings and he is living off the interests after all these purchases. This all seems impossible to me.
Caught out AGAIN!

God, you are so easy to win against. Why do you make it so simple? Is it because you lack a certain SPINE?
THAT made you laugh your arse off?

You're easily amused.

Let's Go has a point though. Seems like you may have spent all your money. Too bad, po'boy. COWARD!!!
half on taxes LMFAO, PML, ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!

> You're easily amused.

> Let's Go has a point though. Seems like you may have spent all your money.
> Too bad, po'boy. COWARD!!!

nowhere near, lmao lmao lmao, pml pml
Re: Caught out AGAIN!

> God, you are so easy to win against. Why do you make it so simple? Is it
> because you lack a certain SPINE?

in your mind you win, in life you are a loser, wanna lend 50p for a cup of tea lover? lmao, i'm so superior, it gets more obvious with every message you leave me, what's it like to talk to a rich studmuffin? lol
Right, all the richest people sell bootleg dvds...


Go on, Orphan. Your turn!!
Re: Right, all the richest people sell bootleg dvds...


> Go on, Orphan. Your turn!!

you can never have TOO much money, i'm not a millionaire,
the money from the dvds will pay for a cruise in the winter
i love being me, what's it like to be you, do you have a job,
a partner or indeed anything apart from a computer, loser.
Now, who's soooo jealous....

Happy in my job. Happy with my girlfriend. Happy on here making fun of you. Happy in life.

I've found contentment. Unlike you. You live a fantasy life. Your Dad killed himself and your Mum can't accept it was her that pushed him into it. Her and her "hobbie". You feel so sad and empty that you need to come on here and attack people. Even aftwer one known kicking that you've already got, you still do it. You use your Mum's email address because you're terrified of anyone knowing you. You need solitude to survive. You were too spineless to meet Grim because you knew you'd get what's left of your head kicked in. you wouldn't meet me because I would just end up sending you to Daddy.

I would pity you but I find you too funny. Let's have some more crap from you now, COWARD!!!
Re: Now, who's soooo jealous....

> Happy in my job.

funny cos your ALLWAYS here, all the time

Happy with my girlfriend.

your mum doesn't count

Happy on here making fun of
> you. Happy in life.

you don't do very well at it tho do ya?

> I've found contentment. Unlike you. You live a fantasy life. Your Dad
> killed himself and your Mum can't accept it was her that pushed him into
> it. Her and her "hobbie". You feel so sad and empty that you
> need to come on here and attack people. Even aftwer one known kicking that
> you've already got, you still do it. You use your Mum's email address
> because you're terrified of anyone knowing you. You need solitude to
> survive. You were too spineless to meet Grim because you knew you'd get
> what's left of your head kicked in. you wouldn't meet me because I would
> just end up sending you to Daddy.

> I would pity you but I find you too funny. Let's have some more crap from
> you now, COWARD!!!

lutewhine, hiding behind the name "anderson", you can't even face me like a man, wimp
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