Moz shows


Erik Marghella

Dear Fans:

I have attended eavery show since the start of the tour. By far the best show was night one in Philly. Great crowd, great energy, great sound, great set list and Morrissey was chatty and seemed to be having a good time. By comparison, the NYC show Sunday night was one of the worst!! He did look his best. The sound seemed off too me. Too much base and distortion. Don't blame the overzealous security for the bad show. First of all, the initially guy in red(a total loser who I hope either got his ass kicked or arrested) blind sided and tackled the Moz. You expect security to be easy on those real fans who might want to get up close and touch his hand or jump on stage and give him a hug? How do they know what a person is capable of? I bet anything had the idiot in Red just shook his hand or hugged him, kissed him or anything other than what he did which was basicaaly assault him. The rest of the night woild have been much more festive. To the girl who was kicking and screaming acting like an out of control idiot. "Thanks for ruining the show for me. I was looking forward to "TIALTNGO" and he has to cut it short to take pity on your sorry ass. This is the moral to the story. Every show and venue is different. Jersey was anarchy, DC was a morgue, Philly was perfect, Radio City was a bit too "Gestapo tactic" It is was it is. Enjoyy the shows and don't do battle with the security. It's not your right to get up close or jump on stage. How can you blame them after the guy in red decked MOZ. That alone shoiuld have been a good indication not to try again. We are lucky he didn't leave the stage and say adios NY. Then all you whiny pussies would be saying how the security didn't do its job. Come on come all give me feedback I'd love to hear from you. Including the guy in Red who hopefully got an ass kicking and the stupid girl trying to get into the pit fighting with the security guard like a psycho bitch. I was right there in BB orch 3. You looked pathetic. It's not your right to get on stage. By the way. Everyone is saying have the shows at the Apollo. Nice intimate. Poor security MOz left earlier than last night and the hard earned money I spent for front row meant shit because I had about twenty people in my seat. Some hard core fans some frat guys who just wanted to make a ruckus. Bring on the feedback!!!!!!!
> Dear Fans:

> I have attended eavery show since the start of the tour. By far the best
> show was night one in Philly. Great crowd, great energy, great sound,
> great set list and Morrissey was chatty and seemed to be having a good
> time. By comparison, the NYC show Sunday night was one of the worst!! He
> did look his best. The sound seemed off too me. Too much base and
> distortion. Don't blame the overzealous security for the bad show. First
> of all, the initially guy in red(a total loser who I hope either got his
> ass kicked or arrested) blind sided and tackled the Moz. You expect
> security to be easy on those real fans who might want to get up close and
> touch his hand or jump on stage and give him a hug? How do they know what
> a person is capable of? I bet anything had the idiot in Red just shook his
> hand or hugged him, kissed him or anything other than what he did which
> was basicaaly assault him. The rest of the night woild have been much more
> festive. To the girl who was kicking and screaming acting like an out of
> control idiot. "Thanks for ruining the show for me. I was looking
> forward to "TIALTNGO" and he has to cut it short to take pity on
> your sorry ass. This is the moral to the story. Every show and venue is
> different. Jersey was anarchy, DC was a morgue, Philly was perfect, Radio
> City was a bit too "Gestapo tactic" It is was it is. Enjoyy the
> shows and don't do battle with the security. It's not your right to get up
> close or jump on stage. How can you blame them after the guy in red decked
> MOZ. That alone shoiuld have been a good indication not to try again. We
> are lucky he didn't leave the stage and say adios NY. Then all you whiny
> pussies would be saying how the security didn't do its job. Come on come
> all give me feedback I'd love to hear from you. Including the guy in Red
> who hopefully got an ass kicking and the stupid girl trying to get into
> the pit fighting with the security guard like a psycho bitch. I was right
> there in BB orch 3. You looked pathetic. It's not your right to get on
> stage. By the way. Everyone is saying have the shows at the Apollo. Nice
> intimate. Poor security MOz left earlier than last night and the hard
> earned money I spent for front row meant shit because I had about twenty
> people in my seat. Some hard core fans some frat guys who just wanted to
> make a ruckus. Bring on the feedback!!!!!!!

Totally agree Erik..Mindless imbeciles that spoil life for everyone else.
Don't they think everyone in there wants to hug him or whatever. They think they feel more than anyone else, then expect pity when they are confronted by security. What the hell do they think they are there for!
Re: Smoke in the Air

> the guy in Red
> who hopefully got an ass kicking

The smoke in the air in NYC today was from someone burning a red shirt on his fire escape.

> and the stupid girl trying to get into
> the pit fighting with the security guard like a psycho bitch.

She was seen this afternoon standing in line at the Army recruiting office with a placard stating IRAQ OR DIE. She had the video under her arm of her combat activies to show the officer.
> Totally agree Erik..Mindless imbeciles that spoil life for everyone else.
> Don't they think everyone in there wants to hug him or whatever. They
> think they feel more than anyone else, then expect pity when they are
> confronted by security. What the hell do they think they are there for!

to the both of you but mostly erik. . .

who were you in row BB orch 3. i was also in that row.

i have a question though. . .how can you expalin morrissey saying "thanks for trying." to the girl? and his concern for her and getting pissed at security, this even after he was tackled? how about morrissey saying "you are shackled to the seats." obviously he wanted fans to come up and fill empty seats and the aisles. and that girl was a huge fan. did you see how happy she was? this is what a morrissey show has always been like, but not in a reserved seating East Coast venue where all the posers get to be up front, in an orderly fashion. well i'm still young loves, and I'm not going as long as morrissey still wants me there. and he does. his remarks throughout the evening and to the woman in the front proves just that. it must kill you, doesn't it?

we are lucky he didn't leave after being tackled? morrissey gets tackled every tour, quite often. i'm not saying it should be allowed. it annoys most of us as it does annoy him too i'm sure. .. all i am saying is he shakes it off. the guy who tackled morrissey was a fan who got too excited. he even kissed Morrissey on the lips. so he was a fan, not a frat boy gone wild. Morrissey knows what's up. it may annoy him but he's been through it many times. he knows the guy was an over-excited fan.

it's amazing. . .you say we should be lucky he didn't cut the show when the first stage invader got up, but yet he did when one stage invader was ravaged in her attempts to get up. i guess the morrissey you know, is different than the morrissey he knows himself to be. who the f*** you guys think morrissey is these days? look. morrissey may be 45 but he still wants the same show experience as before. perhaps his initial fans have thrown in the towel after sqeezing out a few little buggers, and raising brats, going to golf outings, cocktail parties, working 40-60 hours a week at your corporate or whatever jobs in suburbia america, but Morrissey, like most rock stars, didn't have that experience. they are still very liberal in their lives. so he hasn't thrown in the towel in that thing we call life. so don't drag the morrissey concert experience down because you have grown tired.

only in East Coast USA do you hear this shit coming from so called morrissey fans. lame lame lame.. . .morrissey . . .come back to roseland or hammerstein.
Re: Smoke in the Air

> The smoke in the air in NYC today was from someone burning a red shirt on
> his fire escape.

> She was seen this afternoon standing in line at the Army recruiting office
> with a placard stating IRAQ OR DIE. She had the video under her arm of her
> combat activies to show the officer.

you guys all make me sick. you're killing everything that morrissey and his show is because you have one foot in the grave. I'm talking about your comments on the girl who tried to get up. If you are that girl and you are reading this, don't be discouraged. some of these f***twats should just leave morrissey alone, instead of dragging him to the grave along with them.

> to the both of you but mostly erik. . .

> who were you in row BB orch 3. i was also in that row.

> i have a question though. . .how can you expalin morrissey saying
> "thanks for trying." to the girl? and his concern for her and
> getting pissed at security, this even after he was tackled? how about
> morrissey saying "you are shackled to the seats." obviously he
> wanted fans to come up and fill empty seats and the aisles. and that girl
> was a huge fan. did you see how happy she was? this is what a morrissey
> show has always been like, but not in a reserved seating East Coast venue
> where all the posers get to be up front, in an orderly fashion. well i'm
> still young loves, and I'm not going as long as morrissey still wants me
> there. and he does. his remarks throughout the evening and to the woman in
> the front proves just that. it must kill you, doesn't it?

> we are lucky he didn't leave after being tackled? morrissey gets tackled
> every tour, quite often. i'm not saying it should be allowed. it annoys
> most of us as it does annoy him too i'm sure. .. all i am saying is he
> shakes it off. the guy who tackled morrissey was a fan who got too
> excited. he even kissed Morrissey on the lips. so he was a fan, not a frat
> boy gone wild. Morrissey knows what's up. it may annoy him but he's been
> through it many times. he knows the guy was an over-excited fan.

> it's amazing. . .you say we should be lucky he didn't cut the show when
> the first stage invader got up, but yet he did when one stage invader was
> ravaged in her attempts to get up. i guess the morrissey you know, is
> different than the morrissey he knows himself to be. who the f*** you guys
> think morrissey is these days? look. morrissey may be 45 but he still
> wants the same show experience as before. perhaps his initial fans have
> thrown in the towel after sqeezing out a few little buggers, and raising
> brats, going to golf outings, cocktail parties, working 40-60 hours a week
> at your corporate or whatever jobs in suburbia america, but Morrissey,
> like most rock stars, didn't have that experience. they are still very
> liberal in their lives. so he hasn't thrown in the towel in that thing we
> call life. so don't drag the morrissey concert experience down because you
> have grown tired.

> only in East Coast USA do you hear this shit coming from so called
> morrissey fans. lame lame lame.. . .morrissey . . .come back to roseland
> or hammerstein.

I shall have to bid you goodnight now.
I've a very important Corporate businesss meeting in the morning.
Followed of course by a round or two of golf, before getting ready for the cocktail party.
Isn't it time you were in bed, you are very young as you say.
Us old farts can't keep up the pace.
Goodnight all!
Re: Smoke in the Air

> you guys all make me sick. you're killing everything that morrissey and
> his show is because you have one foot in the grave. I'm talking about your
> comments on the girl who tried to get up. If you are that girl and you are
> reading this, don't be discouraged. some of these f***twats should just
> leave morrissey alone, instead of dragging him to the grave along with
> them.


Are you sure you are not "she"...frank?
Re: Smoke in the Air

> Are you sure you are not "she"...frank?

i'm pretty sure. . .lol. . .you really think most people don't support stage invaders or something? who do you think the cheers are for when they get up there.

look. . .obviously there is a difference of opinion of how a morrissey show should be. I'm just saying, for the most part, it seems to be divided between his older fans, and his younger fans.

My arguement is Mrrissey seems not to have changed his stance on the matter and he made it clear on Sunday.
Re: Smoke in the Air

> i'm pretty sure. . .lol. . .you really think most people don't support
> stage invaders or something? who do you think the cheers are for when they
> get up there.

> look. . .obviously there is a difference of opinion of how a morrissey
> show should be. I'm just saying, for the most part, it seems to be divided
> between his older fans, and his younger fans.

> My arguement is Mrrissey seems not to have changed his stance on the
> matter and he made it clear on Sunday.

I'll have to get back you on this one, when I've finished writing my Last Will and Testament. Hold fire.
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