interesting web site (no moz)



Chumbawumba, okay the 'Tub Thumping' song got pretty over played but they are a compelling group of musicians none the less. Their new single 'Jacob's Ladder' is damn good. Check their very political web site out:
I also recommend Chumbawamba's website. I've liked them for awhile. I know it's cheesy dance music, but I like it. WYSIWYG was a pretty solid album, and the new one is an interesting idea, although I think the songs are too similar in sound and lyrical content.

However, whether you like them or not, and I imagine most don't; the website is still worth a look. Interesting links, biographies, and news stories, from the left point of view (obviously). So if that's yr. thing, click the link. It's not a porn site, funny guy.
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