
I ordered all 3 formats of the new single and they duly turned up on Tuesday...followed by another 3 the following day.

I contacted HMV and it was an error on their part.I have only been charged a fiver and they ask that I return the others.Aye right HMV
> I ordered all 3 formats of the new single and they duly turned up on
> Tuesday...followed by another 3 the following day.

> I contacted HMV and it was an error on their part.I have only been charged
> a fiver and they ask that I return the others.Aye right HMV

Like bollocks! Ebay here we come!!!

> I ordered all 3 formats of the new single and they duly turned up on
> Tuesday...followed by another 3 the following day.

> I contacted HMV and it was an error on their part.I have only been charged
> a fiver and they ask that I return the others.Aye right HMV

Ahhhh, so that's where my copies ended up!!! Young man, you will have to go to confession for this one.
> I ordered all 3 formats of the new single and they duly turned up on
> Tuesday...followed by another 3 the following day.

> I contacted HMV and it was an error on their part.I have only been charged
> a fiver and they ask that I return the others.Aye right HMV

I went into my local record shop yesterday and had to ask the bloke for the CD I wanted as they were stocked behind the counter, he gave a knowing smile as I said I want the one that isn't also available on 7".

Record collectors don't die we just make sure our skin and our blood and our bones don't get in your way
> Ahhhh, so that's where my copies ended up!!! Young man, you will have to
> go to confession for this one.

The last time I was in confessions was at the catholic Church at Soho Square in London.I had been very bad.The slates were shaking on the roof

"Forgive me father but 'November Spawned a Monster" gets on my nerves now"
> Like bollocks! Ebay here we come!!!

> Sk.

A young lady from L.A contacted me Unc and asked for them so I'm mailing them to her as it's unlikely to be released in the USA.

Who said there is no love in the Mopz Community ?
> I went into my local record shop yesterday and had to ask the bloke for
> the CD I wanted as they were stocked behind the counter, he gave a knowing
> smile as I said I want the one that isn't also available on 7".

> Record collectors don't die we just make sure our skin and our blood and
> our bones don't get in your way

When he heard I worked for BT he wanted to take the pass certificate back.Said BT engineers were the worst drivers on the road....he had a point
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