Here is a nice picture of Heather and Andy Rourke together!


Andy Ison.

I hope this link to picture comes out right.
I know Andy and Heather love each other very much and they look good together.
Re: Who's the dude with the square head with them ? Is that David Couthard?
Re: Who is David Couthard?

It is messages like this one that make some people question whether you are having a laugh your self!
> I hope this
> link to picture comes out right.
> I know Andy and Heather love each other very much and they look good
> together.

Thanks for that Andy.I'm a bit confused.Is she still with Andy Rourke or is she now Ruffians girlfriend ?
Re: For Johnny.

Thanks for that Andy.I'm a bit confused.Is she still with Andy Rourke or
is she now Ruffians girlfriend ?======
Still with Andy Rourke. The Ruffian stuff is rubbish!! Heather doesn't even know Ruffian ok!!
Re: davidt, she's gone bonkers again!!!

> I know Andy and Heather love each other very much and they look good
> together.

Andy (whoever) has gone off the deep end and is posting hundreds of messages about her infatuation reguarding Andy Rourke and Heather (whoever she is)

Can you possibly limit the number of messages she can post in 24 hours?

Why does this board seem to attract the crazies?

shut up KB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jesus f***ing christ oh god no.

Andy, you are a complete fruitcake.

I can't believe you're still here. I haven't been here in years, I pop back and here you are, loony as ever.

Viva psychosis.
Re: For Johnny.

> Thanks for that Andy.I'm a bit confused.Is she still with Andy Rourke or
> is she now Ruffians girlfriend ?======
> Still with Andy Rourke. The Ruffian stuff is rubbish!! Heather doesn't
> even know Ruffian ok!!

Oh right.Thanks for clearing that up Andy.Have a good weekend.
Re: Who IS KB??

I have no idea who you are talking about.

Andy, you are still very annoying! Take up tatting or pastels or something. This Andy Rourke thing is so yesterday.
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