Happy New Year



Happy New Year one and all

Whilst the rest of Scotland basks in yet another Bank Holiday yours truly was up for work at 5.15a.m ! Shocking.

It did have it's good points as I saw a VERY tame fox on my way to work which was a beautiful experience.

I have already broken my New Years resolution as I was hoping to be nice to Bluenose this year but I just don't think I can make it.

So.....if your reading this Bluenose you're a numpty of the first degree.:)
And a merry one to you, etc, Johnny. I wonder if Bluenose was happy with the contents of Santa's sack this year?

> Happy New Year one and all

> Whilst the rest of Scotland basks in yet another Bank Holiday yours truly
> was up for work at 5.15a.m ! Shocking.

> It did have it's good points as I saw a VERY tame fox on my way to work
> which was a beautiful experience.

> I have already broken my New Years resolution as I was hoping to be nice
> to Bluenose this year but I just don't think I can make it.

> So.....if your reading this Bluenose you're a numpty of the first
> degree.:)
> And a merry one to you, etc, Johnny. I wonder if Bluenose was happy with
> the contents of Santa's sack this year?

Thanks matey ! Hope you had a good one. Personally I'm glad it's all over and I can FINALLY stop eating shortbread

We did have a bracing walk along the sea front yesterday which blew a few cobwebs away !
> We did have a bracing walk along the sea front yesterday which blew a few
> cobwebs away !

I bet that's not the only thing that was blown away.

Anyway, who pissed on your fireworks on Wednesday night? I watched B'ham's ...erm... spectacular banging display from the warmth of A Covert Operation's flat (she lives in the red-lit inner city, you see). Jolly pleased I did too though with all that stormy weather. Do you know, the telly went off for about 20 MINUTES!!!!
> And a merry one to you, etc, Johnny. I wonder if Bluenose was happy with
> the contents of Santa's sack this year?

Well, as you get older, Santa's sack becomes less of an unexpected novelty. It contained stuff to gobble and swallow, rub into my skin and insert for aural pleasure.

So can I probe you and ask what you received?
I thought 2004 might clean up your language Bluenose, how wrong can you be?!
Foul mouthed MUCKY DUCK!

> Well, as you get older, Santa's sack becomes less of an unexpected
> novelty. It contained stuff to gobble and swallow, rub into my skin and
> insert for aural pleasure.

> So can I probe you and ask what you received?
You werent complaining when you didnt have bus money so had to flash a bit of thigh to get your 40p "quick hop" fare!!!! heh heh

> I bet that's not the only thing that was blown away.

> Anyway, who pissed on your fireworks on Wednesday night? I watched B'ham's
> ...erm... spectacular banging display from the warmth of A Covert
> Operation's flat (she lives in the red-lit inner city, you see). Jolly
> pleased I did too though with all that stormy weather. Do you know, the
> telly went off for about 20 MINUTES!!!!
> You werent complaining when you didnt have bus money so had to flash a bit
> of thigh to get your 40p "quick hop" fare!!!! heh heh

Yeah, I'm still waiting for the other 39p you owe me from that
39 and a half pence, dont go overboard!!! ;o)

> Yeah, I'm still waiting for the other 39p you owe me from that
> I bet that's not the only thing that was blown away.

> Anyway, who pissed on your fireworks on Wednesday night? I watched B'ham's
> ...erm... spectacular banging display from the warmth of A Covert
> Operation's flat (she lives in the red-lit inner city, you see). Jolly
> pleased I did too though with all that stormy weather. Do you know, the
> telly went off for about 20 MINUTES!!!!

There was 200,000 tourists arrived for the Hogmany celebrations and mother nature dealt them a cruel blow !

It was a stormy night. Horizontal winds and lashing rain.
This woman was interviewed saying "We are so disappointed. We travelled all the way from Brazil for this"!

All I can say is that if you leave Brazil and travel to Scotland when it is minus 16 degrees then you should have been locked up in the local psychiatric hospital

How was the Birmingham fireworks Bluenose ? Is it still yer old man holding a sparkler in his hand and singing "Danny Boy " ?
Well, I gave more than I received this Xmas... but I wouldn't have it any other way.

> So can I probe you and ask what you received?
> Well, I gave more than I received this Xmas... but I wouldn't have it any
> other way.

*sigh* I'd be happy with it any way I could get it...
> How was the Birmingham fireworks Bluenose ? Is it still yer old man
> holding a sparkler in his hand and singing "Danny Boy " ?

There was a bit more to his repertoire, this year. He had "had a few ales" so he was burping 'Auld Lang Syne' too! All the neighbours came out for a look and everything. Who said neighbourly spirit was dead?
So I believe...

> *sigh* I'd be happy with it any way I could get it...

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