FAO Ruffian (no Moz, but Moz did wear a French rugby shirt)

  • Thread starter Librarian on Fire
  • Start date

Librarian on Fire

Ruffian, I hope your stint up north hasn't seen you switch to following that 13 man code. Are you still hopeful of England making the finals? I'm now starting to think that it'll be a NZ France final. England seem to now have the speed wobbles. The England France semi will be a heck of a match. Do you think your boys can do it?

On the South Bank doco, in the final interview with Moz, he can be seen wearing a French rugby shirt. Anal, me
> Ruffian, I hope your stint up north hasn't seen you switch to following
> that 13 man code. Are you still hopeful of England making the finals? I'm
> now starting to think that it'll be a NZ France final. England seem to now
> have the speed wobbles. The England France semi will be a heck of a match.
> Do you think your boys can do it?

> On the South Bank doco, in the final interview with Moz, he can be seen
> wearing a French rugby shirt. Anal, me

I wondered how long it would be before you got in touch!! Indeed, it has been a tricky path, but let's look at the results, they stand up to scrutiny. The way they were won is hardly inspirational, but we're there to do a job. France have looked tidy.. but, without tempting fate, they've not really had a hard game yet. England will be their first test, and I'm hoping England, for it is beyond fact, actually start playing to their potential.. we have still that to see, and I hope it arrives and they peak for the next one and hopefully, the game after.. I'm (and all my mates) are hoping it's about 'peaking' at the right time.. That moment is now.

Your lot looked good against SA.. but I still think you're vulnerable to a good attacking side as defensively, you're not as tight as previoulsy seen.. Anyway, as we've been getting a bad time from the Southern hemisphere press, I have to ask just how many blood New Zealander play in your side.. !! Nicking all the players from all those South Sea islands shouldn't be allowed!

LoF.. Can you Haka?

Yeh yeh, yeah we looked a bit loose with our defence against the Welsh, but tightened up against SA. With us playing the game at a faster pace than England you'll see if we meet in the final, of how we'll play a more expansive running game. For once I was impressed by our 1 5/8 (flyhalf) Spencer. His running with the ball from the back of the scrums allowed us to gain terrority and to open up the big slow SA's. I'm not sure who your fullback is, but he scored a beauty try against the Welsh. He's one too keep a watch on. I'll be surprised if you do win against the French, I think those French loose forwards will really cut up the English backline.

All in all, may the best team win.

The haka, only after a few
Re: FAO Ruffian (no Moz, Rugby !!)

> Yeh yeh, yeah we looked a bit loose with our defence against the Welsh,
> but tightened up against SA. With us playing the game at a faster pace
> than England you'll see if we meet in the final, of how we'll play a more
> expansive running game. For once I was impressed by our 1 5/8 (flyhalf)
> Spencer. His running with the ball from the back of the scrums allowed us
> to gain terrority and to open up the big slow SA's. I'm not sure who your
> fullback is, but he scored a beauty try against the Welsh. He's one too
> keep a watch on. I'll be surprised if you do win against the French, I
> think those French loose forwards will really cut up the English backline.

> All in all, may the best team win.

We'll see.. don't write off the number 1 team just yet my man.. A morale lifting return for some key players, Hill, Lewsey, and even Catt.. Hopefully, you'll see the 'real slim England' please stand up!

And if we hit form against the French and then carry that bulldozing mentatility into the week after (againbist whomever!!) it'll be firework night here all over again !

> The haka, only after a few

I'd like to see it.. Even with your tongue hanging out!!

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