FAO : Morrissey the 23rd

  • Thread starter Take it easy brother
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Take it easy brother

Thanks for your concern NM

> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/1974572.stm

If it isn't prison it will be the grave.

Being a practising atheist, I shouldn't care about morals but I do. Not that I am anything like morally perfect, I do try to be.

Animal liberation is no different from the liberation of other persecuted groups of the past, except animals need us to do it for them. Fox hunting with hounds will soon be banned like bare baiting was in the past, and it will be looked upon in the future with the same outrage. Like slavery or child labour from the past is today. Just because the evil and morally corrupt are in control, and are so much more powerful. It doesn't mean good men should do nothing.

I urge you all to try to be morally better people and do what you should to liberate men and animals, whilst leaving the planet healthy for future generations. Don't get caught up in being a consumer and supporter of the rich evil, morally corrupt men that rule the world for their own short term pleasures.
Re: Thanks for your concern NM

23rd, if it's you're aim to be a priest, tell your truth somewhere else
Can you read? NM

> 23rd, if it's you're aim to be a priest, tell your truth somewhere else

Having said I am a practising atheist. Why would I wish to be a priest? You are sounding like an emptyhead.
Re: Thanks for your concern NM

i believe that morality is subjective, it's all a matter of personal moral standards. my moral standards agree with you.
"I urge you all to try to be morally better people" LOL

"and do what you should to liberate men..." how? By posting messages on a pop star's website?

Hilarious. He has no idea how pompous he is, does he? Who needs this kind of quasi-loving, crass nonsense?

If it isn't prison it will be the grave.

> Being a practising atheist, I shouldn't care about morals but I do. Not
> that I am anything like morally perfect, I do try to be.

> Animal liberation is no different from the liberation of other persecuted
> groups of the past, except animals need us to do it for them. Fox hunting
> with hounds will soon be banned like bare baiting was in the past, and it
> will be looked upon in the future with the same outrage. Like slavery or
> child labour from the past is today. Just because the evil and morally
> corrupt are in control, and are so much more powerful. It doesn't mean
> good men should do nothing.

> I urge you all to try to be morally better people and do what you should
> to liberate men and animals, whilst leaving the planet healthy for future
> generations. Don't get caught up in being a consumer and supporter of the
> rich evil, morally corrupt men that rule the world for their own short
> term pleasures.

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