Does anyone know if Andy Rourke will be at the S&G on Friday?

Why should andy rourke go to that thing at the star and garter? Personally I dont think he should! People are so 2 faced!
Re: He went to the last one Sweet and Tender Hooligan!!!

I didn't go and I have never been to the S&G. But Andy Rourke went to the last one with his girlfriend Heather. I know this because people posted photos of them on here! Andy Rourke doesn't have a computer and doesn't go on computers so he wouldn't know that people said horrible things about him and his girlfriend before the S&G event and after, but the same people were very nice to him at the S&G! I wouldn't mind going to the S&G if Andy Rourke was going as I have never been before! People would be nice to him at the S&G I am sure.
Re: He went to the last one Sweet and Tender Hooligan!!!

> I didn't go and I have never been to the S&G. But Andy Rourke went to the
> last one with his girlfriend Heather. I know this because people posted
> photos of them on here! Andy Rourke doesn't have a computer and doesn't go
> on computers so he wouldn't know that people said horrible things about
> him and his girlfriend before the S&G event and after, but the same people
> were very nice to him at the S&G! I wouldn't mind going to the S&G if Andy
> Rourke was going as I have never been before! People would be nice to him
> at the S&G I am sure.

To go twice or to every one is a bit much dont you think? Yeah, it's cool that he turned up to the last one unannounced and probably made a few people happy but come on, to go again, to me that just seems too much!
Re: What so you don't think he will go then?

Who knows!?
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