Reg Plate

Being an affected posh Edinburgher I thought dirty sex was what the coalman delivered the coal in!

P.s. I have "been away from my desk" for the last couple of days but I want you all know I was released without charge.

PS. I have been clearing the foodcupboards and was wondering does anyone know if an Aztec bar with BBE 08/84 would be safe to eat?

Love and even possibly respect...

> Being an affected posh Edinburgher I thought dirty sex was what the
> coalman delivered the coal in!

> P.s. I have "been away from my desk" for the last couple of days
> but I want you all know I was released without charge.

> PS. I have been clearing the foodcupboards and was wondering does anyone
> know if an Aztec bar with BBE 08/84 would be safe to eat?

> Love and even possibly respect...

> Reg

You know what they say about people from Edinburgh Reg.....All fur coats and nae knickers
oh Edinburghers of natural birth wtf does going for messages mean? Or something like that, I was typing a text message at the time of being asked so wasn't paying full heed ya ken eh?



> You know what they say about people from Edinburgh Reg.....All fur coats
> and nae knickers
> oh Edinburghers of natural birth wtf does going for messages mean? Or
> something like that, I was typing a text message at the time of being
> asked so wasn't paying full heed ya ken eh?
> Lost

> love

> Greeeem

Going for messages simply means shopping my friend.In particular for food.
cheers J,
tis a hard language to learn ya ken? I'm getting there slowly.



> Going for messages simply means shopping my friend.In particular for food.
> cheers J,
> tis a hard language to learn ya ken? I'm getting there slowly.

och, ye'll huv it doon in nae time. jist don't go aw posh an start havering like a rocket. or i'll huv tae tell ye tae bolt.

> Being an affected posh Edinburgher I thought dirty sex was what the
> coalman delivered the coal in!

> P.s. I have "been away from my desk" for the last couple of days
> but I want you all know I was released without charge.

> PS. I have been clearing the foodcupboards and was wondering does anyone
> know if an Aztec bar with BBE 08/84 would be safe to eat?

> Love and even possibly respect...

> Reg
Sounds like a wee bit of bragging boasting, young man.
Would you rather some scones with jam and cream?
I know I would, but I just cant be bothered turning on the oven.
Ca va? Or are you not in France?
awa' n' bolt yersell

I'll gie you a stairheed sherrikin if you say I talk pan-loafy. Hurrrumph

Re: awa' n' bolt yersell

> I'll gie you a stairheed sherrikin if you say I talk pan-loafy. Hurrrumph

> Reg
I'll not be a takin any of your cheek ya cheeky laddy.
I'm not sure what pan loafy is? Is it a pancake or something?
Pan Loaf

In Scotland bread came in two main varities a plain loaf which was tall and crusty and pan loaf whic was squareish and considered a little posh, so to accuse someone of talking pan-loafy was an insulting way of saying they were putting on heirs and graces.

I'll leave you now with a few words of encouragment, "may your chooks turn into emus and kick your shithouse door down"

Re: Pan Loaf

> In Scotland bread came in two main varities a plain loaf which was tall
> and crusty and pan loaf whic was squareish and considered a little posh,
> so to accuse someone of talking pan-loafy was an insulting way of saying
> they were putting on heirs and graces.

> I'll leave you now with a few words of encouragment, "may your chooks
> turn into emus and kick your shithouse door down"

> Reg

It's nice to think that brooding may eventuate in awesome outcomes.
Don't quote me on that. It came quite out of the blue.
Like an overblown chicken coop.
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