Vince Everett

Dear Theo,
although I can't help but feel an innate superiority over you and your fellow countrymen, and naturally find most Americans hard to bear, I do accept that, perhaps, in the past, I may have been rather harsh in treating you all with the same degree of disdain.

As my favourite foreigners, which is, admittedly, like talking about my favourite viral infection, I imagine that at least some of you probably are not the fat, loud-mouthed, ignorant, brainless empty headed buffoons that you may appear to be, to the common observer.

However, I must say, I do find you in particular unbearably smug at times, and I am quite rightly repelled by your enthusiasm for the Death Penalty, which, even if you do believe it is necessary, hardly warrants the frenzied bloodlust we have seen you display recently.
I can understand it from the likes of 'colleen', who, quite frankly, appears to be particularly dimwitted, but you sometimes exhibit a degree of intelligence.

Likewise, your obsessional compulsion to foist your support for your country's Foreign Policy on us at any and every opportunity, on thread after thread, is both wearisome and mind-numbingly tedious, as is your determination to have your say about each and every item doing the rounds on your news channels.
We. Don't. Care.

Having said that, I suppose my constant cynicism and sarcasm could become rather tiresome for some of your compatriots, who may struggle with the concept of irony, and I imagine my observations may skirt the boundaries of taste and decency on occasion, just as my absolute disregard for any notions of Political Correctness may irk somewhat.

In my defence, I consider myself a free-thinker, and therefore nothing is 'unsayable' or unthinkable to me. Everything is simply raw material for reflection, consideration, discussion or dismissal.
I am a misanthrope by nature, which includes being both xenophobic and mysoginistic whenever I feel so inclined.

So, there really is no need to take it quite so personally if I appear to be unkind, as I don't particularly like anyone, as you can see, although I have met wonderful exceptions, and remain hopeful of meeting more.
Misanthropists of the World Unite and Take Over!

>Thank you Vince for my first, and probably last, laugh of the day!

Dear Theo,
> although I can't help but feel an innate superiority over you and your
> fellow countrymen, and naturally find most Americans hard to bear, I do
> accept that, perhaps, in the past, I may have been rather harsh in
> treating you all with the same degree of disdain.

> As my favourite foreigners, which is, admittedly, like talking about my
> favourite viral infection, I imagine that at least some of you probably
> are not the fat, loud-mouthed, ignorant, brainless empty headed buffoons
> that you may appear to be, to the common observer.

> However, I must say, I do find you in particular unbearably smug at times,
> and I am quite rightly repelled by your enthusiasm for the Death Penalty,
> which, even if you do believe it is necessary, hardly warrants the
> frenzied bloodlust we have seen you display recently.
> I can understand it from the likes of 'colleen', who, quite frankly,
> appears to be particularly dimwitted, but you sometimes exhibit a degree
> of intelligence.

> Likewise, your obsessional compulsion to foist your support for your
> country's Foreign Policy on us at any and every opportunity, on thread
> after thread, is both wearisome and mind-numbingly tedious, as is your
> determination to have your say about each and every item doing the rounds
> on your news channels.
> We. Don't. Care.

> Having said that, I suppose my constant cynicism and sarcasm could become
> rather tiresome for some of your compatriots, who may struggle with the
> concept of irony, and I imagine my observations may skirt the boundaries
> of taste and decency on occasion, just as my absolute disregard for any
> notions of Political Correctness may irk somewhat.

> In my defence, I consider myself a free-thinker, and therefore nothing is
> 'unsayable' or unthinkable to me. Everything is simply raw material for
> reflection, consideration, discussion or dismissal.
> I am a misanthrope by nature, which includes being both xenophobic and
> mysoginistic whenever I feel so inclined.

> So, there really is no need to take it quite so personally if I appear to
> be unkind, as I don't particularly like anyone, as you can see, although I
> have met wonderful exceptions, and remain hopeful of meeting more.
> Dear Theo,
> although I can't help but feel an innate superiority over you and your
> fellow countrymen, and naturally find most Americans hard to bear, I do
> accept that, perhaps, in the past, I may have been rather harsh in
> treating you all with the same degree of disdain.

You've never bothered me much. I've always been secure in the knowledge that, while I'm not always right, I'll always be more right than you.

> However, I must say, I do find you in particular unbearably smug at times,
> and I am quite rightly repelled by your enthusiasm for the Death Penalty,
> which, even if you do believe it is necessary, hardly warrants the
> frenzied bloodlust we have seen you display recently.

From observation and experience I know that America's justice system is not what it should be. And I know that prosecutors are out of control, not very ethical, and vicious in breed, while public defenders are sometimes incompetant. My objection to the death penalty is that some people are falsely convicted. Remove the possibility that someone may be falsely executed and I don't find the arguments against it very strong. In those cases where there is no doubt, I have no problem supporting someone being put down, I believe it is justice, and I find it intellectually dishonest for someone to say he opposes the death penalty because he fears innocent people are being killed to still oppose it in a case where there is no doubt.

I read the other arguments against it on this forum last week - about how the death penalty "interferes with the interdependant web of life" and how it "upsets the Dalai Lama" - and I found them goofy. So goofy that I thought I'd annoy by being more vocal about executions I support. These goofy arguments are out there and being accepted because so many squishy-brained people only hang out in the "right on" leftist circles that their views are never challenged.

> I can understand it from the likes of 'colleen', who, quite frankly,
> appears to be particularly dimwitted, but you sometimes exhibit a degree
> of intelligence.

It's rather gratuitous for you to attack Colleen in this manner. She seems like a nice person and she has nothing to do with me. You're hateful for no other reason than that you enjoy it. I hate legitimate targets for legitimate reasons.

> Likewise, your obsessional compulsion to foist your support for your
> country's Foreign Policy on us at any and every opportunity, on thread
> after thread, is both wearisome and mind-numbingly tedious, as is your
> determination to have your say about each and every item doing the rounds
> on your news channels.
> We. Don't. Care.

Oh, but you do care. You're like a chiwahwah yapping at my heels everywhere I go in this forum.

Actually, it's more like you're this nobody inmate who suddenly sees a superstar killa show up in the prison courtyard and you think you can make a name for yourself by taking him down. Good luck.

> Having said that, I suppose my constant cynicism and sarcasm could become
> rather tiresome for some of your compatriots, who may struggle with the
> concept of irony, and I imagine my observations may skirt the boundaries
> of taste and decency on occasion, just as my absolute disregard for any
> notions of Political Correctness may irk somewhat.

You're like a shock jock. You'll say something idiotic such as "greasy Mexican" and giggle when people react.

But you sure never have the guts to challenge the core beliefs of the European elite, however wrong they've been proven time and time again. You're well programmed by the BBC scum.

> In my defence, I consider myself a free-thinker, and therefore nothing is
> 'unsayable' or unthinkable to me. Everything is simply raw material for
> reflection, consideration, discussion or dismissal.
> I am a misanthrope by nature, which includes being both xenophobic and
> mysoginistic whenever I feel so inclined.

Well ain't you proud of yourself.

> So, there really is no need to take it quite so personally if I appear to
> be unkind, as I don't particularly like anyone, as you can see, although I
> have met wonderful exceptions, and remain hopeful of meeting more.

It's so funny that you think I take shit personally.

If you actually wanted a cease-fire, two things.

One, I'm not going out of my way to go after you. You do that to me. You're a bit obsessed with me, frankly. I don't mind. I'm just pointing out the reality. You look for me; I don't look for you.

Two, you'd be about as reliable in a cease-fire agreement as your heroes in the Islamic Jihad.
> You've never bothered me much. I've always been secure in the knowledge
> that, while I'm not always right, I'll always be more right than you.

More Right Wing maybe.

> From observation and experience I know that America's justice system is
> not what it should be. And I know that prosecutors are out of control, not
> very ethical, and vicious in breed, while public defenders are sometimes
> incompetant. My objection to the death penalty is that some people are
> falsely convicted. Remove the possibility that someone may be falsely
> executed and I don't find the arguments against it very strong. In those
> cases where there is no doubt, I have no problem supporting someone being
> put down, I believe it is justice, and I find it intellectually dishonest
> for someone to say he opposes the death penalty because he fears innocent
> people are being killed to still oppose it in a case where there is no
> doubt.

The thought of innocent people being executed horrifies me, but it is not the only reason why i oppose the Death Penalty, and I never said it was, but I certainly don't intend to start that debate again, as I don't think I could stomach anymore brainless American moralising.

> I read the other arguments against it on this forum last week - about how
> the death penalty "interferes with the interdependant web of
> life" and how it "upsets the Dalai Lama" - and I found them
> goofy. So goofy that I thought I'd annoy by being more vocal about
> executions I support. These goofy arguments are out there and being
> accepted because so many squishy-brained people only hang out in the
> "right on" leftist circles that their views are never
> challenged.

I found many statements on that list laughable too, but i agreed with the sentiment expressed, that it is an affront to so-called 'civilisation' to murder people in cold blood, I have no doubt, but when it's the likes of Jeb Bush making the decisions and having people killed, it sickens me more.
Most killers will at least look their victims in the eye before they take their lives, and do this knowing the penalty that will be extracted if they are caught.
The real demons are the ones we ahve invested with the power to take human life with impunity, and who perform these "duties" with relish and enthusiasm.
I'm not a 'Liberal', far from it, but neither am I a murderer or a supporter of murder, which, however you dress it up, is what you are.

> It's rather gratuitous for you to attack Colleen in this manner. She seems
> like a nice person and she has nothing to do with me.

I have read many of her posts which suggest otherwise, but she is being lumped in with you on this occasion simply because she is the other most vocal supporter of your Death Penalty.

You're hateful for
> no other reason than that you enjoy it. I hate legitimate targets for
> legitimate reasons.

I consider my "targets" on this board to be legitimate.
They are the smug, the pompous, the sanctimonious and the just plain wilfully stupid.
But mostly, they are the 'wolves in sheeps clothing' types, who pretend to be reasonable and honest, but are weaving webs of deceit and playing mind games with people. These are the types I truly detest, people like you I just hunt for sport.

> Oh, but you do care. You're like a chiwahwah yapping at my heels
> everywhere I go in this forum.

I have watched you for many months, in your various guises, and read enough of your dreary posts to know that you are very much a "legitimate target", for many of the reasons I have given.

> Actually, it's more like you're this nobody inmate who suddenly sees a
> superstar killa show up in the prison courtyard and you think you can make
> a name for yourself by taking him down. Good luck.

That sounds much more like your fantasy rather than mine, with you cast as the "superstar killa" no doubt.

> You're like a shock jock. You'll say something idiotic such as
> "greasy Mexican" and giggle when people react.

Not really. I don't tend to make unprovoked racial insults, but, given how outraged people are programmed to respond these days, I will use a racial slur to intentionally offend someone inparticular.
In "real" life, my hands would not be tied, metaphorically speaking, to the degree that they are, by definition, in a virtual space, therefore I would have other options as to how I dealt with offensive or aggressive adversaries.
On here I only have words, and it someone wants to tangle with me, then no quarter will be given.

> But you sure never have the guts to challenge the core beliefs of the
> European elite, however wrong they've been proven time and time again.
> You're well programmed by the BBC scum.

I have opinions, formulated by myself I might add, not lifted wholesale from some periodical or other, about most things, if a particular discussion interests me, or I am speaking to friends.
What I don't do is come on a fansite for a singer, and bore everyone shitless with my thoughts on the News of the day or the Foreign Policy of my Government.
I guess I'm just polite like that.

> If you actually wanted a cease-fire, two things.

I had initially set out to playfully acknowledging our differences and explain why I find you slightly irritating at times, but I couldn't resist taking the piss out of you, because it's so easy.

> One, I'm not going out of my way to go after you. You do that to me.
> You're a bit obsessed with me, frankly. I don't mind. I'm just pointing
> out the reality. You look for me; I don't look for you.

The truth be known, mostly, I find you incredibly boring, but it does amuse me occasionally to expose your stupidity.

> Two, you'd be about as reliable in a cease-fire agreement as your heroes
> in the Islamic Jihad.

That's a real stretch, even for you.
I hate those raghead motherf***ers actually, and if you could explain the basis for such an absurd allegation, I would be keen to hear it
> I found many statements on that list laughable too, but i agreed with the
> sentiment expressed, that it is an affront to so-called 'civilisation' to
> murder people in cold blood, I have no doubt, but when it's the likes of
> Jeb Bush making the decisions and having people killed, it sickens me
> more.

It's an "affront to civilization" simply because you declare it so?

It's "cold-blooded murder" to execute John Couey?

> Most killers will at least look their victims in the eye before they take
> their lives, and do this knowing the penalty that will be extracted if
> they are caught.
> The real demons are the ones we ahve invested with the power to take human
> life with impunity, and who perform these "duties" with relish
> and enthusiasm.
> I'm not a 'Liberal', far from it, but neither am I a murderer or a
> supporter of murder, which, however you dress it up, is what you are.

Jeb is just the head of the executive branch in Florida. He doesn't make the laws. Should he thumb his nose at the law?

He wanted to save Terri Schiavo just this week, but the laws of Florida don't allow him.

> I have read many of her posts which suggest otherwise, but she is being
> lumped in with you on this occasion simply because she is the other most
> vocal supporter of your Death Penalty.

So you prance around the forum attacking Colleen in every immature way you can think of simply because she comes down on the other side of one issue. Boy, that's intelligent....

But perfectly in line with the leftist mentality. You just "know" that those who see things different are sinister, evil, stupid, and all sorts of other things. And while you can't win on points through logic, you'll get worked up emotionally and call people all sorts of names and labels.

And why is it that you don't go after codreanu in the same manner? Oh yeah, that's right, because Seriously Flawed is crushing on Codreanu and you kiss her ass cheeks on a daily basis.

> That's a real stretch, even for you.
> I hate those raghead motherf***ers actually, and if you could explain the
> basis for such an absurd allegation, I would be keen to hear it

Perhaps I've confused you with Seriously Flawed. I do tend to meld you two together, what with the way you two constonaly pat each other on the backs over every stupid thing you post.

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