cool band names



the blowjobs,the cocksuckers, the motherf***ers,the buttmen,the dildos, dominatrix, the gimps. All very cool names I might add.
the supersuckers,but they already do super dooper suck big about Flem,fleeb,the rodents,the joeys,billy buttlove,the vibrators,the doormen,spooge,vomit,smarmy?? cool names. yoshinoya would be cool,but not only do people not know what it really means,I think there'd be some sort of infringement thing.
The buttnutts,rimjob,anus,f***knuckle,sharpshooter,the carpet munchers,donkey dung,the duffs,schoolboys, preachers,KKK, the pedophiles,I wish I were president,Mr.proper's fanclub,flackjacket,the jakes,the jackasses, wonderboys,dillweeds,nuttsack, the list goes on. Just do me a favor??? if you use any of the abobve names,Give me some props and some loot,or I will sue!!!!
Re: yet more cool band names

the meatheads,the sweaters,uterus,ribcage,the carneys,osama bin laden,Fidel castro wears knickers, my mom wears combat boots,soupkitchen,the hobos, the toilets,the betty page diaries, vande camps,the gatecrashers, the brood,pakistan sux, the afghans(with special guests the enemy),cornfield,battlecats,the carburators.
Don't forget about your band

The Pencil Dicks

> the meatheads,the sweaters,uterus,ribcage,the carneys,osama bin
> laden,Fidel castro wears knickers, my mom wears combat
> boots,soupkitchen,the hobos, the toilets,the betty page diaries, vande
> camps,the gatecrashers, the brood,pakistan sux, the afghans(with special
> guests the enemy),cornfield,battlecats,the carburators.
Re: Don't forget about your band

How'd you get so short-changed when your dad is hung like a giraffe? Tell him I said Hi and that we're still on for Saturday, ehkay
Re: Don't forget about your band

Sure,tell your mom I said hello and the checks in the mail. I think you need to ask your mom where the rest of my dick is shitstick,she still has some of it in her. your mom doesnt think I have a pencil dick,she thinks Im god,she screams that every night after we have sex."lets go have a bowl of yosihinoya" At least your moms got good taste with me and that soup. I was going to be your dad,but the dog beat me over the fence. nice try rimjob. You cant fugg with me though.
Re: Don't forget about your band

I didnt,dont forget about YOUR band,the hermafrodites!!. Your the lead singer of the pet monkeys.
Re: Don't forget about your band

> Sure,tell your mom I said hello and the checks in the mail. I think you
> need to ask your mom where the rest of my dick is shitstick,she still has
> some of it in her....

yeah, that's what she said. she complained for a week about the splinters. next time, don't sharpen it first, rimjob.
Re: Don't forget about your band

> I didnt,dont forget about YOUR band,the hermafrodites!!. Your the lead
> singer of the pet monkeys.

Your dad sure isn't complaining! Tell him I'm sorry for tugging so hard on his ears...he's not used to one my size, after picking his teeth clean for years with your toothprick.
you missed one....

How about the perfect puckered poopers?
Mr. Proper , I love you!

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