


Don't take it that serious, and don't take it not so seriously. I just thought of giving it a try, and having it here so as to hear your comments about the Morrissey's personal astrological chart! Just for fun simple as that. So boys and girls, try not to be judgemental about it. Ok?
> Don't take it that serious, and don't take it not so seriously.¿ I just thought of giving it a try, and having it here so as to¿ hear your comments about the Morrissey's personal astrological¿ chart! Just for fun simple as that. So boys and girls, try not¿ to be judgemental about it. Ok?¿ Thanks:)

If it's for fun OK, but just so ya know, I hate the utter nonsese of astrology with a vengeance, as well as the fakes who use it to prey on the ignorant. People always say it's for "fun," but that stuff is never entertaining to read (notice how people only read their own sign and not all of the signs? If it was entertaining on any level they'd read them all). People read that stuff because part of them believes in it, and that is dangerous.
there's nothing dangerous in believing in astrology

there's nothing dangerous in believing in astrology. the president of usa believes in it, and the world continues.

i particularily don't believe in astrology, but i know the dangerous things are racism, fascism, anger, envie, crimes, ..., atheism (the last one was just to tease you, don't take it serious)¿ If it's for fun OK, but just so ya know, I hate the utter¿ nonsese of astrology with a vengeance, as well as the fakes who¿ use it to prey on the ignorant. People always say it's for¿ "fun," but that stuff is never entertaining to read¿ (notice how people only read their own sign and not all of the¿ signs? If it was entertaining on any level they'd read them¿ all). People read that stuff because part of them believes in¿ it, and that is dangerous.
Re: there's nothing dangerous in believing in astrology

> there's nothing dangerous in believing in astrology. the¿ president of usa believes in it, and the world continues.

I find it extremely frightening that world leaders, including certain U.S. presidents, have believed in astrology.¿ i particularily don't believe in astrology, but i know the¿ dangerous things are racism, fascism, anger, envie, crimes, ...,¿ atheism (the last one was just to tease you, don't take it¿ serious)

Astrology leads to prejudice and discrimation just as racism does (although, granted, to a much less harmful degree). Think about it.
Astrology divides people into 12 categories based on when they were born. It advises people to judge others based on these categories.
Not only are these categories absurd and an insult to any educated person's intelligence, it encourages people to discriminate.

Astrology has victims. We all know people who center their lives around it. There is an old and true story about a guy who worked at a newspaper and was so bored doing the horoscopes that he wrote under one sign something like, "All of your past miseries will be nothing like that which will befall you today." The newspaper's phones were flooded with panic-stricken callers, and the employee was fired.

Astrology is not harmless fun. It is a pseudo-science which preys on vulnerable and ignorant people. I have to agree with the scientist Richard Dawkins, who can't see any reason why astrologers shouldn't be held legally responsible for selling a product which doesn't do what it claims.
Re: there's nothing dangerous in believing in astrology

> I find it extremely frightening that world leaders, including¿ certain U.S. presidents, have believed in astrology.¿ Astrology leads to prejudice and discrimation just as racism¿ does (although, granted, to a much less harmful degree). Think¿ about it.¿ Astrology divides people into 12 categories based on when they¿ were born. It advises people to judge others based on these¿ categories.¿ Not only are these categories absurd and an insult to any¿ educated person's intelligence, it encourages people to¿ discriminate.¿ Astrology has victims. We all know people who center their lives¿ around it. There is an old and true story about a guy who worked¿ at a newspaper and was so bored doing the horoscopes that he¿ wrote under one sign something like, "All of your past¿ miseries will be nothing like that which will befall you¿ today." The newspaper's phones were flooded with¿ panic-stricken callers, and the employee was fired.¿ Astrology is not harmless fun. It is a pseudo-science which¿ preys on vulnerable and ignorant people. I have to agree with¿ the scientist Richard Dawkins, who can't see any reason why¿ astrologers shouldn't be held legally responsible for selling a¿ product which doesn't do what it claims.

ok, but you can't compare the case you quoted with all the bad consequences from fascism, nazism or racism.

my particular opinion from astrology is astrology gives almost no importance to ethics, that's why it can't be compared to the greatest religions as buddism or catholicism. i give no importance to it.

but i believe in supernatural forces (not in forces came from planets), that's why i am catholic. i'll never agree with this sad guy, richard dawkins, when he claims for his materialism.

just because he is too much materialist... his opinions will ever arrive in something i'll never agree!
Re: there's nothing dangerous in believing in astrology

> ok, but you can't compare the case you quoted with all the bad¿ consequences from fascism, nazism or racism.

Not equivalent, but does something have to be equal to the scourges of fascism and racism to be condemned?¿ but i believe in supernatural forces (not in forces came from¿ planets), that's why i am catholic. i'll never agree with this¿ sad guy, richard dawkins, when he claims for his materialism.

How about Carl Sagan, who nuked astrology in some of his writings? People ought to read real scientists before they buy into some poppycock from some nitwit. Before believing in astrology, one ought to look into ASTRONOMY. If you did, you'd understand how absolutely meaningless horoscopes are when they go on about star constellations and this moving into that. It's completely nonsensical. Before buying into perosnalities determined by "signs", one ought to look into PSYCHOLOGY, where real stuff is being learned about personalities and how they're formed. Pick a scientist you like, who is an expert in the field. But don't believe what some crackpot is selling when that crackpot has no real knowledge.¿ just because he is too much materialist... his opinions will¿ ever arrive in something i'll never agree!

Unlike some of the religions out there, astrology can and has been disproven. I can't disprove your God, so more power to you if you have faith. I _can_, however, disprove the rubbish written in horoscopes. There's a big difference. I know you want to be open-minded, and that's generally a very positive thing, but sometimes one can be so open-minded that his brain falls out. = )
Re: there's nothing dangerous in believing in astrology

> Not equivalent, but does something have to be equal to the¿ scourges of fascism and racism to be condemned?

ok, you are right. the only problem was the word you used: *dangerous*. i think it was too heavy. in practical ways, i don't think astrology is dangerous. i know so many people that believes in astrology that aren't dangerous at all (even if i think they lose their time). but a racist or a fascist will be always dangerous.¿ How about Carl Sagan, who nuked astrology in some of his¿ writings? People ought to read real scientists before they buy¿ into some poppycock from some nitwit. Before believing in¿ astrology, one ought to look into ASTRONOMY. If you did, you'd¿ understand how absolutely meaningless horoscopes are when they¿ go on about star constellations and this moving into that. It's¿ completely nonsensical. Before buying into perosnalities¿ determined by "signs", one ought to look into¿ PSYCHOLOGY, where real stuff is being learned about¿ personalities and how they're formed. Pick a scientist you like,¿ who is an expert in the field. But don't believe what some¿ crackpot is selling when that crackpot has no real knowledge.¿ Unlike some of the religions out there, astrology can and has¿ been disproven. I can't disprove your God, so more power to you¿ if you have faith. I _can_, however, disprove the rubbish¿ written in horoscopes. There's a big difference. I know you want¿ to be open-minded, and that's generally a very positive thing,¿ but sometimes one can be so open-minded that his brain falls¿ out. = )

i agree completely with you, now.

but i'll explain my defensive position:

all these guys, sagan and dawkins, passe all their times claiming for their materialism, and, until i know, they use the same method to destroy the catholicism and astrology at the same time. that's the problem. you know as well as me that ONLY with reason a person will not arrive to God. i believe in the ressurrection of Christ... and this belief, for an atheist, can be destroyed with the same method they use to destroy astrology. that's why i assume a defensive attitude against "rational" arguments against astrology. i know, soon or later, the same method will be used in the tentative to break my faith...

but it was not the case in your post, and i'm glad because of this. so now i agree with you... astrology is a lost of time, i know it ... (all the Church says the same, anyway). i think now i can't be considered so open-minded!

my particular problem with astrology (i know you won't agree) is that they use their meditation (that it would be good if brought God) to go to strange and silly paths, normally distants to the real knowledge of God. a lose of time, in other words. and without ethics, what is worse yet.
Re: there's nothing dangerous in believing in astrology

I have to agree with¿ the scientist Richard Dawkins, who can't see any reason why¿ astrologers shouldn't be held legally responsible for selling a¿ product which doesn't do what it claims.
Of course, that's why it carries the "entertainment purposes only" disclaimer.

¿ Astrology is not harmless fun. It is a pseudo-science which¿ preys on vulnerable and ignorant people. I have to agree with¿ the scientist Richard Dawkins, who can't see any reason why¿ astrologers shouldn't be held legally responsible for selling a¿ product which doesn't do what it claims.

Astrology and psychics (most of them it seems) prey on desperate people. People like Pee Wee Herman. That was horrible when he went to that gypsy lady and she looked into her cyrstal ball and pretended to see where his bike was. She just made up a story and before you knew it, Pee Wee was on his way to the Alamo. He eventually arrived and was embarassed to find out that there's no basement in the Alamo where his bike was suppose to be. Oh well. He met some great friends on the way and it made a great movie. Go rent "Pee Wee's Big Adventure" right now if you've never seen it! It's classic. No joke. Not just a stupid kid's movie. And even better than one of Morrissey's favs "Babe".

> Astrology and psychics (most of them it seems) prey on desperate¿ people. People like Pee Wee Herman. That was horrible when he¿ went to that gypsy lady and she looked into her cyrstal ball and¿ pretended to see where his bike was. She just made up a story¿ and before you knew it, Pee Wee was on his way to the Alamo. He¿ eventually arrived and was embarassed to find out that there's¿ no basement in the Alamo where his bike was suppose to be. Oh¿ well.

I was using a gypsy palm reader character in a story I once wrote, so I did a lot of research on people like that. Many of those gypsy palm readers are nothing more than fronts for criminal activity, and they use the palm reading business to find vulnerable people to victimize.

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