???? about Morrissey being a racist

  • Thread starter Caleb's Bloody Bride
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Caleb's Bloody Bride

OK, I know this is as old as the 'Is Morrissey gay" debate buy why was he called a racist dancing with the Union Jack flag and Ginger spice wasn't called a racist wearing this Lovely ensamble.
PS. Morrissey is a much better dancer.

Morrisey is called a racist because in Britain's hyper politically correct climate any white male expressing an inherent interest in British culture, British literature or those subtle nuances that makes the English so English, is considered a bigot.

Most ill informed louts will tell you it's because of his "Hang the DJ" remarks years ago - but they're lying out their arse.
at the time of your arsenal, it was terribly unfashionable to toy with nationalist imagery

which is quite ironic, because within the next few years, it became very hip. i suppose this was, in part, spurred on by the renewed british invasion in the pop charts. plus, the return to conservatism in general didn't help matters. anyway, it became cool and acceptable for people like geri halliwell to say things like "margaret thatcher is the original spice girl" and to prance around in union jack minidresses. at least, this is how i understand the situation.
Re: arsenal, is terribly unfashionable

ARSEnal is a shite football club.
Re: arsenal, is terribly unfashionable

yes, i am aware of that. not all yanks are stupid.
Re: at the time of your arsenal, it was terribly unfashionable to toy with nationalist imagery

anyway, it became cool and acceptable for people like
> geri halliwell to say things like "margaret thatcher is the original
> spice girl" and to prance around in union jack minidresses. at least,
> this is how i understand the situation.
The fact prancing around in a union jack minidress with your underwear sticking out is considered cool is really disturbing to me. Poor Morrissey.

I think the real reason was not the "reggae is vile" quote, nor the union jack dance, nor the fascination with Romper Stomper (evidenced in both the title of "This is Not Your Country" and the National Front disco (with its lead character, Davey) - all of which is just cultural commentary. Nor is it his explanation of why he doesn't like pakistanis, chronicled in his "epistolary diary" and quoted in Severed Alliance - which is just juvenilia. The killer is Bengali in platforms, with its image of the comic paki, standing out like a sore thumb in the london streets, trying so hard to be your friend "for ever". only to be told: "shelve yr western plans" "life is hard enough when you belong here".

You can explain this away, of course. Its just Moz sympathising with the underdog again, innit. Except that those explanations aren't really convincing.

Also, why did Spencer Cobrin - who is half jewish - leave the band?
Re: C'mon!

Also, why did Spencer Cobrin - who is half jewish - leave the band?
wasn't there some discussion on this board it was because Of Alain. Angela from MT knows but she won't tell us.
SIEG HEIL !!!!!!!!!

I'm perfectly comfortable with Moz being an anti-Semitic, Queen-Mother-Loving, terrace terrorizing, Union Jack bullyboy from the mean Streets of Old Trafford.

Fascism suits him.
Re: SIEG HEIL !!!!!!!!!

There's other stuff too: but frankly, I don't care that much. I've got half jewish gay friends who are homophobic racists. People are weird. Moz's prejudices fit his social profile less well than a lot of working class mancs.

As long as they're not knifing people in the streets who cares. And it helps if racists express themselves, because then at least you know who they are.
Re: SIEG HEIL !!!!!!!!!

Babbled like a true piece of middle class shite.
Re: SIEG HEIL !!!!!!!!!

Well, we own the world, mate. We tell you what to do, and you just have to do it for us!
Re: SIEG HEIL !!!!!!!!!

> I'm perfectly comfortable with Moz being an anti-Semitic,
> Queen-Mother-Loving, terrace terrorizing, Union Jack bullyboy from the
> mean Streets of Old Trafford.

> Fascism suits him.

'Fascism suits him'? WTF? Yes, fascism is oh so attractive.
Re: SIEG HEIL !!!!!!!!!

Actually, that was unwarranted. Sorry for being a wanker
I'm pronouncing my gayness

I'm gay, middle class, University educated, and well, gay.
Re: I'm pronouncing my gayness

Well, all the best people are, innit.
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