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  1. Jessikers

    Would Morrissey ever appear in an advert?

    I thought Moz did an Evian ad once. Where did I hear that? Hmm...
  2. Jessikers

    The Morrissey influences

    Wow, I'm a major Bette Davis fan- I didn't know Moz liked her so much!!
  3. Jessikers

    So, Morrissey's in London. Where to find him?

    Thanks, Jukebox Jury! And I'm not going to London to look for Morrissey, I'm there for other reasons. So if he's not there, I won't be crushed; I already saw him up close twice this year anyway.
  4. Jessikers

    So, Morrissey's in London. Where to find him?

    Yes, but I'm not there at the moment. I'm there next week! :p
  5. Jessikers

    So, Morrissey's in London. Where to find him?

    I'm off to London next week. Y'all KNOW I will have my eyes open for him! :D
  6. Jessikers

    I saw Morrissey earlier outside Harrods

    LMFAO @ "Interesting Nog" hahaha
  7. Jessikers

    Trivia you've always wanted to know about Morrissey

    Dab-hands at trouble Four days of stubble, we are
  8. Jessikers

    Bono rocks, unlike that whingeing Morrissey

    I base my love of music and musicians on just that; the music. If I want to love a humanitarian, I might choose the Dalai Lama.
  9. Jessikers

    Suggestions for A Capella Songs

    How about, "I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday"
  10. Jessikers

    Stella McCartney teams up with Morrissey for leather free shoes

    How exciting! I hope the shoes don't turn out fuggers. I'd love a pair of them if they are nice!
  11. Jessikers

    Worst ever Smiths/Morrissey song

    Re: Worst ever Smiths/Morrissey song. I don't like that song "Sweetie Pie" very much.
  12. Jessikers

    cover version of 'let me kiss you'

    Re: new version of morrissey's 'let me kiss you' I love that song and you did it justice. :)
  13. Jessikers

    Early 80's Morrissey photo

    His hair looks almost Kill Uncle though, doesn't it?
  14. Jessikers

    Everyone who wants to participate in my dissertation research please click on this!

    Re: Everyone who wants to participate in my dissertation research please click on thi 1. Do you find listening to particular popular music has any effect on your identity and creation of self, if so how? I think we identify with music in the first place because it means something to us, but...
  15. Jessikers

    clearer video of Morrissey being hit

    Last time I saw him in person, he was much scrawnier (but still hot). He's buffed up quite a bit!!!! I have always and always will love my Mozzer. But I'm glad he's taking care of his body...
  16. Jessikers

    clearer video of Morrissey being hit

    :horny::horny: Hubba hubba. I can't wait to see him in December. <drools>
  17. Jessikers

    Flowers at gigs

    Just don't bring them. Throw kisses instead. ;)
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