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  1. G

    Houston Roll Call

    good show, got vinyl #7, some chick bought 3 copies in fromnt of me, hopefully not to ebay
  2. G

    Houston Roll Call

    i'll be there. cant wait, 4th time, seen all the houston shows from Astroworld to The Summit to Verizon Wireless to now.
  3. G

    houston, texas - venue - jones hall

    Re: Taper tickets needed for Houston am i the only one who hasnt gotten their tickets for the houston show? we bought the day they went on sale, getting a bit nervous now...
  4. G

    Tour Etiquette

    I like to be close at gen admission shows but I bring my wife, and dont usually like to be fighting and get squished. always depends on the venue's setup (is it a wide place or narrow?), but usually obviously it'll be packed in the front and middle. I usually do just fine about 10 yards back...
  5. G

    Tour Etiquette

    probably 90 minutes from moz hitting the stage to lights up. back in 91 & 93, both shows I saw were 75 minutes from the time he hit the stage to lights up. They were good shows, but I'd be pissed nowadays to pay $50 bucks for a 75 minute show.
  6. G

    Tour Etiquette

    asmithchoxy, I find this ettiquette works at any concert: lighten up, dont let others get to you or ruin your enjoyment of the show. dont be bothered if you're not up against the stage. go with the flow. is the crowd all singing along loudly? then sing along too. is it a quiet song and...
  7. G

    OK, So Who's Skipping Moz Due to the Economy?

    I almost missed the Houston gig, but a friend of mine is helping out by spotting me & my wife tickets. there speaks a true friend! otherwise, with the economy tight, it just wasnt gonna happen, I had to pass on radiohead last yr for the same reason. really glad I wont be missing it though...
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