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  1. Light Housework

    The Drivel Thread

    Not manic, but not tired either. An actress sang this song to an actor in the play, Medicine, with such glowing passion and happiness. I might go see the play again.
  2. Light Housework

    The Drivel Thread

    Go to bed? Make coffee and write?
  3. Light Housework

    The Drivel Thread

    Really enjoying life.
  4. Light Housework

    The Drivel Thread

    Pink Jacket Morrissey in progress
  5. Light Housework

    The Drivel Thread

    Going to paint in 20 minutes. I’m feeling no pain, and am feeling pleasure.
  6. Light Housework

    What song are you listening to right now?

    It says video unavailable. What is it? I’ll look it up myself if it’s Morrissey or The Smiths.
  7. Light Housework

    The Drivel Thread

    “to make you feel that your mind isn’t your own"
  8. Light Housework

    The Drivel Thread

    I’m just stunned.
  9. Light Housework

    The Drivel Thread

    One line spoken by the lead actor, was something like, "I haven’t had my own mind.”, and the second main actor said with blushing conviction, that she wants to be in love. The two actors sat side by side, hand in hand, just marvelling at being together, for several minutes at the end. They were...
  10. Light Housework

    The Drivel Thread

    I wish I could take you all to see Medicine.
  11. Light Housework

    The Drivel Thread

    And people making their way over to me afterward, to take me up on the invitation to come get a Morrissey sticky note. Thrilling
  12. Light Housework

    The Drivel Thread

    It felt good to use the microphone. I belted out what I had to say, and my voice was strong, unlike my recent vocaroos, where I’m trying not to disturb my neighbours. I sobbed in front of the smallish audience a bit, but was able to articulate very well the main points I wanted to make.
  13. Light Housework

    The Drivel Thread

    Feeling relaxed, though my heart just complained a little again. I see a mental health worker tomorrow. I’m not sure which one. I’m warmed by the main actor of Medicine coming to sit beside me for a while. The director gave me a glance as he left the venue. A very subtle one. The producer...
  14. Light Housework

    The Drivel Thread

    Trying to look pretty.
  15. Light Housework

    The Drivel Thread

    The play was genius.
  16. Light Housework

    The Drivel Thread

    Just finished watching Cinderella. I’m glad I watched it. I’m going to make a coffee. The animation and voices of the stepmother and stepsisters was interesting, as was Cinderella’s, the prince’s, and the animals, including the stepmother’s cat, Lucifer. I ate a carrot that had a tiny bit of...
  17. Light Housework

    The Drivel Thread

    Like last evening, I feel too emotionally raw to go for a walk by myself this evening. I’m planning on painting and watching the 1950 version of Disney’s Cinderella.
  18. Light Housework

    The Drivel Thread

    I forget Baz.
  19. Light Housework

    The Drivel Thread

    Listening to The Smiths, after a coughing fit.
  20. Light Housework

    The Drivel Thread

    I didn’t rattle cough at the venue, or in the Uber, but soon after I shut the door behind me it began. I know it’s not my apartment. Being responsive to others often keeps it at bay is all. So I spoke up in the panel, and said pretty much what I’ve been saying here on the drivel thread, but with...
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