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  1. nicky wire's legs

    Book of Condolence Thread

  2. nicky wire's legs

    Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

    Apparently the mods don't agree!
  3. nicky wire's legs

    Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

    It's a bad situation when a mod has a bias towards a nameless faceless person on the internet who fake flirts with him and in actuality is most likely an old decrepit psycho, to the point where they don't care about their forum being a safe space for its users.
  4. nicky wire's legs

    Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

    It might be that Ryan saw my reports and since he's friends with her (because she pretends to be into him) he decided to ignore them 🤷‍♀️
  5. nicky wire's legs

    Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

    She also put the name of a forum members dead loved one in her signature, as in "RIP __" , to taunt him (it's an uncommon name in America so it could've only referred to that) and the mods did remove that.
  6. nicky wire's legs

    Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

    I have and have had no communication regarding my reports from the mods. Meanwhile dave was banned for much less (because he annoyed the mods i guess?). She needs to be dealt with, but I guess if you're not on the receiving end of it, it's easy to turn a blind eye.
  7. nicky wire's legs

    Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

    And to redacted: no, I have never doxed anyone here. I have zero interest in doing so. That's not how I know you're a psycho (but interesting to know that doxing you would have provided me with that proof). I know because of things you've posted on this site, especially for me to see and then...
  8. nicky wire's legs

    Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

    That's not even the half of what she's done. I do believe she's a real life psycho.
  9. nicky wire's legs

    Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

    Good for you for enjoying old age. It's better than the alternative, as they always say!! 👍
  10. nicky wire's legs

    Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

    I'm good at posting bunny videos! :blush:
  11. nicky wire's legs

    Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

    For @Gregor Samsa
  12. nicky wire's legs

    Doodles of Morrissey by me + self introduction

    I might have peed myself when I got to touch sexy Brett's back, but that's to be expected!
  13. nicky wire's legs

    Doodles of Morrissey by me + self introduction

    No, why would it be? :confused:
  14. nicky wire's legs

    Doodles of Morrissey by me + self introduction

    And it wasn't sexy brett Anderson sweat either, but old codger sweat
  15. nicky wire's legs

    Doodles of Morrissey by me + self introduction

    Sit further back. I was in the second row to see him in Vancouver and got soaked with sweat.
  16. nicky wire's legs

    Morrissey Central “AWARD” (June 14, 2024)

    That first doggo 😍
  17. nicky wire's legs

    Morrissey Central “AWARD” (June 14, 2024)

    Why is it shaped like a coffin?
  18. nicky wire's legs

    Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

    That's what i said!! :hearteyes:
  19. nicky wire's legs

    Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

    My honey bunny provides for himself!!
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