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  1. LuvMozzy

    Plea - BBC 2 2:15 today

    Because we had over 1,600 listens and it was fun.
  2. LuvMozzy

    Plea - BBC 2 2:15 today

    ...own name, Uncleskinny, it's a bit transparent. We've established you're NOT fighting against injustice now. Whenever I get someone calling me 'an ignorant c***' or something on my blog, I just take a look at where the views came from, and low and behold! My favourite Morrissey website. Peace.
  3. LuvMozzy

    Plea - BBC 2 2:15 today

    LOL. Can you take that thread down for me too?
  4. LuvMozzy

    Best song, best line, best lyric right now

    'life is nothing much to lose'
  5. LuvMozzy

    UK election - Duffygate

    We've all done something like it. His charisma attack after the apology was just frightening.
  6. LuvMozzy


    Honestly, it was really bad, I said to my boyfriend, 'you're going to have to carry me out of here' because I literally was rooted to the spot. I couldn't even look at anyone because I felt I just looked so out of it. Then I looked at the photos on my camera and saw that everyone looked like...
  7. LuvMozzy

    Buy me things

    I want this, what do you want? :)
  8. LuvMozzy


    Ketamine is excellent fun but should ONLY be done indoors in my opinion. I got in a car with someone on it once (I'd never done it at that point) and he crashed as we were driving out of the car park. I got out fairly immediately. I also did some after we saw Moz in Yarmouth (I thought it was...
  9. LuvMozzy

    Facebook US & Facebook UK

    The UK English version is obviously for the more intelligent people. :D
  10. LuvMozzy

    Have you ever had the urge to post a new thread but.....

    It can't be any worse than what's on here... so give it a whirl.
  11. LuvMozzy


    How does it mock people like me when I'm the one arguing against the moral panic? I'm not middle-class, you munchkin, I've had to work hard to get where I am, so f*** you.
  12. LuvMozzy

    KFC diner told 'you can't have bacon in your burger here - we're now halal'

    Five miles! They shut down the KFC near my work due to building an extra large train station. I miss those crispy strips.
  13. LuvMozzy


    now if only you were as funny as chris morris.
  14. LuvMozzy


    I'm not sure you can ever take drugs 'responsibly'. But for me, it's worth the risk.
  15. LuvMozzy


    What am I in denial of?
  16. LuvMozzy


    Wow, are they banning it? I never knew. :rolleyes: Not everyone needs help. Unless every drinker needs help. Or every person breathing; which is actually truer.
  17. LuvMozzy


    Fair point, and if drugs were legalised, people could take them in a more contained manner rather than in a hit and miss manner, and maybe you wouldn't be so encumbered by the idiotic ones. You don't like magic? :)
  18. LuvMozzy

    West Virginia eats Jamie Oliver for breakfast

    I hate Jamie Oliver, but people revelling in their own ignorance is hardly any better. I did just eat 4 packets of crisps in a row though, so my opinion doesn't really count.
  19. LuvMozzy


    I don't believe that druggies are more violent/abusive than drunks, from personal experience of life, not casualty. How can I guarantee a pill is safe? I can't. But I've took hundreds. I'm still here. So are all my friends. And I don't think it's luck.
  20. LuvMozzy


    Your job sounds scary, and I'm glad there's people who will do it. I will guarantee you that you get more trouble from drunks than druggies though, and I know that's the truth. Alcohol= aggressive. I remember I used to physically fight with this girl in town when I was 16- one night I took E and...
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