Recent content by Laestadius

  1. L

    Responses from people when you say you are a Morrissey fan.

    About Moz songs dealing with war, I'm surprised no one has mentioned Lazy sunbathers yet.
  2. L

    morrissey frink thread!

    BEWARE... THE GOLF SHIRT! The shades make it.
  3. L

    Why does Morrissey snub Conan?

    I'm sure Conan has never heard that joke before.
  4. L

    Who are the best fans???

    I'M THE BEST MOZ FAN!:guitar:
  5. L

    Hair Thread is for Losers..

    Morrissey is for losers. And latino ganglords.
  6. L

    Smiths Reference on The Family Guy

    We'll just have to wait till the manatees pick up the Morrissey idea ball. south park anyone?
  7. L

    New BBC drama about the early days of the Smiths written by Russell T Davis!

    Here's the trailer: I know. It's serious.
  8. L

    James Maker & The Smiths

    I personally don't find plaid shirts and stilettos an odd combination, becouse many lumber-jacks are known transvestites.
  9. L

    Here Be Spoilers: 12 New Song Titles!

    Why is Action Man not receiving the attention it deserves? It sounds absolutely hilarious.
  10. L

    your fave Mozz answer to a question?

    Q: Who last saw you in your natural state? M: Almost certainly the doctor who brought me into this cruel world.
  11. L

    Morrissey Duets

    Tom Waits. Just imagine.
  12. L

    Morrissey Hair Thread

    One day, I had an enormous quiff. A german soldier, sporting the quiff in ww2
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