posted by davidt on Monday August 27 2001, @09:00AM
An anonymous person writes:

A few weeks ago my brother and a friend of his decided to go to LA. "It was a huge difference from dismal NYC" my brother says.

On their last night there, they went to a bar on the sunset strip... its name I will not give... and decide to have a few drinks. After quite a while of downing tequila shots, my brother decides that it is time he uses the little boys room.

When he steps in he sees a man bent over a white porcelain sink, who appears to be sobbing. My brother - who is quite shy - goes over to the man, taps him on the back and asks "Are you crying? Can I help you with anything?". The man stands up straight and turns toward my brother wiping his teary eyes. My brother - who has been a fan of Morrissey/The Smiths since his early teens - recognises the man's face in a split second (although very red and "heated looking")... It is the man himself! Morrissey. My brother has waited for this day for so long... to finally meet his idol. "Oh my God!" my brother exclaims. "Why are you crying? Are you OK?". Morrissey looks confused. "Crying?" he asks, "I was laughing." My brother is relieved. "You see", says Moz, "a young woman sitting in a booth behind me threw up all over her date's front!" My brother and Morrissey share a laugh, and my brother asks - his shyness is gone by now - if Morrissey would like a to join him in a drink. "I'd be pleased" is his answer. "... But please, let me pay." My brother says "No, I'll pay... you have no idea how much your music means to me." But Morrissey won't give in. "Consolation", he says with a smile, "is worth more to me than anything on earth... even if you were mistaken."
posted by davidt on Monday August 27 2001, @09:00AM
Giselle Gazda writes:

In the current issue (Aug. 17, 2001) of the Dallas area gay and lesbian newspaper, "The Dallas Voice", Lypsinka, the drag performer writes about her opinions on cars. After being in Los Angeles, "I've made friends with Morrissey, the singer, and he drove up here the other day in a black BMW convertible. And I must say he looked very dashing. He has black hair and I'm into colour coordination. The black hair matched the car and probably matched his mood. He looked great in that car," she swoons. Is that a match or what?
UPDATE (Aug. 28): Link to Lypsinka domain posted in the comments section, corrected spelling of name (Lypsinka, not "Lypsynka").
posted by davidt on Monday August 27 2001, @09:00AM
posted by davidt on Monday August 27 2001, @09:00AM
A lot of people saw this reference. There seem to be a lot of these references to Morrissey's sexuality lately - even though he has never officialy stated it and he hasn't mentioned the topic in many years. Dean writes:

Just caught this last night as I tuned in for my nightly dose of "Politically Incorrect" (Aug. 24). The topic was Gary Condit's ABC interview and the guests were discussing why some girls are attracted to certain men which they really had no chance of getting. One of the guests, former Kids in the Hall member Dave Foley, likened female interns' attraction to older married politicians with the fact that many females are attracted to Morrissey "who is gay." I don't think that many audience members knew who Morrissey was, or any of the guests for that matter. But, at least Moz got a mention on a hip show, albeit a somewhat derogatory one depending on who you ask.
Xhris also writes:

Finally! Gary Condit - Morrissey connection found!
In a bizarre reference during Friday's "Politically Incorrect," after a young female panelist was going on and on trying to figure out what Chandra Levy could have *possibly* seen in that creepy Gary Condit, former Kid in the Hall Dave Foley observed: "Well, a lot of young women have huge crushes on Morrissey -- and he's gay! So there!"

A left-field observation to be sure, but nice to know that others have Morrissey references ready to go at the drop of a hat, too.

Fozzie Moz also writes:

On the Friday episode of "Politically Incorrect," Dave Foley, a panel guest and former "Kids In The Hall" troop member, made a Moz reference. They were talking about Gary Condit and what Chandra Levy saw in him, they strayed off into "what does anyone see in anyone?" and then Foley added something along the lines of "tons of girls are in love with Morrissey and he's gay." Far from being a definitive statement...Foley did once wear a "Smiths" shirt during a "Kids In The Hall" sketch. Trivial no doubt...
posted by davidt on Monday August 27 2001, @09:00AM
StuartD writes:

Just got a copy of Friendship 7's single.... most unfortunate, and I speak as a normally charitable Smiths/Moz cover versions collector. Like a cross between Dollar and Strawberry Switchblade on a very, very bad day.
UPDATE (Aug. 28): Sorry, this is a repeat story, the cover was already mentioned back on Mar. 21 (Friendship Seven cover "There Is A Light...").
posted by davidt on Monday August 27 2001, @09:00AM

Just came across an article in the latest issue of BLENDER magazine, from the people of MAXIM. There is a story about Ryan Adams who play Alt-Country type of music. In the article it states that "He's sensitive without being drippy, funny but pained - a Morrissey who articulates the anguish of straight people. It also notes that Morrissey is one of his idols. Just a little tidbit to pass along.
posted by davidt on Monday August 27 2001, @09:00AM
chelsea smiler writes:

Under the title "Smiths Crips" (a pun on a british brand of crisps) there's an article in the September issue of style magazine Dazed & Confused #81 which looks at groups of Latino Smiths and Morrissey fans. Based around interviews and photos of various members of LA "social clubs" it suggests that these fans are turning to Morrissey in a reaction against hip-hop and MTV. The text, by Jessica Hundley, has something of an incredulous tone as if to say "who would have believed that anyone still liked Morrissey, not least someone who isn't a pale sickly creature who has been locked in a bedsit in Whalley Range since '85." The tired old 'racist' comments are paraded as well although Hundley seems unaware of her own superior and culturally patronising tone - "For them [ie the Latino Fans], Morrissey is not only music, but also fashion and feelings and life and they have constructed an isolated reality, which consists of some very forgiving interpretations". This lazy journalistic smirking spoils what could have been an interesting article - there's a preview of the piece at where apparently you can also win a copy of The Very Best of The Smiths.
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