posted by davidt on Wednesday April 05 2006, @12:00PM
Jake Sneed writes:
I went to Tower Records today to purchase the new album and they had me open it up in front of them. I asked why and they said, "there is a problem with the Deluxe Edition of the CD." In this version instead of getting a CD and DVD alot of people have been getting two CD's and no DVD. This seems to be a bigger problem on the East Coast for some reason. My CD/DVD combo was just fine and I had no problems. Has anyone experienced this problem yet?
John also writes:
For all fans in the US, I just went into my local record shop and found they had numerous copies of ROTT in stock and for sale.

I had ordered the special edition from them, so I've got that one.

But it looks like this one's been packaged with two CD's of the album, rather than a CD and DVD. Unless I'm missing something, this looks like something to be wary of...

I'm at work right now, so I don't have access to a DVD player to verify for sure...but if anyone else in the US has this problem, I'd like to know.
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  • Ooh Betty! The cat's done a whoopsie on the carpet!
    Anonymous -- Wednesday April 05 2006, @01:49PM (#209297)
  • My bf just purchased the deluxe version for me and I told him to check it before he left the store. Sure enough, 2 cd's. They managed to find one that had the cd and dvd. Until then, Amoeba was unaware of the issue.
    Suswa -- Wednesday April 05 2006, @02:49PM (#209309)
    (User #6274 Info |
  • fine in southern Colorado regarding the error, as far as I know. I loved finding the cd to be completely black like a Playstation disc- thus making it look like a minature vinyl platter! (Add to that the bonus YKHM 7" I got with the purchase and you have a very happy Mike.)
    Toaster -- Wednesday April 05 2006, @03:46PM (#209323)
    (User #11921 Info)
    Now the sun shines cold/and all the sky is grey/the stars are dimmed by clouds and tears/and all I wish has gone away...
  • I bought mine on Tuesday from the Tower Records in the Village and had the same problem. When I returned it today, I was told by the clerk that they had been getting complaints all day and very few of them were correct. He actually had to open a couple of them in front of me before he found one with the DVD. Definitely not a good thing for Sanctuary Records since they are having financial problems as it is and may have to recall the special edition...
    Anonymous -- Wednesday April 05 2006, @05:35PM (#209335)
  • i got the spceial edition at walmart in hawaii, its fine, the cd looks like a vynal, and the dvd looks like the cd from the single cd release.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday April 05 2006, @05:55PM (#209337)
  • I got my CD/DVD combo last night in San Antonio, Texas and it was ok. It ran me $18.99 plus tax so I'd have been pissed had it not been right. As for the songs, they will need to grow on me. "Ringleader" is not like "Quarry" where I loved it from the first play. This one is more like "Kill Uncle/Maladjusted" where I'll need several listens to get into it.

    Anonymous -- Wednesday April 05 2006, @07:06PM (#209341)
  • bought mine at a borders in pittsburgh and there was no problem.

    speaking of pittsburgh, upon reading the full lyrics to "on the streets i ran" - i am now not so sure that the pittsburgh mention is meant as disrespect. quite the opposite actually. morrissey seems to be saying "don't kill me, kill anyone else, the new-born, the infirm, even people from pittsburgh, before you kill me." that kind of sounds like a compliment to me.

    but out of all the cities he could have mentioned, why pittsburgh? maybe he canceled those shows because pittsburgh reminded him of manchester, and now he feels guilty about it? maybe this is his way of asking for forgiveness? the "working-class face" is morrissey's own reflection. the "streets" are the streets of manchester.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday April 05 2006, @07:53PM (#209346)
  • I bought the "regular CD" for $11.99 tonight at a Best Buy in Virginia. They didn't have any deluxe editions in stock.
    jim.roberts -- Wednesday April 05 2006, @08:41PM (#209350)
    (User #14330 Info)
  • I got the deluxe edition at my employer, Barnes and Noble - in fact, I got the only deluxe edition we had in stock! - and it was fine.
    As was stated, the CD looks like a vinyl 45, and the dvd is clearly labeled as such and just looks like a standard-type DVD.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday April 05 2006, @11:22PM (#209359)
  • I think the DVD is a pretty poor 'bonus' to be honest - people are better off saving their pennies and just buying the CD. I bought the new Calexico album on the same day - this also has a bonus DVD but it's a very good half hour film with band interviews and live perfomances. Much better than just adding a film of people making a film and calling it a 'bonus'...

    Ugh, I said 'bonus' too much.
    Roger the Horse -- Thursday April 06 2006, @02:08AM (#209372)
    (User #15279 Info)
  • I got 2 CD's when I bought 'YATQ'. The same thing happened to my brother.
    Sanctuary's packing plant is cpap.
    Aly Panic -- Thursday April 06 2006, @03:41AM (#209380)
    (User #12194 Info |
  • I got the CD and the DVD in a Cleveland-area Best Buy. Everything's okay. Well, I mean outside of Sanctuary inexplicably jacking the price up 7 dollars for the deluxe version. Usually albums released with bonus DVDs are priced the same. Sanctuary knows this, but they exploit us.

    Oh, my front cover has small scratched down the left and right sides, which kind of sucks. Quality control at Sanctuary is for the birds. Get a new record label, Morrissey.

    LoafingOaf <reversethis-{moc ... otstnilfcitnarf}> -- Thursday April 06 2006, @05:23AM (#209386)
    (User #778 Info)
    Fuck it, Dude. Let's go bowling.
  • I've asked around about the DVD b/c there are these weird "editing mistakes" - at least 4 at my last count - during the YHKM video (not the making of, the actual video). I know that they were trying to get a decidedly old-skool video footage feel so maybe these were done on purpose, but I found it particularly jarring.

    can anyone confirm this? I guess I can go back to Tower and ask about this, but I doubt they'd know.
    mozandeffect -- Thursday April 06 2006, @06:37AM (#209394)
    (User #13082 Info) evil something you ARE, or something you DO?
  • id rather hav two cds. the dvd is always crap and idont care to own a music video. with two cds you could hav one for the house/one for the car.
    chrisarclark <[email protected]> -- Thursday April 06 2006, @06:52AM (#209396)
    (User #9259 Info)
    "I'm just passing through here on my way to somewhere civilized and maybe I'll even arrive, maybe I'll even arrive..."
  • I just received my preordered delux from Amazon and it was fine. Thank god! Honestly I was only interested in the packaging. the music is going right to my ipod anyway and the video is usually crap anyway.
    Anonymous -- Thursday April 06 2006, @07:48AM (#209398)
  • I have been a collector of vinyl and Cd's for many years. Just to help out anyone who does not know what a 'special edition' CD means, I will try to clarify this for you. Usually, {and I use this word carefully} when an artist releases a SE CD or CD/DVD, you are supposed to get a few extra's that the regular release does not have. Such as, a poster, photos, extra tracks {demo's, b-sides, etc} and special packaging. But if you are paying $3 or $4 dollars more for a cardboard package with a cheesy video of the first single on the Bonus DVD included {to which you will never watch more than once}, SAVE YOUR MONEY! The best bet is to buy the regular CD release the week it comes out for the sale price.
    Paneeks -- Thursday April 06 2006, @12:03PM (#209459)
    (User #13051 Info)
    "A beach is a place where a man can feel, its the only soul in the world thats real".

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