posted by davidt on Monday June 27 2005, @11:00AM
radioscooter writes:
PETA is holding its 25th anniversary gala event in Hollywood, California on September 10, 2005 and this year the main humanitarian honor - the Linda McCartney Memorial Award - will be presented to Morrissey (by Chrissie Hynde)

The event is a celebration that PETA like those that PETA has held in the past that raise money and awareness of animal rights issues. Most food, services and usual 'gala' accessories are donated by the sponsors.

No mention yet of Moz actually performing at the event, but Paul McCartney did so in 1999 with Chrissie Hynde and others and that Gala was filmed and the performances were shown on television that year. So you never know...
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  • if he'll wear his gucci?
    Anonymous -- Monday June 27 2005, @11:22AM (#168782)
  • I guess this proves 'finally' that the so called Smiths/Morrissey fan's comment about "seeing Morrissey walking out of McDonalds in New York a few years back was nothing but a rumour. And a lame one at that! VIVA VEG!
    Paneeks -- Monday June 27 2005, @11:24AM (#168784)
    (User #13051 Info)
    "A beach is a place where a man can feel, its the only soul in the world thats real".
    • Is Marr still a veggie? by Foster (Score:1) Tuesday June 28 2005, @06:31PM
      • If you go to, he says this:

        I don't eat dairy products either, not for any moral reason, I just feel better without that stuff. I recommend it. People don't actually realize the effect that food has on their mind and vibe. I don't like being sluggish and slow, so I avoid cheese and milk and bread too. I became a vegetarian because of Angie, my wife, and Morrissey in about 1983. I try to avoid leather as much as I can but not totally I'm afraid to say.

        Well, of course he can't avoid leather - Johnny without a leather jacket? It just wouldn't look right! ;)

        PS: He said 'vibe'. I wonder if he says 'doobie' as well?
        Helvissa -- Thursday June 30 2005, @06:26AM (#169190)
        (User #12421 Info |
        • 1 reply beneath your current threshold.
  • no. I think he'll wear his fur
    Anonymous -- Monday June 27 2005, @11:26AM (#168786)
  • i hope they present him with a lifetime supply of Linda McCartney TV dinners.
    suzanne -- Monday June 27 2005, @11:29AM (#168788)
    (User #36 Info)
    I scare dead people.
  • peta is bullshit (Score:2, Interesting)

    How about Morrissey asks the PETA folks if all the people who gave money to PETA on the basis of Morrissey's endorsing them knew that PETA vans were picking up cats and dogs with the stated promise that they'd try and adopt them out but instead killed them in the van and tossed them in a dumpster behind a Piggy-Wiggly?

    Ask them why PETA only adopted out 14% of animals it took in whereas a neighboring shelter managed 73%.

    Ask them why a veterinarian had just handed over to PETA some highly-adoptable kittens and then had to see them dead in a dumpster that same day.

    Yeah, enjoy your celebrity events, PETA, but you can drop that "ethical" word off your name now. (Not that I ever found PETA to be ethical to begin with.)

    And I noticed PETA's normally rapid-response web site has not a word to say about this latest scandal. So typical.

    LoafingOaf <reversethis-{moc ... otstnilfcitnarf}> -- Monday June 27 2005, @11:34AM (#168791)
    (User #778 Info)
    Fuck it, Dude. Let's go bowling.
    • Re:peta is bullshit (Score:3, Interesting)

      you know, i find that most organizations that are based around a cause aren't actually effective at anything once it grows into a huge monster of a corporation.

      i first became aware of this phenomenon when an organization that is based around fighting diabetes sent my place of employment a bunch of Krispy Kreme donuts as a "thank you" for being involved in their organization. they didn't even send any fruit or sugar-free candy for any person who might have been either watching their weight or were diabetic.

      they sponsor marathons that people enter to help raise money for diabetes research. how much of that money actually makes it to that stage once the CEO, the PR department, and the lawmakers get paid their share, who knows?

      MADD is another one. used to be a good organization. now, they rake in tons of money off of people who are forced to attend their DUI classes after they were arrested for failing to use a turn signal, even if the charges were dropped. MADD also backs away from criticizing any organization that hands it a big chunk of money such as cell phone companies, insurance companies, and automotive corporations.
      suzanne -- Monday June 27 2005, @11:46AM (#168795)
      (User #36 Info)
      I scare dead people.
      • Re:peta is bullshit (Score:3, Interesting)

        Interesting points, Suzanne.

        I totally agree with you about MADD. Yup, started with a worthy mission, but now they've become this big institution who's main purpose is just to keep raising more money.

        And what's become so annoying about MADD in recent years is how they always wanna expand "drunk driving" to include ever-lower levels of alcohol in the bloodstream, to the point where if you even have one glass of wine at dinner you've gotta wonder if you'll get pulled over on some pretext by the cops laying in wait and have your life screwed up.

        They also throw around the phrase "alcohol-related accident" in a way that misleads - their definition includes accidents where no drunk-driver was the cause at all, just as long as someone in the incident had had some alcohol in them. This reveals MADD wanting to make the statistics seem as bad as possible, to give them more reason to exist and recieve more money.
        LoafingOaf <reversethis-{moc ... otstnilfcitnarf}> -- Monday June 27 2005, @12:26PM (#168802)
        (User #778 Info)
        Fuck it, Dude. Let's go bowling.
        • Re:peta is bullshit by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday June 27 2005, @12:52PM
          • Re:peta is bullshit (Score:2, Interesting)

            they raise money for themselves which they in turn use to pay off the lawmakers to make more useless laws.

            basically, what happened is that the tee-totallers took over the organization and the founder of the entire organization left because it became more prohibitionist than she wanted. these are people who think that alcohol is of the devil and they hire biased researchers who corroborate their views. one biggie is that they said lowering the BAC to .08 would save hundreds of lives per year. so far, the only thing that has happened is the number of arrests have gone up while fatalities have remained unchanged. why? because cops are now wasting their time on finding people with broken taillights to have an excuse to pull them over instead of actually looking for someone weaving all over the road.

            a person who is .08 is not really much more dangerous on the road than a person who hasn't had anything to drink. the vast majority of fatal accidents involve a person who drank about 9 beers before they got behind the wheel.
            suzanne -- Monday June 27 2005, @01:16PM (#168809)
            (User #36 Info)
            I scare dead people.
          • Re:peta is bullshit by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday June 27 2005, @01:27PM
        • Re:peta is bullshit (Score:2, Informative)

          My mother was the president of the OC chapter of MADD when I was a kid in the 80's. Yes, it was a good organziation and Candy Lightner, the founder, had a good idea. Losing a loved one to a drunken driver is a terrible thing that can and should be prevented, that being said though, corporate bullshit has ruined the whole thing to where, as stated above, most of the original founders/members have majorly distanced themselves. It seems the same thing has befallen PETA. It's sad and disgusting that original good ideas end up defiled by major corporations who dont care about anything but profit!
          WhyteGrrrl <[email protected]> -- Monday June 27 2005, @02:35PM (#168830)
          (User #13540 Info |
          No One Can Hold A Candle To You
          • right. instead of the group being populated by people who care, its now filled with people who wouldn't have employment without creating a useless cause for themselves.

            does anyone besides me remember the Monty Python skit about the Society for Putting things on top of other things?

            these CEOs at MADD (who, ironically, are now mostly men and not concerned mothers) get a good paycheck which affords them nice houses and entrance to the country club. why on Earth would they turn out the lights and say, "that's it folks. we've done our job"? does it really matter to them that there is some shmuck who is now completely broke from court and attorney fees and can't drive to work because they were wearing heels and tripped on a crack on the sidewalk while doing the sobriety test?

            no. it simply becomes a machine that crunches onward into oblivion. you have all of these people who work within the company who are beating themselves in the head trying to impress their bosses in hopes that they too can be a highly paid 'ho and they do it without even thinking about the consequences of what they are doing because they don't have to actually interact with the people they got tossed into the pokey thanks to their hard work. even if they did have an epiphony, who in the company is going to be brave enough to stand up and say, "you know, i think this is crazy" because they'll be fired and replaced with somebody who thinks it's great.
            suzanne -- Monday June 27 2005, @08:19PM (#168884)
            (User #36 Info)
            I scare dead people.
      • Re:peta is bullshit by lg (Score:1) Monday June 27 2005, @11:05PM
      • Re:peta is bullshit by mozangel75 (Score:1) Tuesday June 28 2005, @08:02AM
    • It's all relative and people expect perfection when only gradual improvement is usually possible. That's probably why it's so hard to change anything for the better, when sensationalist reporting ignoring context, conveys one side of the story. After IOW, shouldn't we have realised that by now?

      Anyway here is PETA's response on www record:

      "PETA insists that its method of euthanasia, lethal injection, is more humane that the local methods — .22-caliber rifle or poison gas. The local shelters knew the dogs "adopted" by PETA were doomed to die, PETA claims — but local officials say they were told the organization would find homes for the animals, not slaughter them.

      PETA president Ingrid E. Newkirk told us, "We have a history of communications with these shelters. They know we provide free euthanasia services. We drive down there to euthanize their animals."

      Newkirk said the fact the canine corpses were thrown in a Dumpster was "a shocker for us too," and, "should never have happened," but insisted the two staffers should not have been charged with animal cruelty. She said they were being unfairly treated and were "good people."

      Newkirk added, "You can sit there and write what you want and I hope you're happy about it. Why don't you come down and get your hands dirty? Come ride in our van and see the condition of these dogs that no one cares for. We are here to stop animals from being cruelly treated. They were being shot with .22 rifles and gassed in windowless boxes until we arrived."'

      goinghome -- Monday June 27 2005, @12:12PM (#168801)
      (User #12673 Info)
    • M.A.D.D. Hype by Mud (Score:1) Tuesday June 28 2005, @12:49PM
    • Re:peta is bullshit by MOZ IS GOD (Score:1) Thursday June 30 2005, @06:32PM
  • he never does one-off shows. did you learn nothing from the isle of wight fiasco?!!
    he hasn't been in touch with most of his band since last year...
    Anonymous -- Monday June 27 2005, @02:43PM (#168833)
  • Play "Meat Is Murder" and maybe Chrissie Hynde can sort it so that friend of hers who plays the guitar (I think his name is Johnny something) can play the music for him...
    I can dream can't I?!
    Anonymous -- Monday June 27 2005, @03:04PM (#168836)
  • Did you know that Morrissey was planning on singing with Linda on her first solo errort entitled 'Will Somebody Please Stop Turning My Microphone Off' The song that he was going to do with her was "The Harsh Truth {of Mary Eating Her Little Lambs".} To which eventually ended up on Kill Uncle as "The Harsh Truth of the Camera Eye.". Its amazing haw songs develop in the music biz.
    Paneeks -- Tuesday June 28 2005, @04:16AM (#168919)
    (User #13051 Info)
    "A beach is a place where a man can feel, its the only soul in the world thats real".
    • Has and does ? by Hello Indie (Score:0) Wednesday June 29 2005, @05:58AM
  • Starry star gazers up their own arse who pretend to do something for the cause.

    Get real..The TRUE AND ONLY fight for Animals is performed by those who are willing to serve time for it.

    Are you poncey glitzy showbiz type?

    Like hell you are.

    Get off the bus...we REALLY could not care any less than you do, about YOU.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday June 29 2005, @05:53PM (#169155)
  • Looks like I'll be celebrating Moz's honor with a nice steak dinner. A steak the size of a toilet seat; with enough horseradish on the side to rip you a new asshole.
    Anonymous -- Thursday June 30 2005, @02:51PM (#169263)
  • For anyone who is in the area or has the means to fly to LA I would strongly suggest you attend. This is a fantastic opportunity to support Morrissey and show your thanks for his accomplishments in the battle to stop the murder and torture of sentient creatures. For those of you who gave a second thought to the lyrics of Meat Is Murder and decided to stop being one of the sloths commiting these horrors I applaud you as much as I do Morrissey. PETA is a wonderful organization with members and staff who are truly making a difference. Just looking at recent vegetarian and vegan trending provides me with an overwhelming sense of joy.
    For anyone ready to flame in defense of meat eaters because they don't care about the lives of defenseless animals sharing our planet just remember... if we all went vegetarian at least and stopped this blood feast the world would not have famine in it. Children in other countries die because you must eat an animal. E-mail me if you would like data and information to back this statement up. Nothing in my life has made me happier than becoming a vegetarian and contributing to PETA (well...except for the first time I had sex, picked up a guitar and a mic or first heard Morrissey) ;)P
    GO MORRISSEY! GO PETA! GO KERRY! (damn it all...scratch the last one....I still can't get over that...)
    MOZ IS GOD -- Thursday June 30 2005, @04:08PM (#169268)
    (User #3249 Info |
  • Oh, a competition with Bono to see who's the most Humble Benefactor on the planet! I say! Darling! What a lovely ideaaa! (clasps hands)

    Oh, by the way, I saw Bob Geldof for real the other day. Ah, he's in another league...

    Anonymous -- Friday July 01 2005, @12:26PM (#169353)
    • Re:Honor? by Kristina (Score:1) Friday July 01 2005, @02:11PM
      • Re:Honor? by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday July 02 2005, @01:40AM
        • Re:Honor? (Score:2, Insightful)

          He's doing something good in the world, and let's be honest he's not as irritating as Geldof! He does his homework, he knows what he's talking about, he's been to Africa, he discusses the subject with poilticians. He has a voice and he uses it effectively. He can come across as pompous and patronising but at least he's not in your face every day like St Bob! If it wasn't Bono, it'd be someone else. Everybody performing at the Live 8 gigs today are there for their own reasons, but at least they are there. It might not change anything, but God loves a trier!
          Kristina -- Saturday July 02 2005, @03:59AM (#169387)
          (User #13941 Info)
  • Oh Well, He'll Never Learn!
    Foster -- Monday June 27 2005, @06:25PM (#168873)
    (User #14088 Info)
  • in a pita with babaganoush and a topping of zchug. i'm hungry now.
    thirsty fists <[email protected]> -- Tuesday June 28 2005, @12:36PM (#168982)
    (User #149 Info)
    "world's ugliest boy"
  • That joke is, like, ten years old.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday June 29 2005, @07:04PM (#169158)
  • 2 replies beneath your current threshold.

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