posted by davidt on Friday December 06 2002, @09:30AM
Over the past year there have been about a hundred rumors of Morrissey signing to Sanctuary. I had never heard of Sanctuary before the rumors but recently came across this article which gives some background on Andy Taylor, the head of Sanctuary Group:

Record-breaking run at the 'rest home for pop music has-beens' by Nigel Cope - The Independent, Dec. 2, 2002

Business Profile: The head of Sanctuary Group says music industry is as much about touring and merchandise as it is about record sales

There are a lot of factors we aren't aware of, but if touring and merchandise is as important as record sales, why doesn't Morrissey just sign for less than desired and put something out, and make his living from touring? It appears to me this is the way the music industry is heading, back to the way it was done before it was a big business. Perhaps the tag 'rest home for pop music has-beens' is something he wants to avoid.

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  • Now we turn our attention to hypotheticals and Moz spottings. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
    Anonymous -- Friday December 06 2002, @04:25PM (#50816)
  • it tends to be that big execs don't want to take responsibility for the crappy decisions they make and therefore spend most of their time participating in snipe hunts like that against Napster just to tell the investors something.

    and i think that a lot of morrissey has held back from being with sanctuary because even though the money does mean a bit, I think he also wants to be associated with the best and brightest and still wants to be on the radio, which is something that sanctuary isn't really aiming on doing that much unless you are the lone oddity like the Strokes that lucked into it. he's probably hoping that the current structure will collapse tomorrow and one of these other labels will change their entire strategy, because after holding out for so long, its not the sort of bang he probably wants to re-emerge with.

    but radio is a drop in the bucket. there are so many acts on the road these days who can sell out auditoriums that can't get a song on the radio. that's because they don't understand artist loyalty. they understand it when a label gives them some money to play a song, or gives them free tickets to give away. they want their business needs of being a radio station met first.

    or at least in america they do it.

    but part of that, i think, is because the cultural clock reset itself. a brand new slew of teenagers are popping up (called the "echo boomers" or Generation Y) and the labels know that these people have lots of money to spend and no mortgages to pay. they still like MTV and they are more concerned with fitting in and following trends, so overnight, they started reaching out with Britney Spears, and unless something happens, i don't think that's going to change.

    in the rest of the world, there are the tried and true. People who have been around for eons can sell just as many records (or more) than someone who is starting up, and i think they can generally get more magazine covers. he can draw large crowds and i think that means equally good record sales. so i think he should stop worrying about it so much unless he wants to be 80 years old and still saying, "well i have 5 albums worth of material and can't find a label". he's really got nothing to lose at this point.
    suzanne -- Friday December 06 2002, @05:56PM (#50826)
    (User #36 Info)
    I scare dead people.
  • Morrissey says, "I am not going to give in to the Corporate Whore and she will not give in to me! It's plain and simple. I know my worth, and if record companies disagree-or think I'm a gamble because I may not 'fit in with the current music scene', which is shit-mind you, then so be it! What I'm NOT going to do is take less money or sacrifice my ideals in any way. See my newest song, 'Irish Blood, English Heart': THERE IS NO ONE ON EARTH I'M AFRAID OF/AND NO REGIME WILL BUY OR SELL ME. Cut and dry." Morrissey will sign to Sanctuary, trust me. Any questions?

    -Morrissey's Wanna Be Spokesman
    PiccadillyJim -- Saturday December 07 2002, @01:08AM (#50844)
    (User #20 Info)
    "Otherwise, kill me..."
  • .....for Sanctury to gain a little more credability - reading the article it sounds like a perfect match to me.

    The guy knows the industry and looks like he shares the same distain as Moz for the Britneys of the world.

    Good post DavidT.
    MSMOZZER -- Saturday December 07 2002, @02:57AM (#50845)
    (User #695 Info)
    Retired Mozzerator - MJP.
  • I know very little of them. I believe they are one of very few, in that they give 100% artist control. I think its a USA label. As for major acts, Pet Shop Boys are signed to them in the USA.
    Native -- Saturday December 07 2002, @12:46PM (#50863)
    (User #4233 Info)
    • Re:Sanctuary by Vinnie (Score:0) Monday December 09 2002, @09:32AM
      • Re:Sanctuary by Native (Score:1) Tuesday December 10 2002, @08:58AM
  • OK, but where the hell is this live Sanctuary dvd of the Paris/RAH show, that was supposed to be released around X-mas? I have not heard anyting about it for months.......?
    Sharron Needles -- Sunday December 08 2002, @12:54AM (#50881)
    (User #762 Info)
    Inside every adult male is a denied little boy -Nancy Friday
  • A link to an April Leader Column
    Benton -- Sunday December 08 2002, @02:58PM (#50898)
    (User #7241 Info)
  • I'd say something about Sanctuary but I've never heard much about them. I think that Morrissey should hook up with Mike Patton's Ipecac label. It would be very strange. SpinArt or Lookout? Even Epic or Capitol.
    Whoaba <[email protected]> -- Monday December 09 2002, @12:25PM (#50929)
    (User #1366 Info |
    "Man is not born wicked: he becomes so, as he becomes sick." -Voltaire
  • it's an independent label with a pretty high profile. it probably doesn't have the historical significance that Morrissey likes in record labels, but then again, neither does Sanctuary.
    Transmission_NYC <[email protected]> -- Monday December 09 2002, @12:49PM (#50936)
    (User #5364 Info |
    "This world may lack style, I know..."
  • Can you read? The question is, should Morrissey sign to Sanctuary! I say yes, it seems like a good fit. Any well established indie would be a good fit really. If Morrissey would settle for less than a major, he could easily have a comeback in no time. The brit pop scene is starting to remember its godfathers, see Paul Weller.
    Mozzarella -- Friday December 06 2002, @12:00PM (#50678)
    (User #864 Info |
    If I wasn't a cat, I'd be a girl.
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