posted by davidt on Tuesday December 11 2001, @10:00AM
Deborah writes:

The December issue of Q Magazine has a small Morrissey reference in it under the heading "Unsolved Crimewatch!", which is basically a page about songs which involve crimes:

Late Night Maudlin Street - Morrissey

Crime: Assault.
Victim: Steven Patrick Morrissey.
Time: Evening, early 1970s.
Scene: Maudlin Street.
Details: "I came home late one night, everyone had gone to bed/Nobody stays up for you when you have 15 stitches all around your head." A local youth was latter apprehended ("They took you away in the police car").
Clues: Judging by the victim's protests ("Dear Inspector, don't you care?/Don't you know about love?), the wrong person may have been arrested.
Changes of being solved: Again, there are serious gaps in evidence and the passage of time involved makes a conviction unlikely.

There's also a picture of Morrissey with the text: "Stop! Thief! You're rather handsome.", probably refering to Morrissey's "love" of crime and criminals.
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  • It's the silly season again. Mulled Wine, Christmas Trees and crap Journalists.

    At least THE GREAT ESCAPE is on the telly on Christmas day.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday December 11 2001, @04:28PM (#22217)
    • Re:For Q by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday December 17 2001, @02:58AM
  • can you name 'em?

    'i don't owe you anything' ("bought on stolen wine")
    'malajusted' ("We'd kill to live around/SW6 - with someone like you/Keep thieves' hours/With someone like you")
    'ambition outsiders'

    did i name them all?
    thirsty fists <[email protected]> -- Tuesday December 11 2001, @05:25PM (#22219)
    (User #149 Info)
    "world's ugliest boy"
    • Re:other moz crime ditties... by GabrielGervais (Score:1) Tuesday December 11 2001, @05:43PM
    • And many, many more (Score:2, Interesting)

      The new K-tel compilation on crime-related Moz songs could also include:

      Jack The Ripper
      What Difference Does It Make? ("I stole...")
      Meat Is MURDER
      Miserable Lie ("Into the depths of the criminal world..")
      Rusholme Ruffians ("A boy is stabbed and his money is grabbed")
      I Want The One I Can't Have ("He killed a policeman..")
      Sweet and Tender Hooligan ("Strangled in her very own bed...")
      Is It Really So Strange? ("I killed a nun')
      Suffer Little Children (About the Moors Murderes)
      The Queen Is Dead ("some 9 year old tough who peddles drugs")
      The list goes on and on, especially considering much of the rest of his subject matter: football hooligans, child beating, drug abuse, racist attacks etc.

      Crime is one of his big themes.
      Anonymous -- Tuesday December 11 2001, @06:29PM (#22222)
  • whats the picture of moz like? any good??
    Anonymous -- Wednesday December 12 2001, @02:32PM (#22257)
    • Re:pic by Mr_Biffo (Score:1) Thursday December 13 2001, @10:34AM
  • Ese comentario "you're rather handsome" es muy, muy chistoso. He's not a crap jounalist, he's got to be good.
    jessesamuel -- Thursday December 13 2001, @10:10AM (#22276)
    (User #1984 Info)
    On an occasion of this kind it becomes more than a moral duty to speak one's mind. It becomes a pleasure. -O.W.
  • It is a very bad situation indeed when that criminal Moz doesn't bring us another caper of his own!
    Whoaba <[email protected]> -- Thursday December 13 2001, @08:13PM (#22284)
    (User #1366 Info |
    "Man is not born wicked: he becomes so, as he becomes sick." -Voltaire
  • Why don't you find out for yourself? (...they want to help you to grow, and then siphon all your dough!")
    IrishDragon13 -- Wednesday December 19 2001, @05:00PM (#22466)
    (User #3101 Info |
    Irish blood!

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