posted by davidt on Tuesday December 11 2001, @10:00AM
BP writes:

I talked to Boz for a few minutes before his acoustic set at Don Hill's last night (Dec.7). He brought up the subject of Morrissey, saying that Morrissey has enough material for a new album but can't record for lack of a record deal. Boz said that Morrissey has received offers to do TV shows but has turned them down. It seems they all want Morrissey to play stuff from his past, which he is not interested in doing.

Boz played a few Morrissey songs - the one's I seem to remember: Jack the Ripper, Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself, The More You Ignore Me..., Certain People I Know, and an unreleased one, the title I can't remember (Kit?). People made other requests - Boxers, Speedway, Teachers - but Boz claimed not to remember the words.

A great show by one of the most friendly people.

Mrs. Shankly also has a report on her site, mrs shankly's mp3 of the week for loafing oafs along with a video of Boz doing "Kit", and a scan of the lyrics and guitar chords.
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  • looks like our friend Neil misunderstood.

    hey, boz, if you're reading this, if you want any use out of the song Kit, and not be playing it for a tiny gathering of moz fans, i would steal it back and write my own words to it. or let Sean Puffy Combs sample it. or something.

    i think you should also get out your clarinet and do the lawrence welk version of Jack the Ripper.
    suzanne -- Tuesday December 11 2001, @10:42AM (#22200)
    (User #36 Info)
    I scare dead people.
    • Re:so, by Joemoz (Score:1) Wednesday December 12 2001, @03:06AM
      • Re:so, by suzanne (Score:1) Wednesday December 12 2001, @05:13PM
        • Re:so, by Mozzeybite (Score:1) Thursday December 13 2001, @02:19PM
  • "It seems they all want Morrissey to play stuff from his past, which he is not interested in doing." - can someone explain to me the reason of the latest best-of then? Please? I still could not find any, and I am getting sick of thinking about it. Btw, would anyone be kind enough to tell me what is the meaning of life? Are the two mysteries related?
    Havfine -- Tuesday December 11 2001, @10:45AM (#22201)
    (User #284 Info)
    "Have you forgotten how to love yourself?" Red House Painters
    • never mind it by Havfine (Score:1) Tuesday December 11 2001, @10:49AM
    • Re:hm? by suzanne (Score:1) Tuesday December 11 2001, @11:14AM
    • Re:hm? by carlos (Score:1) Tuesday December 11 2001, @12:17PM
    • Re:hm? by Anonymous (Score:1) Wednesday December 12 2001, @07:42AM
      • Re:hm? by Havfine (Score:1) Wednesday December 12 2001, @09:24AM
      • the real mystery by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday December 17 2001, @01:53AM
  • No record deal, blah blah blah! Anyone hear a broken record?
    Anonymous -- Tuesday December 11 2001, @12:52PM (#22206)
  • I'd be interested to know what shows these are that want Moz to perform. The View? Regis? Mad TV?
    Anonymous -- Tuesday December 11 2001, @03:15PM (#22209)
  • Is it really that difficult to get a record deal, or is Morrissey just really picky about who he signs with? I know that he's had problems in the past, but it seems to me that every record company out there has given him an offer. But, I'm by far no expert on this type of record company politics,so I'm just confused.

    I wish Morrissey would just explain what is going on to us so that we have some sort of idea. Who does he want to sign with? Is he waiting for them to come to him? I just...don't get it, I guess.
    hand in glove -- Tuesday December 11 2001, @10:11PM (#22234)
    (User #827 Info)
    "Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together" - Marilyn Monroe
  • Gee, it seems that Boz is the only one who is out there doing stuff......while Moz remains quiet.

    Come on sir,,,,say something.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday December 12 2001, @09:32AM (#22243)
  • who gives a poo about boz.
    east_west -- Wednesday December 12 2001, @01:06PM (#22252)
    (User #4056 Info)
  • is this moz solo or boz solo?
    go back to vini,please, steven!
    Anonymous -- Wednesday December 12 2001, @07:02PM (#22262)
  • Well, thanks for all the info davidt, but why not go all the way and rename the site? I mean that as a compliment to Boz, since he does talk and does give us some news and some gigs, unlike Morrissey.
    There you go , Boz. Thanks and please do your best to convince the Man to release the new album soon please.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday December 12 2001, @09:10PM (#22264)
  • photos at Don Hills (Score:2, Informative)

    are up... .html

    prisoner of wombat -- Thursday December 13 2001, @08:11AM (#22267)
    (User #54 Info)
    that's no hydroxolide...that's my wife!
  • sorry, take out the space in the address .html
    prisoner of wombat -- Thursday December 13 2001, @09:56AM (#22273)
    (User #54 Info)
    that's no hydroxolide...that's my wife!
  • Morrissey is worth less with every passing day! Holding out for more money is probably the worst thing he can do for his bank account. 'Out of sight, out of mind' is a cliche for a reason. His silence is crippling his worth, not adding to it.
    I wonder if he knows this?
    haze <[email protected]> -- Thursday December 13 2001, @12:38PM (#22278)
    (User #1115 Info)
  • Courtney Love is a cunt. I just finished the article in todays LA Times business section about her lawsuit. She thinks she is so smart. What a Jew-bitch. Now I've never been a fan of Nirvana's Music but she is the biggest opportunist, and an finds effete fags like Stipe and Moz easy targets to Manipulate. Even though Corbain was a hetero, he was still screwed up in the head enough to get duped (yes, there is a connection readers). She is a wretched pouch of fermented disease.
    Anonymous -- Thursday December 13 2001, @03:56PM (#22281)
  • I'm no know it all. (Score:1, Interesting)

    but I have a source who has actually hung out with the man himself and was involved with a member of Moz's band. Of course when I found out she was dating a member of the band, I grilled her about MOZ. Asking anything and everything. Of course I asked about the new record and when it was going to come out. She said that he had been offered many deals, but he is asking for way too much money for them to complete any deal Therefore, until Morrissey decides to reduce what he's asking for, which I think he's worth, then there will be no record coming out. damn it.
    Anonymous -- Monday December 17 2001, @01:27AM (#22336)
    You're losing
    You're losing
    your vitamin-C
    Anonymous -- Monday December 17 2001, @07:28AM (#22352)
  • Please put up some fresh topics!! Please, please! These are a bit stale.
    Mozzeybite -- Tuesday December 18 2001, @04:32PM (#22430)
    (User #3695 Info)
  • hasnt boz got his own www site for this malady.........zzzzzzzzzz
    Anonymous -- Wednesday December 19 2001, @01:38AM (#22441)
  • I think Moz can take as much time as he wants to release a album, and if he does release an album it very well could be close to his last . So who can really blame the man for getting as much money as he can, for his possible retirement. But I think if he signs a deal he will be obligated to produce more than just one album. So regardless he will come out with another album when it is right for him to do so.

    But when you look at things Morrissey's song with The Smiths I DON'T OWE YOU ANYTHING.
    It holds true he doesn't owe me or anyone else an explanation for lack of a record deal, he has given plenty of songs for all of us Moz Fans to cherish for a long time , and we should just be thankful for that. I know I am and alot of people who visit this site probably feel the same.

    I think Morrissey has alittle more knowledge of the record industry than we do. So he knows what he is doing . Have some FAITH PEOPLE. GOODNIGHT AND THANK YOU
    andybfour -- Thursday December 20 2001, @10:01PM (#22509)
    (User #2568 Info)

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