Wilde is on my side (13955)

Wilde is on my side
(email not shown publicly)
Tuesday December 13, 05

Up with gender equality! Down with sellotape!

05:20 AM

I have been trying to get my sister inspired about feminism. You really are never too young to start. She was reading an advent calendar, which said that Mary and Joseph went to get registered in Joseph’s hometown.

“Why Joseph’s hometown? Why not Mary’s?” She asks.

Seeing my opportunity, I launch into a speech about how women were not seen to be as important as men, were repressed and had to fight so hard for their rights (but in child-friendly terms).

“Where’s that sellotape?” She replies. (She is making a cardboard wheelchair for her imaginary friend, who is apparently disabled.)

Indignantly I cry, “You don’t care, do you?”

She calmly tells me, “What I care about is where that sellotape is.” And strolls out of the room.

So perhaps you can be too young to start. My mistake.

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  • Why, that's a fancy word for a pretty lady like you! (I jest, I jest).

    Anyway, for some reason I didn't comment on your previous entry, about Scottish voices. I'm Scottish. I have a voice. Yet it's one of the most putrid, annoying voices I've ever heard. I hate my voice.

    Hope school is going well...
    JacquesTheLad -- Tuesday December 13 2005, @11:19AM (#188721)
    (User #3569 Info | http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/handinglove)
    "She doesn't even like me...And I know because she said so..."
    • Re:Feminism by Wilde is on my side (Score:1) Friday December 16 2005, @06:17AM
  • Sounds to me like she's used to dealing with you! Get her drunk at Xmas and try telling her again (her defences will be weakened).
    KenBarlow -- Wednesday December 14 2005, @05:17AM (#188792)
    (User #13803 Info)
    There is no such thing in life as Norman
  • You always make me lol, my dear. I love the spirit of your little sister as well. She sounds like she could grow up to love The Smiths- after all she is making a cardboard wheelchair for her imaginery friend; there's a grim reality to that- a bit of the old gallows humour perhaps?

    There's hope for her yet! Personally I have always found cardboard more interesting than feminism anyway lol.
    bobmozza -- Thursday December 15 2005, @11:37AM (#188965)
    (User #6533 Info)
    • Re:I Say "LOL!" by Wilde is on my side (Score:1) Friday December 16 2005, @06:11AM

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