Wilde is on my side (13955)

Wilde is on my side
(email not shown publicly)
Thursday July 07, 05

The Quest for Knowledge

06:05 AM

So, yesterday I went to see The Importance of Being Earnest, and I can tell you that it was wonderful!

It was an outdoor performance. Unfortunately, my friend and I turned up and were hit with the realisation that everyone had brought chairs. Most of the people were, ahem, 'older', and had managed to come totally prepared...chairs, picnic rugs, picnics (Goodness, how sophisticated! With wine, cheese, crackers, and strawberries). I felt socially inadequate...like a stupid, snotty-nosed student. (How much of that is true?!) My friend and I were sitting on plastic bags on the grass, with only a packet of cheap chocolate digestives purchased in haste on the way. And then, during the interval, we queued a while for food (crisps! Sacred crisps!), and managed to return late- the play had started already. I proceeded to trample over people's picnic mats, narrowly missing a few hands, in order to reach our trusty plastic carrier bags. Not done very elegantly, I must say.

But despite this, it was a wonderful play, and it made me laugh very much. (And yes, there was a downpour. Luckily, I was prepared enough to bring an umbrella, but of course I nearly managed to blind a few people whilst attempting to put it up.)

Afterwards, it gave me the incredible urge to saunter around making terribly witty remarks about society. I soon realised that I had nothing remotely intelligent to say, so I tried to remember some of Wilde's best quotes instead. It is such a shame to appreciate the beauties of literature and art, and not be able to contribute anything yourself.

Quite often I feel the urge to better myself. I feel that I ought to (perhaps ought is not the right word? would like to?) learn so much more. I am wasting my time on earth, and if only I could become an intelligent, knowledgeable being, perhaps I would be making use of my life. In my quest for knowledge, I feel it would be nice to learn how to play musical instruments, and to READ more- I have recently been going through a bad reading time. I buy so many books, and get so excited by the prospect of reading them- I do love books, and I used to read a lot, but I just can’t be bothered at the moment.

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  • Which universities do you want to go to? Think very carefully before you choose which university. I thought "I'll show em" when I decided to go to Cardiff university, and now regret my decision, wish I'd gone somewhere easier and am probably going to transfer to somewhere easier where it is also easier to get in and the degree is worth just as much. good luck!
    davidtwigg -- Thursday July 07 2005, @07:45AM (#170245)
    (User #8102 Info)
    • Re:university by Wilde is on my side (Score:1) Friday July 08 2005, @01:26AM
      • Re:university by davidtwigg (Score:1) Friday July 08 2005, @03:41AM
  • "It is such a shame to appreciate the beauties of literature and art, and not be able to contribute anything yourself."
    You do have a gift for humour in your writing.
    redpathetic -- Thursday July 07 2005, @04:02PM (#170325)
    (User #6184 Info)
    Happy in this final acceptance of his own absurdity...Albert Camus
  • I agree with Redpathetic, "You do have a gift for humour in your writing."

    Pay no attention to seemingly sophistocated older people, Wildey - you have something far more invaluable on your side: youth and a whole life time of adventures before you. I'll bet some of them gave you and your friend a side glance, envious of the fact that they may have not attended a play of Wilde's when they were only 17 yrs. of age. Such was the case when I'd met H. Montgomery Hyde back in 1982 at Stanford University; I was the youngest person in attendance - everyone else was at least 10-30 years older! - at both the lecture and afterwards as we all sat to dine at a round table, with Mr. Montgomery Hyde sat straight across from me. I was amused when Mr. Montgomery Hyde had asked my friend - an English professor at San Jose State University - "who is this young person dining with us?!" LOL, my friend introduced us after we dined, and Mr. Montgomery Hyde was further impressed by my profound interest in Wilde...Indeed, it was glorious occasion!

    Well, what I would truly like to say, Wildey, is that if Oscar were to see you in attendance yesterday afternoon, I feel that he would've made his way through, past those older people and directly to you; haha, he'd maybe even comment that you were clearly there to see his play and not to have a picnic! ;)

    BTW, like you, I'm a very fond of crisps!
    J. Razor -- Thursday July 07 2005, @08:31PM (#170357)
    (User #724 Info)
    I'm Alone
  • I agree with the others, your writing is quite funny (which is a refreshing change from mine)
    Never be intimidated by people just because they are older, one time i was singled out by a cover teacher for my copy of De Profundis that i had left on my table. "Why don't you quote some peotry for us then?" she sneered at me, so i did

    "Suzanne takes you down to her place near the river
    You can hear the boats go by
    You can spend the night beside her
    And you know that she's half crazy
    But that's why you want to be there
    And she feeds you tea and oranges
    That come all the way from China
    And just when you mean to tell her
    That you have no love to give her
    Then she gets you on her wavelength
    And she lets the river answer
    That you've always been her lover
    And you want to travel with her
    And you want to travel blind
    And you know that she will trust you
    For you've touched her perfect body with your mind."

    She started questioning me about the passage and seemed very impressed, untill i told her it was actually part of a song by Leonard Cohen, then she sent me out for trying to be too smart
    angelunimportant -- Friday July 08 2005, @08:15AM (#170407)
    (User #14060 Info)
  • REM, Wildey?
    Did Michael have anything to say to the World?
    Anonymous -- Saturday July 09 2005, @05:52PM (#170624)
    • Re:How was... by Wilde is on my side (Score:1) Sunday July 10 2005, @06:16AM

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