Sharron Needles (762)

Sharron Needles
(email not shown publicly)

My bio is nowhere as interesting as yours.
Sunday January 29, 06


09:11 PM

Can anyone tell me anything about Whitehaven? Like suggest a nice place to stay. I really can't find much more than fuck all about it. Is it a proper town, or one of those carny type places? All I know is it's quite far. Goodbye.

song: Hide And Seek-Lillian Dupree

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  • i'm sure you wont find a place with a co-ed shower. yo, but shout a sister out if you do.

    Anonymous -- Monday January 30 2006, @08:55AM (#194998)
    • Re:well... by Sharron Needles (Score:1) Monday January 30 2006, @07:27PM
  • Sharron, Long time, no hear, much, or whatever. Write in your journal more! How bout once a month? I'm a fan, well, at least you have interesting things to say sometimes...most times, even. Don't be a stranger. Anyways, you're going to England for a show or two? I'm jealous. How do you afford your Rock N' Roll lifestyle? Anyway............................................ ..................that's all I guess.....
    PiccadillyJim -- Monday January 30 2006, @06:00PM (#195150)
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