Sharron Needles (762)

Sharron Needles
(email not shown publicly)

My bio is nowhere as interesting as yours.
Tuesday June 28, 05

summer wasting

05:51 PM

Er, with summer here, I have decided it is time to do some spring cleaning. Yes, I know, it's not spring. I enjoy cleaning for the fact that I feel that It helps me get my life in order somewhat. Not really, but let me pretend. I like coming across odd things that I had no idea I possessed, until I actually clean the house. The bathroom is another story.

            With the fourth of July fast approaching, and good chunk of time off from work, I am trying to decide what to do. Of course I have plans on the fourth, but not much else. I will probably spend a lot of afternoons drinking beer with pals, and spending money on frivolous things. Maybe go to Satisfaction one night, and take the dog to the beach. If a certain person gets her ass out here that week, I might even take her puppet shopping at some of the most exclusive places. Yes. Puppets.

            I plan on spending a week in Northern California later in July, which is always nice. I will eat a lot of fatty foods, and maybe ride on a boat. Who knows? It will be an excuse to drive through some buttfuck towns on the way, and hit some serious yard sales. You have no idea what treasures you may find on someone's front lawn, in Auburn.

            Speaking of treasures, I found quite a few at Ameoba yesterday, for once. I always go there with a list of about ten specific things in mind, and for some reason, they never have any of them. Strange for a record store the size of Aaron Spelling's house, but true nonetheless. Yesterday, I scored strangely enough. The problem with the place is that I end up spending an absurd amount of time in there, since it is so big. What's even more interesting, is watching the people that come in there. You never know who you might see while browsing the 45's. I don't even have a turntable anymore after it broke, but I still buy vinyl sometimes. I am probably the only person whom does that... Strange things, record stores.

Song: Underwear-Pulp

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