| View Thread | Return to Index | Read Prev Msg | Read Next Msg | New York, NY (Feb. 25, 2000)
Celebrity Run-in at Roseland
Posted By: mikey <[email protected]>
Date: Saturday, Feb. 26 2000, at 6:50 p.m.Briefly before the show was about to begin, I started a random conversation with a very boisterous and excited Moz fan, who starts telling me a story of an encounter she had just had while waiting in line at the women's bathroom. She starts telling me that she accidently brushed Chloe Sevigny, the Oscar nominated actress from "Boys Don't Cry," who I'm a huge fan of. So as she's telling me the story, I briefly look over my shoulder, and who is standing not more than five feet away? Chloe Sevigny, there with boyfriend/writer/director extraordinare Harmony Korine(of "Kids" and "Gummo" fame). So the excited girl basically runs right over to them and engages in about 10-15 minutes of conversation before saying her goodbyes. I'm usually not the star-spectaled kind of person, who goes ga-ga at the site of celebrity. But being near two people whose bodies of work I greatly admire made me kind of excited. I couldn't help but watch the two of them at points during the show, to see how they were enjoying it. They appeared to have enjoyed it immensely. When Moz started playing "Half a Person" Chloe became giddy and was jumping up and down throughout most of the song, singing every single word. And it felt kind of gratifying that they were amongst us "little people" instead of in the balcony or the VIP section off to the right of Roseland. We're talking about an Academy Award nominated actress and a brilliantly original writer/director who were amongst the throngs of fans who love and admire Morrissey. It was warming to see that Chloe/Harmony in real life convey the realness/genuineness of their characters that they portray/write about. Very heartwarming indeed.
Messages in This Thread
- Celebrity Run-in at Roseland (views: 1871)
mikey -- Saturday, Feb. 26 2000, at 6:50 p.m.
- Re: Celebrity Run-in at Roseland (views: 1047)
star-struck -- Saturday, Feb. 26 2000, at 11:26 p.m.
- Re: Celebrity Run-in at Roseland (views: 987)
vickyromance -- Sunday, Feb. 27 2000, at 12:27 a.m.
- Re: Celebrity Run-in at Roseland (views: 982)
mikey -- Sunday, Feb. 27 2000, at 2:49 a.m.
- Re: Celebrity Run-in at Roseland (views: 949)
Hellworthy -- Sunday, Feb. 27 2000, at 1:13 a.m.
- Re: Celebrity Run-in at Roseland (views: 983)
the girl least likely to -- Sunday, Feb. 27 2000, at 7:00 a.m.
- Re: Non-Entity Run-in at Roseland (views: 851)
Hellworthy -- Sunday, Feb. 27 2000, at 10:31 a.m.
- Re: Non-Entity Run-in at Roseland (views: 931)
money -- Sunday, Feb. 27 2000, at 10:53 a.m.
- Celebrity Run-in at Roseland-and at MSG 91 (views: 1079)
Arleenco -- Thursday, Mar. 2 2000, at 2:29 p.m.
- Re: Celebrity Run-in at Roseland (views: 832)
Emma Stein -- Sunday, Mar. 5 2000, at 11:56 p.m.
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