Would you have bought the single 'Something Is Squeezing My Skull' if it had come with three intriguingly titled, new, Morrissey-penned b-sides (suggested by Pat)

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Absolutely - that's why I buy Morrissey singles.
  52% 1296 votes
Probably - but I might have waited for them to appear on a compilation (sooner or later, they always do)
  8% 209 votes
  4% 109 votes
Probably not because b-sides aren't my thing
0% 18 votes
Definitely not. I just don't buy singles these days
  8% 201 votes
I bought it and am satisfied with the released live b-sides
  4% 122 votes
I bought it because I buy all Morrissey releases
  21% 536 votes
2491 total votes.
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  • I do not live in England, I use itunes and don't care to wait three weeks for Amazon.com to try to get a CD they may or may not be able to find...I also dont live in NY or LA so record stores frequently don't have Morrissey sections and if they do carry the CDs, they often file them under The Smiths, or Alanis Morrisette or James Morrison
    Sumonessweetie -- Saturday May 30 2009, @01:05PM (#333091)
    (User #20842 Info)
    • Re:Where by Anonymous (Score:0) Sunday May 31 2009, @09:43PM
      • Re:Where by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday June 04 2009, @06:10PM
  • morrissey should not complain about a lack of succes with this single....
    he should have known it would fail...

    he puts out way too many singles from his albums anyway...
    to us fans that is completely understandable..because all of his tracks are unique and outstanding pieces of work..
    but to the public view???
    don't know..

    also, we've heard this songs since 2006 or so..so how can we be surprised or even really newly enthusiast...

    and then with the poorly and not even new b-sides...

    we love him to death...
    it's just not enough for number ones i guess..
    'cause then he needs the rest of the public as well
    Anonymous -- Saturday May 30 2009, @01:11PM (#333092)
    • Re:all in all by Hello Indie (Score:1) Saturday May 30 2009, @01:22PM
  • This poll is oddly worded with nebulous answers.

    it doesn't let you say you didn't get it, but... or that you did.

    I dunno. It's unclear.
    Anonymous -- Saturday May 30 2009, @02:58PM (#333094)
  • The Results Speak... (Score:1, Interesting)

    Just look at the results...Of course fans would have bought it had there been something worth it on there. It was like being asked to buy the same song twice because any fan who even thinks about buying his singles will have bought the album already anyway.

    The question now is will there be a new single to repair the damage?
    Anonymous -- Saturday May 30 2009, @05:25PM (#333099)
  • I ticked the first option, because I would have definitely bought the single if it had proper b-sides. But I don't mind live b-sides sometimes and I would have also bought the single if all of the tracks were on one format, instead of stretched across three. Live songs can be really good, but I just can't justify paying £6 for three. I wonder if I'm in the minority or if more people would have actually bought the single if they didn't try to get people to buy three formats?
    Anonymous -- Sunday May 31 2009, @02:24AM (#333110)
  • I would have bought the sigle if it had unreleased new 'b' sides on it, unfortunately of course it didn't. I bought the 'Paris' single for those reasons and ' Shame is the name' was another excellent Moz 'b'side that could have found a place on the album. I still haven't heard 'Because of my poor education' but it seemed to get positive reviews from those who heard it.
      I've no idea why if Moz had to release another single he didn't include fresh 'b' sides as when the album was being anticipated there were about 4/5 other tracks that were mooted as going to be on it....so where have they gone?
      Anyway its all a bit disappointing. I was at the 50th birthday bash at the Manchester Apollo and though it was great to see Moz again I have to say that I was very disappointed in his choice of setlist. Maybe its been done to protect his voice but if he has these voice/health issues he should take a good break before coming back.
    Anonymous -- Sunday May 31 2009, @04:34AM (#333113)
    • Re: by Senior Partner (Score:1) Monday June 01 2009, @01:17AM
  • Taking the pith (Score:0, Redundant)

    First time I haven't bought a new release from His Mozness for over a decade. Says it all really.
    chump_change -- Sunday May 31 2009, @04:54AM (#333115)
    (User #15618 Info)
  • I don't care much about singles anyway...as lon as he makes great albums. Of course many b sides are real gems and it'a real pity when he doesn't include them on the albums. That's the greatest mistake he made with maladjusted. Mistake that I'm happy he cancelled with the new reissue that I personally find fantastic.
    skulll -- Sunday May 31 2009, @06:20AM (#333119)
    (User #22049 Info)
  • Some amazing stuff ends up the B-sides....I can have both, heir apparent, munich air disaster, never played symphony, etc
    Anonymous -- Sunday May 31 2009, @07:17AM (#333121)
  • but at least 1 live song from Refusal [carol, ok]
    would have been a big aprovement,1 new song
    and a CDR with the video, or extra video material
    would've contacted my friendly cd suplier a week
    before release
    [as mostly 2,3,4 singles from same albym are UK
    only, so cd suplier have to contact his delaer
    to look out for that, which not a problem]
    Celibate Cry <[email protected]> -- Sunday May 31 2009, @07:17AM (#333122)
    (User #220 Info)
    and the hills are alive with celibate cries
  • I don't mind the live b-sides. In fact, I was glad to get that live version of "Best Friend on the Payroll". The way to make most fans happy might have been to put 2 live b-sides on one CD single, and 2 studio-recorded b-sides on the second CD single. Anyone dead set against live b-sides could have bought the other single. Just an idea for next time, Morrissey.
    Anonymous -- Sunday May 31 2009, @09:34AM (#333126)
  • I buy most of the singles he releases
    sometimes i'll get them of itunes because its
    easier, but i do use the recordstore website so i can actually have the disc

    I thought the B-sides were reasonable
    All three of them have never been played live before in Moz's solo career
    which leads me to thinking they are quite a rarity

    I would like to see some of the other songs as B-sides
    "Action Man"
    "Teresa Terasa"
    "I Was Bully, Do Not Forget Me"
    and various other songs which i'm sure will be used at some point

    I reckon there should be one more single, either its not your birthday anymore
    or black cloud
    Anonymous -- Sunday May 31 2009, @10:18AM (#333127)
  • i want the names of moz fans who voted b sides are not my thing
    fluke22 -- Sunday May 31 2009, @10:41PM (#333146)
    (User #21992 Info)
    the future is around me i see it,i seize,i use it,i throw it away
    • Re:c'mon by Anonymous (Score:0) Friday June 05 2009, @06:21AM
  • Maybe the reason for the live b-sides is Jerry Finn's passing. I wonder, were more songs recorded in the Refusal sessions than the ones we already heard?

    I know there are new song titles floating around the internet, but were these songs actually recorded? I don't know.

    Maybe Morrissey is looking for a new producer, but hasn't found one yet. Hence the live b-sides.

    Senior Partner -- Monday June 01 2009, @01:21AM (#333148)
    (User #22424 Info)
    "Our firm has always been here in one form or another..."
  • I miss the late 80's and early 90's when there was no internet to be found, no downloads, and you'd walk into a cd shop and boom- there would be a new morrissey single with three fresh, new b-sides that no one had ever heard. It was fun, it was great, and it was a hell of a lot better than the crap we have today.

    Anonymous -- Monday June 01 2009, @07:14PM (#333300)
  • Poor choice of single. What's wrong with 'Carol' or Birthday'? He really is awful when it comes to choosing singles, and then complains about chart positions! Remember, 'Shakespeare's Sister' all those years ago, and what the hell was he doing releasing 'Alma Matters' when 'Trouble Loves Me' was the obvious one? And 'We Hate it..' before 'Certain People I know' and 'You Have Killed Me' instead of 'In the Future When All's Well' and... oh, I could say more, but you get the general idea (- and even that's from a rubbish single choice too!). Moz, please get Simon Cowell or Stock, Aitken and Waterman or even Rick bloody Astley to choose your singles, I don't care. Just stop doing it yourself.
    farmboy -- Sunday June 07 2009, @11:26AM (#333705)
    (User #14864 Info)
  • ... would have done.

    Grumble, mumble, moan. It ain't what it used to be. Let's have a few random singles a la 'My Love Life', 'Pregnant for the Last Time', 'Heaven Knows', 'William', 'Shakespeare's Sister', 'Ask', and so bloody on.

    Also, Skull is fast forward material - it's okay until he starts repeating 'give any more', and one feels he should rename the song 'Something is Squeezing My Vocal Chords'. It's too high for him, as is 'It's Not Your Birthday Anymore'. Probably better live, like 'Shakespeare's Sister' and 'I Want the One I Can't Have'.

    Anyone else reckon Mozzer would have voted UKIP? They don't hold with AGW. Fancy!
    kissmyshades -- Sunday June 07 2009, @02:45PM (#333718)
    (User #12542 Info)
    • Re:One... by SidNettle (Score:1) Sunday June 07 2009, @06:56PM
  • I'm buying the singles for the wonderful photos and of course if there's a new b-side, I'm delighted to slide the cd into my player, stand back and jam.

    Since we are at a lack of record stores now in LA, I've been buying the singles on import via Moz's myspace. I'm thankful that the price for getting all formats together has been relatively cheap.

    I think to save paper, maybe Moz should release EPs so he doesn't have to split the songs to share more awesome photos. Records could still be separate, but two editions of the cds...I could do with just one EP-length single release and booklet with the new photos.

    The Skull pictures are absolutely hilarious. Moz and the boyz are truly a wallop of fun when you get right down to it. I'll definitely continue buying the singles and fulfill my fetish for cover and sleeve art and credits (yeah, I'm a major nerd).
    romeogirl -- Monday June 08 2009, @08:42PM (#333773)
    (User #2891 Info)
  • Fruit salad...yummy yummy
    Lemmy -- Saturday May 30 2009, @06:19PM (#333100)
    (User #6587 Info)
    Nearly injured my pride
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