Which Smiths song yet to be played live on any solo tour would you most like Morrissey to play on the current tour? (suggested by Gonzo)

Displaying poll results.
How Soon is Now?
  11% 443 votes
This Charming Man
  15% 611 votes
Hand in Glove
  4% 165 votes
That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore
  7% 288 votes
Girlfriend in a Coma
  5% 192 votes
  3% 149 votes
Back to the Old House
  2% 95 votes
Reel Around the Fountain
  7% 284 votes
A Rush and a Push and the Land is Ours
  8% 337 votes
Shakespeare's Sister
  1% 64 votes
I Know It's Over
  18% 718 votes
  7% 288 votes
None of these
  5% 201 votes
3835 total votes.
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  • He could play this song 18 times in a row, and I would still go.
    Sharron Needles -- Wednesday October 16 2002, @10:11PM (#45681)
    (User #762 Info)
    Inside every adult male is a denied little boy -Nancy Friday
  • .... all of them!!!!! but if i absolutely had to pick: panic, because the music that they constantly play says nothing to me about my life
    comatosegirlfriend <[email protected]> -- Wednesday October 16 2002, @10:14PM (#45682)
    (User #5085 Info)
    to die by your side, the pleasure, the privilege is mine
  • i've only seen Moz twice, so i'm sure i missed a few.

    has he played Bigmouth or Nowhere Fast solo? those would be great

    This Charming Man, i don't know. no offense, but i wonder if Alain & Boz could handle it?
    mr. superinvisible -- Wednesday October 16 2002, @10:25PM (#45683)
    (User #6367 Info)
    • Huh? by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday October 17 2002, @05:15AM
      • Re:Huh? by Anonymous (Score:0) Sunday October 20 2002, @03:10AM
        • Re:Huh? by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday October 21 2002, @10:09AM
      • 1 reply beneath your current threshold.
    • Re:hmmmm... by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday October 17 2002, @09:36AM
      • I disagree by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday October 17 2002, @10:15AM
    • smithsound by INTERNATIONAL PLAYBO (Score:1) Thursday October 17 2002, @09:38PM
      • Re:smithsound by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday October 21 2002, @12:51PM
        • Re:smithsound by Lady Juliet (Score:1) Monday October 21 2002, @09:24PM
  • Absolutely (Score:1, Interesting)

    While any of these songs, with the exception of Panic which I find trite and preachy, would be absolutely the height of the show, Hand in Glove would be my pick. It is quintessential Smith's and embodies a simple driving sound that begat their more polished ( and more textured) songs like those you hear on Strangeway's.
    "Hand" shows Morrissey at his rawest and most pointed both as a lyricist and a singer. Definitely one of my top 5 all time Smith's picks.
    H Dvl <pleaseswitchtoyo ... rrissey-solo.com> -- Wednesday October 16 2002, @10:33PM (#45685)
    (User #6884 Info)
    Life is a storm and we are all exposed to the elements
  • This song is simple and heartachingly beautiful. This song is one that saved my life at age 12, and I am 29 now. Wanting to be loved by someone you deem special and bad memories-- Was Morrissey reading my mind? How could Morrissey possibly know what was going on in my heart, my mind, and my life at age 12?
    As a twelve year-old boy, having a crush on another lad who lives close by and also having to live in a house filled with bad memories- that was me. How did this man know?

    I knew someone understood what I was going through, and that was relief. I knew I could go on living.
    sycophantic_slag -- Wednesday October 16 2002, @10:43PM (#45686)
    (User #3940 Info)
    "And I just can't explain/ So I won't even try to."
  • I've always felt that Shakespeare's Sister is one of the greatest of The Smiths singles and unfairly overlooked.

    Also, it woould the band's rockabilly skills to a tee.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday October 16 2002, @11:05PM (#45687)
  • but Jeane would be mighty nice
    me,myself and mozza -- Wednesday October 16 2002, @11:05PM (#45688)
    (User #5817 Info)
  • possibly still ill AND handsome devil.
    inlovewiththepast -- Wednesday October 16 2002, @11:41PM (#45689)
    (User #1028 Info)
    truth rest your head there is more than a life at stake here..she may well sell sanctuary but she'll also sell your soul
  • There are some excellent choices. I wouldn't mind seeing a concert where he only played those songs but as I must make a choice it has to be reel around the fountain. It is the first smiths song on the first album. There are so many great lines in the song that I always find myself singing.
    Sal Mineo -- Thursday October 17 2002, @12:04AM (#45690)
    (User #5109 Info | http://groups.msn.com/SalMineosplace)
    I don't believe in magic anymore
  • i'd die if he played "stop me if you think you've heard this one before," "barbarism begins at home," or "the headmaster ritual."
    joans_walkman -- Thursday October 17 2002, @12:20AM (#45694)
    (User #6238 Info)
  • As it is, the version he's doing of "I Want The One" is stodgy and "There Is A Light" barely passes. His singing is great but those guys can't handle it. No offence but can you see Gary Day mastering "Barbarism" or "This Charming Man" a la Rourke or Boz doing "Back To The Old House" or even Darius Danesh, sorry Deano, hitting those skins with the passion of Joyce?

    I realise those who never saw the Smiths would love to hear him sing these songs live but what you're getting is a shadow, not so much a bad cover version (to quote Pulp) but a cover version nonetheless. Nobody can cover a Smiths track live and pull it off 100%, not even Morrissey. After all the flack and insults often said about the other members of the Smiths on this site (particularly the rhythm section), what they created at that time can never be repeated in terms of musical chemistry.

    I'd sooner see Moz revisit his own material first. This Viva Hate renaissance is interesting, but let's see him rediscover Playboys, the good bits of Kill Uncle, "Glamorous Glue". I'd sooner hear him sing "My Love Life" again that try and assimilate a Smiths chestnut with that bunch.
    Alf Ramsey's Revenge -- Thursday October 17 2002, @12:45AM (#45695)
    (User #4965 Info | http://www.mehstg.co.uk/ramsey.htm)
    It's all a matter of opinion...
  • In all honesty, "how soon" is probably my least favorite Smiths song. I chose "I Know its Over" simply because of the "Queen" tour.....I'll never forget that song.

    How Soon is Now? 14 / 9%
    This Charming Man 25 / 17%
    Hand in Glove 11 / 7%
    That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore 9 / 6%
    Girlfriend in a Coma 10 / 6%
    Asleep 4 / 2%
    Back to the Old House 5 / 3%
    Reel Around the Fountain 13 / 8%
    A Rush and a Push and the Land is Ours 10 / 6%
    Shakespeare's Sister 1 / 0%
    I Know It's Over 31 / 21%
    Fence -- Thursday October 17 2002, @01:15AM (#45697)
    (User #1034 Info)
    Heel in the back, size 13
  • Has to be "I know it's over",although I would be in a heap if I ever heard it live.

    Perfect marriage of words and music.

    Anonymous -- Thursday October 17 2002, @03:52AM (#45703)
  • Morrissey will just have to tour immediately after this tour is complete with the above set list. The second hour [ahem!] of each night's show can be mostly new Morrissey songs with a few solo songs chunked in for good measure. Easy!
    Anonymous -- Thursday October 17 2002, @05:24AM (#45707)
  • it may not be the best smiths song ever, but what made me fell in love with the smiths on an alcoholic afternoon was "what difference does it make?". Still love this one.
    portmoresby -- Thursday October 17 2002, @06:40AM (#45716)
    (User #6916 Info)
  • This is the song where it all started, this was the beginning of the biggest revolution in music!!
    Spring-Heeled Fish <[email protected]> -- Thursday October 17 2002, @07:26AM (#45720)
    (User #1479 Info)
    Throw your NME copy onto the fire, come out and find the one you love!!!
  • Sorry, but for me, I'd rather no Smiths songs were played. 'I want the one' sounded washed out and 'There is a light' (one of my least favourite Smiths songs) sounded awful (Albert Hall). I know people will disagreee but hearing Moz wheel out such an oldie sounded plain crass. You almost expected him to introduce the song with a cheeky mancunian 'here's an old favourite' similar to that of a bingo caller.

    Sorry, but to hear Smiths songs which, when heard intially moved our very foundations, being churned out by a 20 year older Moz doesn't work. The Smiths were an institution but we are paying the money to see the man whose name adorns the ticket.... R.I.P SMIFFS
    mrbleepbleep -- Thursday October 17 2002, @07:50AM (#45723)
    (User #4268 Info)
  • Fantastic song and think about it...it'd be very clever with the lyrics. Hmmm, smart.
    Anonymous -- Thursday October 17 2002, @08:06AM (#45726)
  • just played hatfull of hollow and its got to be "back to the old house"
    Anonymous -- Thursday October 17 2002, @08:58AM (#45730)
  • I think The Boy With The Thorn In His Side would be an excellent choice.
    greg -- Thursday October 17 2002, @09:50AM (#45737)
    (User #6917 Info)
  • It takes years for Alain and Boz to learn each Smiths song due to their complexity ;-)

    So far, they managed to play quite simple tunes : Last night I dreamt / Shoplifters / Meat is Murder / I want the one / There is a light (have I forgotten any ?). Anyone who plays music knows those are quite basic pop rock keys with no major rythm or arpeggio issues.

    But when it comes to the hitch up pace of This Charming Man, the rythm guitar keys of Hand in Glove - which is one of the Smiths'most sophisticated song ever - or the dramatically emotional arpeggio from Some Girls are Bigger than others, I'm just afraid that the current band is gonna need a third hand to grow pretty fast !

    No offense guys, but you just might need to get your hands off the glove to play them ;-)

    Note : this could be a rather interesting challenge. If we compare Smiths to one of their fans group called Suede, the first thing Richard Oakes - the second lead guitar of Suede history - had to show was not songwriting skills but how he played Bernard Butler's old songs. It's an exam that Alain and Boz never had to pass and they definitely should make an effort ! Who wants to be in a jury ? I !
    BuggerFace -- Thursday October 17 2002, @10:19AM (#45740)
    (User #6271 Info)
    • Re:Technically by JacquesTheLad (Score:1) Thursday October 17 2002, @11:16AM
  • How about, Unloveable?
    ilovemoz -- Thursday October 17 2002, @10:32AM (#45741)
    (User #1720 Info)
    "Rejection is one thing, but rejection from a fool is cruel"
  • surely this would be a fantastic choice, probably to end the set

    with the bands rockabilly experience this would be good non?
    monsieurgazerina <[email protected]> -- Thursday October 17 2002, @11:30AM (#45749)
    (User #6737 Info | http://www.livejournal.com/users/superfurrygaz)
  • happy just to be in the same room... seriuosly, ANY of those songs would be AWESOME to hear live- and as long as we're dreaming: of course I'd rather hear Johnny Marr's guitar wailing away behind him but hey I'm sure Boz and Alain could do a fine job as well playing all those classic Smiths tunes...

    I'm really just Some Totally Random Moz Fan
  • "Well I Wonder" live.

    I love the words especially...

    "I half-die
    please keep me in mind"
    Brian Colin -- Thursday October 17 2002, @12:51PM (#45757)
    (User #2606 Info | http://www.myspace.com/youmeandmorrissey)
    plagiarism begins at home
  • And where is Golden lights, that smiths classic,bacarach and david would have just shit to write that song!
    mozzerian <[email protected]> -- Thursday October 17 2002, @12:52PM (#45758)
    (User #3157 Info)
  • If this melody were to be added to the already impeccable setlist it would be heaven.
    Marquezee -- Thursday October 17 2002, @12:59PM (#45759)
    (User #6183 Info)
  • 1). the Lady Wilde quote dovetails nicely with Morrissey's current enthusiasm for things Irish...

    2). I can imagine the Lads giving it a good treatment (have Alain tickle the keys while Boz throws in some jagged skiffle riffs and Deano plays tidy, jazzy drum fills), and...

    3). it's a damn cool song.
    s-man -- Thursday October 17 2002, @02:33PM (#45768)
    (User #1233 Info)
  • a hollow shell of a person if I ever heard him play "I Know It's Over" live. There are times when I can control myself through most of the song, but when it gets to the end- I can never keep myself together. If he played it live, I would have to be pulled off the floor with a sponge.

    A beautiful, painful, touching song.
    MozGirl18 -- Thursday October 17 2002, @02:51PM (#45769)
    (User #2483 Info)
    "It is absurd to divide people into good or bad. People are either charming or tedious."-Oscar Wilde
  • PRETTY GIRLS MAKE GRAVES! It could possibly be a great ad for VIAGRA. THINK ABOUT IT?
    Anonymous -- Thursday October 17 2002, @06:28PM (#45794)
  • ...is his voice "over"? That is, could Moz's vocal cords still handle that challenging octave change at the end of the song where he keeps repeating "Oh Mother, I can feel, the soil falling over my head." Y'know know like on "Rank", where he goes "heeeeee-eyeaaaa-eyeaaea-ed." I love singing that song in my truck on the way to work, but those chord changes are tough to do! You think the ol' bloke could still pull it off? I would love to see/hear him try IKIO one more time.
    Asleep -- Thursday October 17 2002, @06:31PM (#45796)
    (User #2464 Info)
    "Figures won't lie, but liars will figure."
  • definately that joke isnt funny anymore. there is no question
            linzi burgess(longterm smiths/moz fan)
    birdshit -- Thursday October 17 2002, @08:26PM (#45817)
    (User #6929 Info)
  • or 'hand in glove' , The Smiths first single.
    Celibate Cry <[email protected]> -- Thursday October 17 2002, @09:29PM (#45820)
    (User #220 Info)
    and the hills are alive with celibate cries
  • Not only this song is a lyrical gem, but it would symbolize Moz Irish fighting spirit and feel of the comeback. Overall, almost all those songs would be desirable to hear alive, for example "This Charming Man" or "How soon is now", or "Hand in Glove"... Yet, "Rush and a Push" is the most appropriate piece to kick off the evening...
    Fox in the Snow -- Thursday October 17 2002, @10:24PM (#45826)
    (User #4967 Info)
  • I can't imagine Moz singing this charming man, or any of songs from the debut album. He seems to be quite a different animal than he was back then. He seems to have outgrown much of the Smiths material. Though I would love to see Boz's rendition of Cemetry Gates, Boy with the Thorn, or Reel around the fountain however dumbed down they might be.
    Anonymous -- Thursday October 17 2002, @11:27PM (#45834)
  • Still I'll....
    billybud71 -- Friday October 18 2002, @07:21AM (#45861)
    (User #555 Info)
    We are the change that we seek.
  • I Know Its Over - no question whatsoever. The most perfect song ever to be penned by Morrissey and Marr. And also I also think that trying to pull Charming Man off would be an insult.
    Anonymous -- Friday October 18 2002, @07:47AM (#45864)
  • I'd love to hear this song live! I'd also love to hear I know it's over and Back to the old house.
    Anonymous -- Friday October 18 2002, @08:26AM (#45865)
  • I would like to hear him sing out my name.

    Yes I know, sick.
    Anonymous -- Friday October 18 2002, @08:31AM (#45866)
  • Well I Wonder (Score:2, Insightful)

    Well I Wonder is my favorite song. This song is pleasantly beautiful, it's perfect. Everytime that I hear this song, it's as if I'm hearing it for the first time. It's a wonderful feeling. The music is perfect, the lyrics are perfect, and Morrissey's voice is perfect.

    In my opinion, it's the best song ever written (in history). It's simplicity is ironic because I don't think ANYONE, aside from The Smiths, could pull this song off live.

    I love Morrissey's current band, but I don't know how I'd feel about them covering this song. Maybe I'm just being over protective about *my* song...

    Either way, if Morrissey did play this song, I'd probably faint. I think I'd "half die..."
    Erica -- Friday October 18 2002, @08:44AM (#45869)
    (User #5339 Info)
    • Re:Well I Wonder by Alf Ramsey's Revenge (Score:1) Friday October 18 2002, @10:47AM
  • would get my vote, so I chose none of these.

    Though admittedly that is one of the most ambitious guitar parts ever written by J. Marr; very few guitarists could pull it off, and I suspect that Alain and Boz are not among those few.

    Perhaps that sounds dismissive and mean, but somebody must agree with me or else it would have appeared on the list.
    unanimous <[email protected]> -- Friday October 18 2002, @09:09AM (#45873)
    (User #5762 Info)
  • "How Soon is Now?" really helped define The Smiths and Morrissey's career so i think that would be my favorite.
    leedoggpimp <[email protected]> -- Friday October 18 2002, @09:32AM (#45874)
    (User #2789 Info | http://www.morrisseymusic.com/)
    True friends stab you in the front.
    • alas... by mr. superinvisible (Score:1) Friday October 18 2002, @11:29AM
      • Yet..... by Anonymous (Score:0) Friday October 18 2002, @12:57PM
  • except for I know its over. But my all time favorite Smiths song.... The Hand That Rocks The Craddle, beautiful song.
    jlramire -- Friday October 18 2002, @10:31AM (#45876)
    (User #880 Info)
  • Did he played Handsome Devil or Girl Afraid as solo before??
    gan_moz_80 <[email protected]> -- Friday October 18 2002, @12:57PM (#45888)
    (User #2106 Info)
    Pashernate Love, where are you?
  • Panic (Score:1, Funny)

    All these songs are wonderful, but I would rather hear something from Kill Uncle.
    Anonymous -- Friday October 18 2002, @04:14PM (#45912)
  • he did sing HSIN at a show in 1997 didn't he? It was a one off thing like when he sang that real Queen is Dead...i have an mp3 of it and it definitely did not sound Marr-ish...
    Anonymous -- Saturday October 19 2002, @11:08AM (#45952)
  • How could you not vote for the very first song off of the self-titled record. Some people complain about the production on the record, but I think it is the rawest sound The Smiths had. I love this song. I can still listen to this song 14 years later day after day. This song has to be one of the best songs ever recorded. It begs you to listen to the rest of this fabulous record. I think this is the best record of all time, plain and simple.
    Anonymous -- Sunday October 20 2002, @10:20AM (#46019)
  • Of course...

    hand in glove -- Sunday October 20 2002, @01:11PM (#46023)
    (User #827 Info)
    "Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together" - Marilyn Monroe
  • For me it would have to be London. It is not the best Smiths song ever but it was the song I listened to (on a loop) as I pulled into the coach station. Surely for the Brixton gig it should be compulsory!
    Anonymous -- Sunday October 20 2002, @02:26PM (#46028)
  • This Charming Man is the greatest pop song ever written! (this wasn't really a fair question)
    This Can Of Spam -- Monday October 21 2002, @12:34PM (#46094)
    (User #4758 Info)
    Caring Is Creepy
  • So i will keep holding my breath... . . . . .
    DannyDangerous -- Monday October 21 2002, @04:39PM (#46109)
    (User #1158 Info)
    "It takes strength to be gentle & kind"
  • Played just one time before: on the Smiths first ever gig. A beautiful song, and what a historic moment it would be.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday October 22 2002, @04:38AM (#46156)
  • The level-headed amongst ye will doubtlessly agree that "Reel Around the Fountain" contains all the elements which make Morrissey the best lyricist of the Rock Era. This song floats from sadness to infatuation to humor to longing so effortlessly it's just stunning. What other songwriter could string together so many completely conflicting emotions in one song and make it work? To me this song is Morrissey's finest moment (amongst many)and has never gotten the recognition it deserved.

    On another note--make sure you pick up the latest Spin Magazine with the Foo Fighters on the cover--there are six letters from militant Morrissey fans printed there. One is really irritating--yet another fan who thinks he or she has to bash Johnny Marr to make Morrissey look good. It's pretty sad. Great Art comes along so seldom in this world...
    BobC -- Tuesday October 22 2002, @11:10AM (#46185)
    (User #5785 Info)
  • ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
    please god no.
    back to back with pregnant for the last time.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday October 22 2002, @01:53PM (#46205)
  • it's got to be Panic
    Anonymous -- Tuesday October 22 2002, @05:19PM (#46218)
  • By far it would have to be "I Know it's Over. There's so many countless nights I've listened to this song repeatedly. To hear it live, would be me drowning in my own tears.
    flowers4Moz <[email protected]> -- Wednesday October 23 2002, @01:02AM (#46245)
    (User #5918 Info)
  • I have a number of songs from the list that I wouldn't mind Mozza playing. These are "I know its over", "How soon is now", "Asleep" and "Reel around the fountain". All of these songs have touched me deeply, especially "Reel around the Fountain". How many times have I cried to that song. I cannot count.

    It would be interesting to hear "How soon is Now" without Johnny Maher, but I don't think that it would be quite the same. "Asleep" I know would be simply beautiful, because its not a complicated song to play and it is really Mozza's singing that makes the sound.
    Dasher69 -- Wednesday October 23 2002, @10:08PM (#46339)
    (User #6285 Info)
  • Would be sweet
    Rico -- Tuesday November 05 2002, @04:07AM (#47679)
    (User #3487 Info | http://profiles.myspace.com/users/5347553)
    Karma equals minus infinity, but I stand up for the truth
  • If I had to choose off the list, It would be Girl Afraid over Old House.
    Angela Hilda Cazares -- Monday January 13 2003, @09:26AM (#52686)
    (User #6741 Info | http://www.morrissey-solo.com/NA(NOTAPPLICABLE))

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