posted by davidt on Tuesday November 16 2010, @12:00PM
Colin Coulter writes:
Heavy Words, Lightly Thrown
A reply to recent criticisms of 'Why Pamper Life’s Complexities? Essays on The Smiths'

Colin Coulter (Co-Editor)

A week or so on and the bile idly issued by the intellectual giants who stalk this otherwise fine website seems to have abated. For a while, at least. As good a time as any then to take stock and reflect on the insights offered by these stellar literary critics. The nest of obsessives who have taken against our new book on The Smiths seem to fall into two different camps.
First, we have those who seek to infer that they have read the book and are unimpressed by it. There is something rather less than convincing about such inferences, however. When the first, ever so thoughtful, reviews appeared on Morrissey Solo, the book had barely been published and, in fact, none of the contributors had even seen a copy. So what we are expected to believe is that our critics are so avid in their quest for knowledge that they snapped up the first copies of the book to hit the shelves, scuttled home, devoured all one hundred thousand plus words and paused for due reflection only to be left unconvinced by the quality of our scholarship. Sorry, but nobody is going to fall for that one. The individuals who have spent the last week sniping on this website are, doubtless, possessed of singular intellectual gifts. But the reality remains that there is simply no way that they would have had enough time to have read the book, digested its arguments and arrived at an informed judgment of it. The opinions excreted onto the pages of Morrissey Solo should, therefore, be seen as nothing more than expressions of the impotent and barely literate rage of their authors.

The people who fall into the second category have little more to recommend them than the lost souls who occupy the first. But they are at least completely honest about their own ignorance. These individuals are only too keen to declare that this is a book they have not read and have no intention of doing so in the future. They no nothing of the book’s contents but they have searched deep within their souls and can only reasonably conclude that it is a very bad book indeed. This celebration of ignorance has many echoes and brings to mind the prejudices of those Catholic bishops who sought to resist the rising popularity in 1930’s Ireland of African American music. These clerics were only too happy to admit that they had never heard a single note of jazz but nonetheless felt entirely entitled to denounce it as the work of the Devil himself. The same smug ignorance was, alas, only too apparent in the postings on this website in the last few days. Congratulations, lads, on keeping the flame of indolence and idiocy alive.

Those who chose over the last week or so to share with the rest of us the sound of fresh air whistling between their ears differ in terms of their candour. What conjoins these evil twins though is an utter moral and intellectual cowardice. While those who posted could have disclosed their identities and entered a genuine debate, they chose instead to skulk behind the skirts of their own anonymity. This choice is both spineless and depressingly predictable. It is hard not to be struck by the difference between the experience of meeting Smiths and Morrissey fans in the real world and the virtual one respectively. In the flesh, people who genuinely know and love the band and the man are invariably intelligent, funny and decent. If only this law held true when you go online. It is genuinely shocking for many people to discover that a vocal minority of those who inhabit Morrissey Solo consists of complete idiots. What is it about the Smiths and Himself that these vacants simply do not understand? Here is a band and a singer that, more than any other, instructed people in the virtues of intelligence, wit and sensitivity. Why then do so many who post on the site seem to bear no trace of these qualities at all? Do you care or even know anything about this great band or this great artist? Your postings suggest that you cannot possibly. So why don’t you take your cemented minds and stunted vocabularies and go and obsess about something more appropriate? Like Snow Patrol. Or Blink 182. Or maybe even Busted.

So where does all this leave us? All I would ask of people is to give the book a decent chance. Some people will inevitably read the book and find that it is not their cup of tea and that, of course, is fair enough. We can simply agree to differ. Other people will, hopefully, read the book and find that the essays tell them things they never knew, remind them of things they had long since forgotten, rekindle a sense of what made them fall in love with the band in the first place. That would make all the work that went into the collection even more worthwhile. If people are willing to give the book a fair hearing they might just get to like it. There are some really good pieces in there. If there is better essay on the Smiths than the one by Nabeel Zuberi, for instance, that closes the collection then I certainly haven’t encountered it. So, hopefully people will give the book a chance. There will inevitably be some who will have neither the spine nor the spirit to do so. Those who have spent the last week carping will doubtless prefer to retreat to the swaddle of their own spiteful onanism instead. And that is their entitlement. But we should never again allow these crashing bores to use the designation of ‘Smiths fan’ to describe themselves within our earshot.

We should perhaps leave the last word on this sorry and ultimately futile saga to one of the true intellectual greats of the last century. I hope that those who mither from the shadows of Morrissey Solo will find a reference to Theodor Adorno sufficiently high brow. I realise that these are people with an acutely developed sense of academic and aesthetic hierarchy. They are only wiling, it would appear, to listen to the views of people who reside in real universities of international repute. Doubtless they are themselves alumni of these esteemed seats of learning. Why, judging from the grace of their prose, I would not be surprised to learn that they hold positions of seniority in various of the great world universities. How these people manage to hold down professorships in Harvard and Yale, Oxford and Cambridge and still spend so much time online simply beggars belief. But, no matter. Back to Teddy Adorno. In this short quotation he is saying something characteristically withering about modern listening habits. But if you replace listening/listeners with reading/readers, the text works rather well for our purposes. It offers a sense of the kinds of people who, unable to control their own passages, choose to smear their waste over this otherwise brilliant website in the insistence that there can be only ever be one book on a certain matter. Enjoy.

‘…There is actually a neurotic mechanism of stupidity in listening, too; the arrogantly ignorant rejection of everything unfamiliar is its sure sign. Regressive listeners behave like children. Again and again and with stubborn malice, they demand the one dish they have once been served.’
(Theodor Adorno, 'On the Fetish Character in Music and the Regression of Listening', 1938
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  • I had a book of short stories come out in late 2007, detailing the influence of The Sniths and Morrissey in my life on a personal level. I received mainly supportive emails, online posts, and met many new friends through my little literary endeavor. I'm at a complete loss as to why your new book of essays is meeting with such resistance and derision. Has the online world fallen even further into the fog in just three short years? I agree with your admirably composed post's commentary on Smiths fans. Met in public, they are intelligent (the thing that draws one to The Smiths/Morrissey to begin with), pashernate (wink wink), friendly and kind. I'll never understand why common courtesies are so frequently chucked out the door once people are online and not in a person to person exchange. The internet is the anonymous elixir of courage for the faceless fecal-flinging few, it seems.

    At any rate, good luck with your book, sir.

    Colin Nasseri
    Brian Colin -- Tuesday November 16 2010, @01:07PM (#359004)
    (User #2606 Info |
    plagiarism begins at home
  • I missed the mentioned discussion of the book by solo users. Can somebody please give a link?
    Anonymous -- Tuesday November 16 2010, @02:33PM (#359019)
  • I can cut the pretentiousness with a knife.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday November 16 2010, @03:59PM (#359022)
    • Re:ugh by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday November 16 2010, @05:22PM
      • Re:ugh by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday November 22 2010, @10:50AM
    • Re:ugh by Colin Coulter (Score:1) Friday November 19 2010, @05:50AM
  • "impotent and barely literate rage"

    - correct, sir. I've said it before and I'll say it again: there is an ignorant and mean-spirited section of So-Lowers whose kneejerk reaction is always to pre-judge and criticise, before the facts are even known (or the book has been read). Possibly they believe they are emulating their hero's waspish wit, but anyone with half a brain can tell that these are sad people with empty lives who seem to derive a pathetic sense of empowerment and achievement from attacking others.

    Take it with a pinch of salt, though. Real fans with real brains will seek out your book in due course.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday November 16 2010, @05:14PM (#359032)
  • I only come here via the news digest email, and reading the comments I often feel ashamed to call myself a Smiths/Morrissey fan like some of you. And some of the angry imbeciles and deranged lunatics here make me ashamed to live on the same planet haha.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday November 16 2010, @07:40PM (#359043)
  • I'll keep my mouth shut until I read the thing.

    It sounds like a great read to me.
    Georgissey <[email protected]> -- Tuesday November 16 2010, @08:18PM (#359048)
    (User #22903 Info)
  • Ok. i've looked through forums can find not a word of negativity about this publication, except for questions about the cost of hardback copy (£60,
    really?) Without links to the offending comments I can only assume this post to be an advertisement. A cheap advertisement for a £60 product at that.
    billybu69 -- Wednesday November 17 2010, @01:31AM (#359050)
    (User #18278 Info)
    • Re:Marketing? by MILVA (Score:1) Wednesday November 17 2010, @03:04AM
    • Re:Marketing? by Anonymous (Score:0) Friday November 19 2010, @09:34AM
  • This issue raises the all important question of why Morrissey-Solo allows anonymous posts. It shouldn't. There would be less bile and ill-informed comments on this site if everyone had to post as a registered user.
    Punky -- Wednesday November 17 2010, @02:32AM (#359052)
    (User #14674 Info)
  • It's not worth it. I agree with your post but there is no need to attack other bands and their fans - "Like Snow Patrol. Or Blink 182. Or maybe even Busted" - whatever anybody thinks of such bands on this site, it's all personal taste and makes you sound like something of a snob - i.e. "these are the bands for stupid people" - which is unnecessary when defending your book's corner.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday November 17 2010, @03:40AM (#359056)
  • "They no nothing" - makes you sound like Manuel from Fawlty Towers.

    "Congratulations, lads" - is a sexist assumption that the nea sayers were definitely male, which given their "skirts" of anonymity is impossible for anybody to know for certain.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday November 17 2010, @04:02AM (#359058)
  • Unless there is a secret forum that I've missed I haven't seen any scathing criticism of this tome on the forums. I didn't even think it was available yet. Is Professor Colin trying to play the old Morrissey game of saying something controversial to drum up publicity for product? Try again Col; epic fail.
    All this post proves, once again, and taken in conjuction with the existence of the 'textbook' itself, is that people in 'higher education' have WAY too much time on their hands. Try working for a living.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday November 17 2010, @04:20AM (#359059)
    • Re:Get A Job. by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday November 17 2010, @06:44AM
    • Re:Get A Job. by Colin Coulter (Score:1) Friday November 19 2010, @06:13AM
      • Re:Get A Job. by Anonymous (Score:0) Friday November 19 2010, @12:05PM
        • Re:Get A Job. by Colin Coulter (Score:1) Sunday November 28 2010, @06:29PM
          • Re:Get A Job. by Anonymous (Score:0) Sunday November 28 2010, @09:26PM
      • Re:Get A Job. by joe frady (Score:1) Sunday November 21 2010, @06:59AM
        • Re:Get A Job. by Anonymous (Score:0) Sunday November 21 2010, @07:39AM
        • Re:Get A Job. by Anonymous (Score:0) Sunday November 21 2010, @11:07AM
        • Re:Get A Job. by Colin Coulter (Score:1) Sunday November 28 2010, @06:11PM
          • Re:Get A Job. by joe frady (Score:1) Monday November 29 2010, @04:10AM
  • Shouldn't tht be 'willing?' My, the standard of education in Universities today! I wouldn't mind normally, but if you're gonna get on your pompous, intellectual high horse and insult everyone's intelligence just because they disagree with you. I wonder what Adorno or whatever his name is would make of that? As well as the fact that you seem to be doing what he criticises yourself.

    Reading through the posts you got all irate about I can see, more or less, someone bewailing the demise of Waterstones, someone criticising snooty, middle class, acedemic cliqueiness, some people showing interest in the book, some people criticising a perceived academic laboriousness, all rather mild criticisms by Morrissey-solo standards, and you react with a 2000+ word essay on why you are right and everyone else is an idiot! I didn't see any of the vicious, harsh, or evidently unintelligent attacks you seem to have noticed. I think you're a bit oversensitive myself. If you want to enter the public arena you should be prepaed for disagreement, otherwise you will spend hours of your time trying to justify yourself and end up looking even worse.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday November 17 2010, @05:14AM (#359065)
  • "This celebration of ignorance has many echoes and brings to mind the prejudices of those Catholic bishops who sought to resist the rising popularity in 1930’s Ireland of African American music. These clerics were only too happy to admit that they had never heard a single note of jazz but nonetheless felt entirely entitled to denounce it as the work of the Devil himself. The same smug ignorance was, alas, only too apparent in the postings on this website in the last few days."

    This analogy is too funny. If the responses of Solo readers to your book remind you of the Catholic Church's denunciation of jazz, then you have clearly never been on the receiving end of institutional prejudice. Notice that for your analogy to work, the potential harm of the denunciation of your book by Solo's critics must be significantly similar to the potential harm of the denunciation of jazz culture by Catholic bishops. Your book, jazz. I don't think it would be unfair to call this a gross overestimation (intentional or not) of the value of your book. Oh, and the irony of ending your piece with a quote from Adorno, the most uncharitable (if not downright ignorant) "listeners" of jazz, is too sweet for words.

    Despite the histrionics, your general point (albeit painfully obvious) is well taken: this site is populated by intolerant jerks.

    Anyway, I look forward to reading the book (as should any other fan of the man).

    P.S. Why no philosophers? There have to be some academic philosophers out there who grew up with The Smiths.
    Milner -- Wednesday November 17 2010, @10:33AM (#359089)
    (User #23697 Info)
  • With the hope of hearing sense
    But you may be feeling let down
    By the words of defence

    Far too intellectual for me. I wonder how many people elicited such a brilliant response? About 5 judging by the original thread. Maybe time could be better spent writing to the Liberal Democrats and their hypocrisy about the impending increase in tuition fees or something? Who know?

    One imagines the endless and finite drafting and of the finished publication. Of the above letter. Way to go, and as for accusations of anonymous keyboard warriors I'm pretty certain that most users of this website (or any website) by the very nature of the internet, are anonymous? Unless usernames link us to a sub-conscious nether world of 1980s Student Unions where noone paid tuition fees and we all received full grants? Or am I missing the point?

    I do hope Charlie reunites with Busted, however I think those days are numbered. And that Leona Lewis version of Run. It was our wedding dance.

    Anonymous -- Wednesday November 17 2010, @11:37AM (#359092)
  • Colin, treat such comments as a compliment..... anyone who comes on here to promote anything Morrissey related are greeted with a round of abuse by keyboard warriors who feel they could have made a better job. But would NEVER make a better job because they merely are too busy sat behind their keyboards complaining about everyone who does get off their backside and produce something.

    So Dickie, Goddard, Gatenby, Simpson, Bret etc and now you, get slated for writing books and tribute band singers get slated for not wearing the right spectacles, beads or something else not 100% authentic......
    To quote The Cure......
    Whatever you's never enough....
    John Jackson -- Wednesday November 17 2010, @02:05PM (#359101)
    (User #23732 Info)
  • Coulter, you display worrying signs of Blairism, i.e. "if you don't like my work, it's either because you don't get it or because you have an ulterior motive".

    It is, frankly, über-pretentious. Maybe, just maybe, some people did read your book and found it bland, boring, pompous, sycophantic - or simply badly written.

    Besides, you question the speed at which certain reviewers read. If you are a slow reader, then I'm sorry to hear that, but kindly refrain from taking it out on others. Certain reviewers, myself included, have tight deadlines to meet, and it is not infrequent for some of us to have to read several books a day.


    Dwayne Jones
    Anonymous -- Thursday November 18 2010, @02:19AM (#359122)
  • you know what ?????????This site is ridiculous..... there are people who like Morrissey who do not act like pricks and are actually nice....with that I do agree.....but as far as I am concerned TRUE TO YOU like let me find the right bra size because I am bored and rich and morons who insult and dissect a life of another human they have no contact with SUCK my invisible female cock.As far as intelligent people go...........even in your hierarchy and self imposed delusion are concerned in the ranks of human impotence..........speaking of university led morons.............get a grip was that what your man was doing to get famous?????DOUBT IT.WHO THE HELL does anyone think they are to pass judgement on someone else on behalf of someone they have no contact with???DO YOU NEED A SECOND POOPHOLE??????? perhaps a third because your mouth and bunghole combined create 2?Formal education does not mean you are brilliant either.In everything an average person says there is hypocrisy........Where do you fall??????? Your collective genius is better savored declined.................for the simple fact that anyone could google the shit you come up with and be less wiser for the know you jerks............your guy FRIDAY you spend more time trying to analyze than he spends interpreting YOU.........and if you have to go to university to understand we all wipe our ass you need to get help for that and take it down a notch.................followers...............good gawd this site is like a bad comedy sketch of dorks who are rotten and live vicariously through a famous person who has not only rejected the damned site but you act like does not make you a pseudo intellectual.........if I was Morrissey I would be laughing my freaking ass off and if you are in the US you would make a great Saturday Night Live Sketch...........the dorks who are rude to other Morrissey fans..........UNI right........... from a man who came from a working class background..........SURE RIGHTO why does it take a college educated person to understand and study someone who was not????????GET HELP RETARD..........think for oneself am brutally embarrassed by your fandom and lack of individuality and acceptance of those who are not followers even if your guy who is miserable on sunday...............was that very same are non thinking ......I do not need to be ranked by a controller.....I am myself........and I mean no harm........
    Anonymous -- Thursday November 18 2010, @10:50PM (#359183)
  • Some nasty boys called me names and stuck their tongue out at me. What the disproportionate defensiveness of this 'reply to critics' suggests is that the book can't stand up on its own. Get over it mate - some people don't like your book.
    Anonymous -- Friday November 19 2010, @01:23AM (#359184)
  • Hot air (Score:2, Insightful)

    Your book will survive in the marketplace based on its inherent merits; NOT by you waving oxygen madly at the flame of publicity.

    If the book is fresh and proffers new insight it will be read by many. Mind you a book that is good does not mean it will end up on the bestseller list. Johnny Rogan's 'The Severed Alliance' is regarded as a very fine biography of the individual members of The Smiths - but alas has probably only been read by a minority of Smiths/Morrissey fans; not the wider public.

    Oh well, with any luck it should be added to the reading lists of that ever burgeoning market that is undergraduate 'meeja studies' throughout the British Isles. Even if that is the case, I doubt you will become a rich man over night, even after many sales.
    Lazy Sunbather -- Saturday November 20 2010, @07:17AM (#359270)
    (User #843 Info)
    • Re:Hot air by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday November 20 2010, @09:12AM
      • Re:Hot air by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday November 22 2010, @04:50AM
  • ludicrous. (Score:1, Interesting)

    It's frankly preposterous that an individual singularly incapable of making use of correct grammar in his writing (whilst apparently using the title of "co-editor") is wasting his own time and that of hard-pressed so-slowists in pouring scorn from the intellectual heights of a former polytechnic.

    Let us take a glance at his own doubtless carefully crafted riposte.

    "First, we have those who seek to infer that they have read the book and are unimpressed by it."

    Erm, unfortunately he doesn't appear to understand the meaning of the word infer; I think the beleaguered 'academic' probably means 'imply.' Infer is something the observer does rather than something the writer does. For example, he may have inferred that certain so-slowists had read (or not read) the piece but the so-slowists would have to imply this in their comments as they cannot infer what they actually know to be thus! As the writer of a comment on this site, one cannot 'infer' that one has read the thing.

    "When the first, ever so thoughtful, reviews appeared on Morrissey Solo, the book had barely been published and, in fact, none of the contributors had even seen a copy."

    Inelegant, puerile and replete with commas.

    "and paused for due reflection only to be left unconvinced by the quality of our scholarship."

    Yet a comma is clearly required after the word reflection but is inexplicably excluded. Poetic license? Idiosyncratic writing style? Pedantic bore with rudimentary grasp of grammar and a spell checker, courtesy of our friends at Microsoft?

    "informed judgment of it"

    Sorry, I thought the Oxford spelling was judgement rather than the usually-legal term judgment. But of course the author is using an American English spell-checker. Not wrong, of course. It just wouldn't get you into the club, as they say.

    "The opinions excreted onto the pages of Morrissey Solo should, therefore, be seen as nothing more than expressions of the impotent and barely literate rage of their authors."

    This heady mix of pretentiousness and intellectual snobbery is somewhat inconsistent with the basic premise of his piece, which is that we have no right to exhibit condescension towards an intellectual tour de force originating in the classrooms of a former polytechnic. In the light of the above moderately literate rage, his own hypocrisy is elucidated; having lifted his puny intellectual sword and hung it with slight menace over this website, I would argue volenti non fit injuria.

    What follows thereafter is pretty much de rigeur for the the petit bourgeois mini-academic: a reference to historical persecution (this shows mah edumacation/liberal credentials), a reference to pop culture (well, the kids love busted) and a few half-baked arguments from the bottom of the author's moth-eaten heart (God forbid I should ever end up in such a seat of learning surrounded by angry D-grade students all intent on breaking into TV presenting by getting a media studies degree, innit; one can only sympathise).

    The truth is many of us on this website are ordinary people who do not hold professorships at Harvard or Yale (much like Morrissey, it has to be said). This is, of course, nothing to be ashamed of. Despite a lack of education, one still endeavours to avoid beginning sentences with a capitalized But and to use the ideal Oxford zed in capitalized.

    I expressed no strong view on the thing in question, no strong view on the author's seat of 'learning' and indeed didn't post a solitary word on the matter. The issue was of little interest or importance and therefore I ignored it altogether.

    However, the smug, pretentious and substandard rant above did irk and amuse me in equal measure. In and amongst the specious criticisms of those who use this website and dared to criticise the 'pamper' thing, the author sheds light upon his own compensatory narcissism, nauseating middle class snobbery and defensiveness about his own involvement in this project. True: it's not pleasant to be stung by public critic
    Anonymous -- Monday November 22 2010, @06:50AM (#359299)
  • I work a lot of nights so am reading this little spat or tete-a-tete and was disappointed when the thread had run its natural course.

    But no, like Evander Holyfield and Bernard Hopkins the two pugilists just don't know when to call it a day.

    CC (Peniston) vs the B (Boy) in a literati mash-up we salute you. It was nearly 20 years since that "Finally" tune. Choon. Please continue.

    Maybe there's an idea for a book or perhaps a musical and a BBC 3 show somewhere in this argument. Oh no sorry BBC4 obviously
    Anonymous -- Tuesday November 30 2010, @08:23PM (#359532)
  • Judging from the lack of coverage I presume the event - looking through the contents of their pampers - was a wet fart
    Anonymous -- Saturday December 04 2010, @09:04AM (#359696)
  • Wow, such a clever comment. So witty. So pithy. So succinct. You must be quite the catch. I simply cannot believe you're still single.
    Colin Coulter -- Friday November 19 2010, @06:36AM (#359202)
    (User #23759 Info)
  • You make him too appealing.
    Anonymous -- Sunday November 21 2010, @07:41AM (#359286)
  • No, you're thinking of the cowardly anonymous trolls: they are the cunts par excellence.

    Anonymous -- Sunday November 21 2010, @03:29PM (#359292)
    • 1 reply beneath your current threshold.
  • And how exactly do you think YOU come across with this artless vulgarity, you shriveled little man?
    Colin Coulter -- Sunday November 28 2010, @06:06PM (#359470)
    (User #23759 Info)
  • 2 replies beneath your current threshold.

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