JacquesTheLad (3569)

(email not shown publicly)

I'm not the man you think I am...I am a poor freezingly cold soul...I have just discovered that prudence never pays. Now, we must wait for the right time
Saturday November 10, 01

Hold My Hand...

11:43 AM

...I'm going in.

I'm actually quite terrified. Although I won't be too disappointed if I get turned down, I'm still terrified...Still, we'll see how things go...

I'd like to thank all you guys for your support over the last week or so. You've all been great in giving me advice, and I'd like to thank each and every one of you for being there. Thank you.

Next time I write on here, I'll either be rejected again in a life full of rejection, or I'll have a girlfriend. We'll see how it goes...

Off I go, lamb to the slaughter...

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