Smiths / Morrissey references in new Norwegian novel
Posted on Mon, Dec 27 1999 at 10:01 a.m. PST
by David T. <[email protected]>
From Yngve Aarøy:

The novel is called "Bikubesong" (rougly translated: "Song of the Beehive") and was published this year to much acclaim. It recently won a national literary award for best novel. "Bikubesong" is written by Frode Grytten (born 1960) and tells the stories of the inhabitants of an apartment building (the "beehive" in question) in a small industrial town in the west of Norway. The structure is actually more like a collection of short stories – each about a different person from a different apartment in the same building.

The first chapter "Syng meg i soevn" ("Sing me to sleep") is about a postal carrier who lives alone with his dying mother. He refuses to wear a uniform and delivers the mail dressed in black – with flowers hanging from his back pocket... (he doesn't keep the job very long). He brings a stranger posing as his girlfriend to his mothers deathbed, so she can die in peace, assured that he has finally found someone. -The whole chapter is full of references to and mentions of The Smiths and Morrissey, with plenty of quotes from their songs (8 direct quotes from The Smiths, 3 from Morrissey – there is a thorough quotation guide at the end of the book).

The chapter starts with a picture of the "Hatful Of Hollow" album sleeve. Morrissey is also mentioned in one other chapter, and I was able to spot at least one sentence in yet another chapter that was lifted (though translated) from a Smiths song.

I don't know if the novel will be widely published outside Norway, but its always good to see our heroes treated with this much respect. The author must obviously be a fan – he seems to know more about them than just a casual listener would. I was really surprised to see them mentioned in a Norwegian novel at all, let alone to this extent. Fans who read Norwegian should really check this book out. Not just for the obvious reasons, but also because it's really good!!!

The book should be easily available in most Norwegian bookstores, but can also be ordered from this online store.

The first chapter can be read here.

* item archived - comments / notes can no longer be added.

Comments / Notes

Awwww...cant it be in English? I still can not speak "Norwegian" very lazy!!!!

Brenda <[email protected]>
Cali...909 - Mon, Dec 27, 1999 at 20:18:05 (PST) | #1

Yeah! Norway is finally on the map again. We love Morrissey more than ever...

Bjørn Ove <[email protected]>
Norway - Tue, Dec 28, 1999 at 14:52:08 (PST) | #2

A sidenote: The author also works as a music reviewer in the largest newspaper of Norway's second largest city, Bergens Tidende. I became aware of him last Spring, when he wrote a short piece for the paper called 'Morrissey rehabilitated'. It is about when he first reviewed Vauxhall and I for the newspaper, and how wrong he was when gave the album a poor review. Now he says that the album grew on him, and that it is a briliant album, as good as the best of the Smiths. (My comment: As we already know!)The morale of the piece is: never trust a record reviewer.

gunnar <[email protected]>
- Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 06:28:34 (PST) | #3

* return to Morrissey-solo