posted by davidt on Thursday December 16 2004, @09:00AM
Mark O'Bryan writes:

I found this on Musictap. Very exciting!!!

Enjoying the same duo release that Sanctuary affords Ian Hunter, Sanctuary's Morrissey label, Attack Records, will release Morrissey's Live From the Earl's Court, a CD issue. The DVD issue will be called Who Put the "M" in Manchester and will be released the same date as the Morrissey CD. Both will street on February 22.
Belligerent Ghoul sends the link:

COLUMN: You Are The Shopper - Filter Magazine

Remember that long dry period when you thought you might never hear from Moz ever again? He would book tours, then cancel the night of. The whispers about a new album always turned out to be false. It seems those days are gone. Apparently Morrissey was hard at work somewhere in Los Angeles and now we get to feast on the fruits of his depressed labor...
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  • A DVD which contains "How Soon is Now", "Bigmouth strikes again" and many other Smiths classics will sell much better than a DVD of the gig at MEN.

    We have the marketing people of Sanctuary to thank for this.

    Oh, how smart they are...
    Silver Surfer -- Thursday December 16 2004, @09:05AM (#143270)
    (User #12116 Info |
    To me, my board!
  • its about time! thank you jeebuz
    nowmyheartisok -- Thursday December 16 2004, @09:11AM (#143277)
    (User #4875 Info)
  • NOW i have forgiven you Jesus! Thank you!
    Anonymous -- Thursday December 16 2004, @09:14AM (#143279)
  • a Belgian radiostation mentioned this long time ago. with the reissue repackage thing he now must have pleased the press in Belgium as well.

    Good thing though, the "you are the quarry" tracks are outstanding and sound a lot better live !!
    Anonymous -- Thursday December 16 2004, @09:15AM (#143280)
  • I hope it's on the CD/DVD.

    Anonymous -- Thursday December 16 2004, @09:24AM (#143283)
  • Why shouldn't Moz ride his 'resurgence' wave with an old and a new audience. He was so proud of that MEN homecoming gig, it's great that it's going to be for sale. I can't wait!
    Anonymous -- Thursday December 16 2004, @09:26AM (#143284)
  • Let's hope this ISN'T the "new record" to which Moz was referring in the 'Word' interview. I'd much rather have a new album than a live release anyday.
    Anonymous -- Thursday December 16 2004, @09:27AM (#143285)
  • Can anyone confirm if it will be the exact performance shown recently on VH2 with some songs cut out? Logically the missing songs should be put on the DVD to give people a reason to purchase it.
    Anonymous -- Thursday December 16 2004, @09:40AM (#143288)
  • ... Who put the M in Earl's Court?
    nonesoever -- Thursday December 16 2004, @10:20AM (#143295)
    (User #8448 Info)
    "... turn popular song into sickness"
  • going to Earl's Court, give it your all!
    I want a lot of 'Morrissey,' football chants on my CD, please.
    I'm sure Morrissey has prepared a lot of banter for this one.
    nonesoever -- Thursday December 16 2004, @10:41AM (#143296)
    (User #8448 Info)
    "... turn popular song into sickness"
    • Re:Everyone by seb71 (Score:1) Thursday December 16 2004, @02:20PM
      • Re:Everyone by nonesoever (Score:1) Friday December 17 2004, @01:42AM
  • Do we really want to buy this? Shit, we do!! Haha...bring it on!!
    Ramon -- Thursday December 16 2004, @11:01AM (#143297)
    (User #2577 Info)
    "I'm all over a vulture, like impending death"
  • live cd? for those too lazy to download or make a bootleg? easy money moz.
    Anonymous -- Thursday December 16 2004, @11:15AM (#143299)
  • I am really excited about this. I have played Beethoven and Rank to death and am in dire need of a live Morrissey CD. Shame it wasn't Who Put The "I" In Dublin though. And the first Moz solo CD with Smiths' songs on it. I am dribbling at the thought.
    dazzak -- Thursday December 16 2004, @11:18AM (#143300)
    (User #12218 Info)
  • malmo and copenhagen bootlegs will be hard to beat
    Anonymous -- Thursday December 16 2004, @11:29AM (#143303)
  • I love Alain's playing. I hope this upcoming live release features Mr. Whyte & not Jesse. I think Jesse is nothing more than an ex-hair farming studio hack. His cheesy soloing & cliched facial expressions really annoy me.

    Moz should have listened to what Ray Davies was singing in "Session Man". Some one fire this man - or pull a Dimebag or something - just kidding....sort of.
    Anonymous -- Thursday December 16 2004, @11:49AM (#143305)
  • Surely they would only call it Who Put The 'M' in Manchester if it was actually the MEN gig after all...

    Anyone else think maybe this is a mistke by MusicTAP?
    mspendl828 <[email protected]> -- Thursday December 16 2004, @12:36PM (#143318)
    (User #11702 Info)
    I offered love and it was not required... what else can I do?
  • i really REALLY hope this is not the "new album" he spoke of in the word interview. while this is very exciting news, i'm getting sick of the constant ebb and flow of this will he or wont he retire debate. it seems everytime we hear good news like "new album to come in 2005," a few days later there is room for pessimistic speculation, i.e. "could this be the new album he was referring to and possibly the last we ever hear from him???" lets just all pray he hasnt decided to end it with these 2 forthcoming releases.
    jp.5.22 -- Thursday December 16 2004, @01:08PM (#143324)
    (User #12669 Info)
  • so are both the DVD and the CD the same Earl's show? or is the DVD the MEN show and the CD the Earl's? that would be great if we get two different shows!
    suededisco -- Thursday December 16 2004, @01:08PM (#143327)
    (User #8691 Info)
  • Might this be the same as what dripped from John Lydon's witty pen?! If so, lol, indeed, I welcome it with open arms...apart from Lydon, I can see only 1 other person - Morrissey - being capable of delivering the lyrics of this song with such eloquently cheeky abandon!!! ;)
    J. Razor -- Thursday December 16 2004, @02:31PM (#143340)
    (User #724 Info)
    I'm Alone
  • is the best christmas ever! This news has made a horrible day very nice - but then, Morrissey always manages to do that for me. I hope everyone else is as pleased as I am. I am now going to go to sleep - with a smile on my face.
    Poppycocteau -- Thursday December 16 2004, @03:55PM (#143359)
    (User #9489 Info)
    We are ugly but we have the music
  • CANT WAIT FOR EARLS COURT. I will be crying during 'Last Night I dreamt' and a couple of hundred others do doubt.
    Bilious Queen -- Thursday December 16 2004, @04:36PM (#143371)
    (User #13079 Info)
  • Please, would someone tell me if they have ANY insight into whether or not Sanctuary will release any parts of the July House of Blues Gig in Chicago? The whole thing was filmed, and (ok, this part is slightly selfish) I was in the front, so... Please Sanctuary! PLEASE! At least a couple of seconds of it, anyway!
    Thanks! (I still maintain that Merck Mercuriadis IS a cool name. Brownie points?)
    swedo78 <[email protected]> -- Thursday December 16 2004, @09:31PM (#143445)
    (User #11761 Info)
    She said, "Eh, I know you, and you cannot sing," and I said, "that's nothing, you should hear me play piano..."
  • If Earls Court will be recorded live do you think there is any chance he will change the set list? I mean apart from the fact that he plays a lot of B sides he also plays a lot of Smiths songs. Obviously these are his songs but if he wants to put them on an album he would presumably have to pay whoever owns publishing rights to them, as I am not sure this is him. If they cut the Smiths songs from the release it doesn't make for much of an album.

    Does anyone think he may break the habits of a lifetime and change the setlist???
    Richey <[email protected]> -- Friday December 17 2004, @02:39AM (#143471)
    (User #13337 Info)
    • Re:New set list? (Score:2, Interesting)

      The fact he's playing a lot of Smiths songs, is for many people a reason to go see him play. If he changes the setlist, the album will not be widely sold.

      Do you think a collection of poorly written B-sides will do well in record stores around the world? One "Beethoven was deaf" is quite enough, thank you very much.

      If there are no Smith songs on the live CD, I will not buy it!!!!!!!!
      Silver Surfer -- Friday December 17 2004, @02:55AM (#143474)
      (User #12116 Info |
      To me, my board!
  • Just found out the show will be aired through February and March. Check the website for details:

    Silvia Poli
    Anonymous -- Friday February 18 2005, @09:49AM (#151694)

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