Yes, there were times / I'm sure you knew - (December 21, 2014)
End of year tour summary/rankings & thank yous
What I may risk calling our best tour ever ... has now ended, and my written words of thanks to all who came along to watch and listen are strong enough to burn a hole through the North Pole. It is gratifying to have so much support around the world, and the drone of my repetitive thanks could somehow never say enough.
The best of the best:
- London (England) 02 Arena
- Dublin (Ireland) 3Arena
- Belgrade (Serbia) Belexpocentar
- Paris (France) Le Grand Rex
- Helsinki (Finland) Finlandia, first night
- Istanbul (Turkey) VW Arena
- Krakow (Poland) Laznia Nowa
- Vienna (Austria) Konzerthaus
- Athens (Greece) Tae Kwon Do Arena
- Lund (Sweden) Sparbanken Skåne Arena
- Zagreb (Croatia) Zagreb Fair, Pavilion 9
- Hannover (Germany) Capitol
- Essen (Germany) Colosseum
- Utrecht (Holland) TivoliVredenburg
- Copenhagen (Denmark) Falconer
- Bologna (Italy) Paladozza
- Pescara (Italy) Pala Gpii
Oh, but the list passionately hums on. We are blessed.
My devotional thanks to Boz Boorer, Jesse Tobias, Matthew Ira Walker, Gustavo Manzur and Mando Lopez.
Panic - of course! - at Lyon (France) where we were suddenly without a bass player, but Mando appeared with wings - bigger than life, ready to eat fire... we were saved. He learned a complicated set of songs within a few days and suddenly we were boot camp ready to pick the tour up at Hannover.
Very special thanks to those who travelled to a great number of the shows. I am continually humbled by such determination, and I scarcely know what to say by way of appreciation. Julia attended her 625th show at Istanbul, and I wonder if any living human has been to so many shows by the same artist or band? Documentarily, Julia's will is more fascinating than that of Emmeline Pankhurst, Maud Gonne and Constance Markievicz combined.
Explosive thanks to the websites and magazines who have voted World peace is none of your business as the best album of 2014. We think so, too. Finally, thank you to Anna Calvi for opening our nights with such supreme Joan of Arc punch and finesse. The world is suddenly a new place.
2015? Imponderable.
Yield to no one, con carino,
Morrissey Istanbul, 19 December.
Archived original post here.