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Still Ill

From Morrissey-solo Wiki
Cover art
Name Still Ill
Album/single The Smiths
Length 3:23
Writer/composer Morrissey / Johnny Marr
Producer John Porter
Release February 1984
Recorded Autumn 1983



I decree today that life is simply taking and not giving England is mine, it owes me a living But ask me why, and I'll spit in your eye Oh, ask me why, and I'll spit in your eye But we cannot cling to the old dreams anymore No, we cannot cling to those dreams

Does the body rule the mind Or does the mind rule the body? I dunno

Under the iron bridge we kissed And although I ended up with sore lips It just wasn't like the old days anymore No, it wasn't like those days, am I still ill? Oh Am I still ill? Oh

Does the body rule the mind Or does the mind rule the body? I dunno

Ask me why, and I'll die Oh, ask me why, and I'll die And if you must, go to work, tomorrow Well, if I were you I wouldn't bother For there are brighter sides to life And I should know, because I've seen them, but not very often

Under the iron bridge we kissed And although I ended up with sore lips It just wasn't like the old days anymore No, it wasn't like those days, am I still ill? Oh Am I still ill? Oh

Live History

Play count (The Smiths concert): 151

The Smiths live history:

... further results

Play count (Morrissey concert): 116

Morrissey live history:

... further results

Appears On

Cover Versions

Discogs Information


  • Bass [Uncredited] - Andy Rourke
  • Drums [Uncredited] - Mike Joyce
  • Guitar [Uncredited] - Johnny Marr
  • Lacquer Cut By - Tim Young
  • Lacquer Cut By - Tim Young
  • Producer - John Porter
  • Vocals [Uncredited] - Morrissey


During February 1984 a limited number of these DJ-only promotional copies were circulated in order to hype the band's debut album.


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Discogs information (additional release)


One-track 6" transparent flexi of "Still Ill" with coloured round backing card, given away with the March 1986 issue of Brazilian magazine BIZZ (issue #8)


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