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Phoenix, Arizona 2002-08-09 (Morrissey concert)

From Morrissey-solo Wiki
Morrissey Live
Tour World Tour 2002
Date 9 August, 2002
Venue Celebrity Theatre
Location Phoenix, Arizona
Opening Act The King Cheetah

Set List [1]

Live Recordings


Unofficial Recordings

An audience-sourced recording of this show is circulating on filesharing sites.

This show is noteworthy for being the first show of his 2002 "comeback" tour, as well as the only time he ever performed At Amber. It was also the first time he ever performed the Smiths classics Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want, There Is a Light That Never Goes Out, and I Want The One I Can't Have as a solo artist. This was also the show at which he publicly debuted The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores and Mexico. It also marks the the debut of a significantly reworked arrangement of Jack The Ripper, which would be played often on the Quarry tour. Additionally, this concert features the one-time-only "rock" arrangement of Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want, which opened the show.

Portions of this concert were released on The First Lost Lad Under The Sod bootleg LP. MP3 versions of the complete concert are available at the usual places.

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References And Notes

  1. Set List provided by Butterfly / Morrissey-Solo