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Robbie Keane - true-to-you.net (February 21, 2013)

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About seeing Robbie Keane


Robbie Keane

It was a joyous head-storm to attend LA Galaxy -v- Club Tijuana last night and to see captain Robbie Keane score in the fourth minute. Why, exactly? Well, family tree aficionados will be aware that Robbie and I share the same Irish blood; his late grandfather (Thomas Nolan) being my own father's cousin. In filial terms the Irish blood, English heart genetic between Robbie and I is evident - his chin is my chin, my chin is his. Robbie was raised on Captains Road (as was my mother) in Crumlin (Dublin), before he was shipped out to Tallaght. He is a gentleman of the highest caliber (or, if you must, calibre), and to watch him on the pitch - pacing like a lion, as weightless as an astronaut, is pure therapy. Robbie, the pleasure, the privilege is mine.

Morrissey 20 February 2013 Los Angeles

Archived original post here.