Godfathers Of Change Vol. 1: A Tribute To The Smiths

Cover art 1997
Cover art 2000
Cover art 2011
COVERS Compilation Album
Name 'Godfathers Of Change Vol. 1: A Tribute To The Smiths'
Release 1997, (2000 & 2011 for 1 CD versions)
Writer/composer Morrissey & Marr
Publisher 24 Hour Service Station
Format(s) Double CD (1997), CD (2000), CD (2011)


This double CD compilation album (1997) was the basis for 2 further singular CD releases via the same company:

  • Cover Star - A Tribute To The Smiths (2000)
  • Hand In Glove – The Smiths Tribute (2011)

The 2011 release featured 1 new song not available on prior products.

Track List (Godfathers Of Change Vol. 1: A Tribute To The Smiths)

Track List (Cover Star - A Tribute To The Smiths)

Track List (Hand In Glove – The Smiths Tribute)

Discogs Information



"A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this album are being donated to the Lowry Park Zoo and their efforts to save the Florida manatee."


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Discogs information (additional release)


1-disc selection of double cd Godfathers Of Change Vol. 1 : A Tribute To The Smiths.

Under License for: 24 Hour Service Station


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Discogs information (additional release)


1-disc selection of double cd Godfathers Of Change Vol. 1 : A Tribute To The Smiths incl. one new song (track 1).

All original compositions by The Smiths.

"In Memory of Bobby Heim | 1948 – 1971 Cover Stars – Toni & George Dickson with Catherine Kelly & Bobby Heim Photographed by Jimmy Haugh, August 2, 1967"


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