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April 30 statement from Morrissey - true-to-you.net (May 1, 2011)

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Dermot O'Leary, Poly Styrene, EMI, HMV, Very Best Of Morrissey & Glamorous Glue


April 30 statement from Morrissey

I'm sorry I made the Detergent O Leary radio interview so difficult but I was in a foul mood, having spent a full week surrounded by the royal dreading. England may very well be a Windsor dictatorship, but - PR Weddings aside, it is usually quite bearable. If my Front Row (Radio 4) interview sounded chopped and cropped, that's because it was. I had spoken fluently about the royal dreading, but an Iranian censorship confiscated all of my views. It is distressing, but in all manner of British media in 2011 we are only allowed to hear the same old thoughts and feelings expressed over and over and over again. During the week of the royal dreading, Poly Styrene died. Having made an enormous contribution to British art and sound – at a desperate time when so many of us needed her, Poly Styrene's death was all but ignored by the British television news media, who instead rained hours and hours of blubbering praise onto Kate Middleton – a woman about whom nothing is known on a personal level. The message is clear: What you achieve in life means nothing compared to what you are born into. Is this Syria?? To top off all the pageantry, 'Very best of Morrissey' (EMI/Major Minor) has yet to tunnel its way into what we older types refer to as Record Shops – six days after intended release. The gallant HMV has yet to stock it, and did not manage to stock the 'Glamorous glue' single until four days after its scheduled release. In fact, the CD of 'Glamorous glue' did not EVER make it to HMV. With 'Very best of' I face my first ever non-chart placing – which I shall bear with dignity, although I could never be unkind enough to express my views on EMI's failings. It was John Lennon who coined the phrase 'Every Mistake Imaginable'. I shall not repeat it here. I am delighted that the June dates sold out so quickly. Beware, we are looking at four more: Copenhagen, Aarhus, Helsingborg and Stockholm. The follow-up to 'Years of refusal' is ready and fluttering wildly against the bars. There is still no record label and the years shuffle like cards. My talents do not lie in DIY. I shall be in Perth – older, but no wiser. With thanks to True To You,


Archived original post here.