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Album/Single Kill Uncle
Length 1:59
Recorded Autumn-Winter 1990
Writer Morrissey/Langer
Producer Clive Langer
Alan Winstanley



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Someone who's worth it In this murkiness Someone who's never Seeming scheming

I've found found found Found found found Someone who's worth it In this murkiness Someone who's never Seeming to be scheming

Oh, but if I'd never found Oh, but if I'd never found Oh, but if I'd never found

I do believe that the more you give your love And I do believe that the more you give your trust The more you give your trust And the more you give your love The more you're bound to lose The more you're bound to lose

Oh, but if I'd never found Oh, but if I'd never found Somebody who wants to be Who wants to be with me all the time


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Play count (Morrissey concert): 0

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