Cover art
Name Billy Budd
Album/single Vauxhall And I
Length 2:08
Writer/composer Morrissey/Whyte
Producer Steve Lillywhite
Release March 1994
Recorded Summer 1993


  • An alternate version of this song (2:13) is available on the Reader Meet Author bootleg LP.


Say, Billy Budd So you think you should? Everyone's laughing!

Say, Billy Budd So you think that you should? Everyone's laughing! Since I took up with you

Things have been bad Yeah, but now it's 12 years on Now it's 12 years on Yes, and I took up with you

I took my job application into town Did you hear? They turned me down Yes, and it's all because of us And what was in our eyes And what was in our eyes

Say, Billy Budd I would happily lose both of my legs I would lose both of my legs If it meant you could be free If it meant you could be free

("Don't leave us in the dark")

Live History

Play count (Morrissey concert): 238

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