UK Chart Position. - Morrissey Central (May 31, 2019)



"Given the inexhaustible Hate Campaign executed against me by The Guardian and their followers, I am pleased with the UK chart position for "California son". BUT WHO WILL GUARD US FROM THE GUARDIAN?
No one, it seems.

It is worth noting that their chief antagonist in this Hate Campaign is someone I took to court some years ago for writing lies about me. He lost his court battle then, and now he's seeking his personal revenge by using The Guardian, who have been harassing everyone and anyone connected with my music imploring them to say something terrible about me for print. This is the open face of Soviet Britain. Please do not buy this wretched hate-paper, whose every 2019 utterance echoes the late Mary Whitehouse. It is the voice of all that is wrong and sad about modern Britain."

31 May 2019.

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