On Writers and Writing, by Margaret Atwood

" A gift is not weighed and measured, nor can it be bought. It can’t be expected or demanded; rather it is granted, or else not. In theological terms it’s a grace, proceeding from the fullness of being. " Margaret Atwood
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Detective Smith
Morrissey just wants to feel safe to spread his fruit fly wings and dance through the air creating delightful choreography, but he had to grow himself a human ability to defend himself and other fruit flies, because people, though finding honey bees to have a right to live, tend to find fruit flies annoying, and he doesn’t want to put up with that lack of appreciation for the ‘ballet’ of fruit flies anymore. I say ‘ballet’ between apostrophes because it’s too rigid and inhumane and forces especially females to ignore the sensation of their precious bodies being misused/damaged. Fruit flies would be flunkies of ‘ballet’ school, thank whatever god or gods you believe in.


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Detective Smith
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