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Seattle, WA (Feb. 3, 2000)

Morrissey Tour News, Vital Information

Posted By: Ghost of Troubled Joe <[email protected]>
Date: Friday, Feb. 4 2000, at 2:31 p.m.

Wow what a show, I was blown away by the whole englishness of it all. If anyone says us americans dont understand Irony and sarcasm then I just tell them I like morrissey because he is like ironic and sarastic dude. Thse girls that followed the tour round from the start could never be said to be up themselves bores with a superiority complex and @#!!! all to say, could they? they never once actually made any effort with the real fans that have morrissey speak to them on more than a pond life 'woah alma matters, it's my life to wreck my own way' hey i get it dude, and there is someone that speaks my language dude, way cool!' level. It could be argued that the whole morrissey-tour site is fairly empty and boring, and that the only interesting thing that happened about the whole scenario is that they didnt carry on with the tour, saying how much they now have to pay back to daddy in there @#!!! rich american mansions. and they have the audacity to ask the site users for money~! they can @#!!! right off! If i wanted to be told in the site diary about what @#!!!e third rate morrissey reccommmended book they are reading or that someone called mimie has chipped a fingernail and OH MY GOD they havent even got a burger king in the middle of budapest!

Your site is @#!!!, it's empty of any language and writing skills that could be applauded and the show reviews would not get you a job on my school fanzine's special school newspaper.

Stop this madness.

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