| View Thread | Return to Index | Read Prev Msg | Read Next Msg | Seattle, WA (Feb. 3, 2000)
Shirt he wore and standing at the barrier...
Posted By: Gothy <[email protected]>
Date: Saturday, Feb. 5 2000, at 10:27 p.m.I'm a lucky girl. A very lucky girl. When tickets first went on sale for the Seattle show I bought one. It wasn't a very good seat. But I am ever vigilant and kept checking. I finally got a seat in the second row! That is when my luck began.
When I got to the show on Thursday I left my friends in row V and went up to row B. Certainly, I felt a bit guilty. When I got to my seat in row B I found that it was at the end of the row and there were no seats in front of mine. I felt even luckier. But when the opening band began to play I knew I was the luckiest girl in the world because I claimed a spot on the barrier and stayed there for the hours to come.
I won't even discuss the opening band. (Ok, maybe I will a little) I felt horrible for those poor girls on several levels. (That's all I wanted to say about that) I also won't elaborate on the set list or how excited I was by the songs they played. I just want to mention a couple of things:
Did anyone else notice the last shirt Morrissey wore? I think it said "Seattle Wrestling" on it but my vision is terrible and I'm not quite sure.
And now for my guilt... I felt awful standing up there in limited company. All of those rows behind me dejectedly sitting or standing in their respective seats. What the hell was up with the security there? Only the first three rows can stand by the stage? That smacked a bit of elitism. Or something.
I could have given up my spot on the barrier and given my friends a turn near the stage... but then none of us would have gotten back up to the barrier, right? I'm not a selfish and bad person, right?
Besides, Steven held my hand twice. That about sums it up right there.
Messages in This Thread
- Shirt he wore and standing at the barrier... (views: 1273)
Gothy -- Saturday, Feb. 5 2000, at 10:27 p.m.
- Re: Shirt he wore and standing at the barrier... (views: 701)
Aaron -- Sunday, Feb. 6 2000, at 8:16 a.m.
- Re: Shirt he wore and standing at the barrier... (views: 684)
The Comptesse DeSpaire -- Monday, Feb. 7 2000, at 1:59 a.m.
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